Friday, June 15, 2007

Silica - The Vital Mineral

Silica is the second most abundant element on earth. It is an essential element of living matter and humans have a critical need for this element. Silica is a vital mineral that is almost completely overlooked by mainstream nutritionists.

We are born with an abundance of silica and relatively low amounts of calcium. Then with every advancement in chronological age, the amount of calcium increases and the amount of silica decreases within the body. Silica enhances the function of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and boron, and is essential for bone development and growth. Bones need silica to re-calcify and to strengthen bone tissue. A silica deficiency in tissue causes a calcium deficiency which, in turn, results in a loss of tissue elasticity.

Silica is also one of the most important constituents of the body’s connective tissue, including cartilage, vascular lining, tendons, and ligaments. It is found in the thymus gland, the adrenal glands, the liver, the spleen, the pancreas and in considerable quantity in hair. It functions as a cross-linking agent, providing strength, flexibility, and resilience to collagen and elastin connective tissues. It is known to play a part in the integrity of the bones, arterial walls skin, teeth, gums, hair and nails, and has been used to alleviate eczema and psoriasis. Recently, modern research has focused on determining the role of silica in rheumatic disorders and arterial disease.

We know that when a cell function is disturbed, its polarities move slightly, so much of the disturbance in the organism is linked to this electrical maladjustment in the cells.

Studies with the scanning electron microscope prove that molecules of organic silica such as Organic Silicon are very unstable, especially when mixed with water. They are always changing shape, revolving continuously a hundred times a second. Under the SEM the molecule looks like a fern leaf, the prominent parts being the positive poles and the hollows the negative ones.

Thus it is probable that Organic Silicon acts in the organism to restore the polarity of the disturbed cells, supplying positive or negative charges as required so that the cells have the power they need to resist invasion or repair damage. Organic Silicon

Silizium spielt eine wichtige Rolle...

* im Stoffwechsel (als Aktivator)
* bei der Zellerneuerung (zur Verjüngung)
* beim Zellaufbau (als Stabilisator der Zellwände)
* in allen Organen (Funktionen)
* im Bindegewebe (Festigkeit)
* in den Gefäßen (Festigkeit und Elastizität)
* in den Knochen (Festigkeit) Osteoporose, Arthrose
* in der Haut (Polsterung, Faltenfreiheit)
* für Haare und Nägel (gesundes Wachstum)
* im Immunsystem (als Aktivator)
* Pilzerkrankungen (innerlich: Mundpilz, Rachenpilz, Scheidepilz, Darm,
Magen, Verdauungstrakt, Arthrose etc.)
(äußerlich: Hautpilz, Scheidepilz, Arthrose)
* Entzündungen
* Magen Darmerkrankungen (Morbus-Crohn)
* Verdauung (Blähungen, Verstopfung)
* Hämorrhoiden
* Tumorerkrankungen (Chemotherapie bei Brustkrebs, Lungenkrebs etc.)

Saturday 16 June 2007
Once again I forgot to remove the silica water test and in the morning the water was brown. I have to do another Silica (Kieselerde) water test to see if the Kieselerde turns brown on its own after 24 hours, or if this was a reaction - result of - killing the candida yeast cells.