Saturday, December 12, 2015

Incarnate Spirit Antenna Cells

You have cells in your body that current science does not know exists and if they knew they would not understand the capacity and nature of those cells #_# .. [It is true] .. and we currently cannot create this cell rejuvenation water [technique] .. but they could create it in the distant past and they can create it in the future. Secrets of Life
I talked about as yet undiscovered cells in the human body that science would not understand [their functions] even if they discovered the existence of cells. I have a good imagination and I share with you my imagination of the future that today is only a mythology. Let me share with you this mythology. The mythology of: Incarnate Spirit Antenna Cells.

When spirit incarnates into physical reality the relationship between incarnate spirit and physical [electrical] body is not like sitting at a computer interacting with the computing systems. The difference is that the cells of the physical body are: 1. Plastic = the cells adapt to and respond to the psyche. 2. There are antenna cells.

Spirit becomes one with the body and the cells of the body become one with spirit.

I was thinking about this today and it seems whatever created spirit created physical matter. I would imagine that spirit was first created and physical experience was created after the creation of spirit dimensions. In a sense spirit is the egg that gives birth to the physical chicken.

I imagine that originally the concept of spiritual purity and spiritual power was related to physical body detoxification because the cells are electrical [frequency] receptors .. and any tech geek will know that you have to keep your electrical connections [frequencies] clean to receive voltage and signals.

The missing electrical energy link is: What connects incarnate spirit to physical cells and physical cells to incarnate spirit? Again you have the three principles [triangle] of spirit .. physical and ???

Incarnate Spirit Antenna Cells
Why should physical humans take time to clean the cells of the physical body? Why is this cleansing process of the physical body so strong in the process of ancient religions over the centuries? In my view because there is an aspect of the cells of the body acting as higher consciousness antennas.

Why would you have to keep cells of the body clean #_#

Hidden in the body are what I call: Incarnate Spirit Antenna Cells. These cells represent the Third Principle. Their frequencies interact with and connect incarnate spirit with the physical body. In this sense the triangle [pyramid] represents physical reality merged with spirit.

Some people argue do the deities of Ancient Egypt represent physical extra-terrestrials or dynamic inter-dimensional energies [persona] .. and the answer is BOTH !! Simply because the higher interacting dimensions are part of the electrical energy matrix and are part of extra-terrestrial intelligence [phenomenon].

If you are aware of electrical fields and the transmission of electrical frequencies .. then you will know that you cannot transmit and receive signals through dirty [corroded] degenerated hardware [receivers]. Are all of you still with me +_#

My own mythological experience is that I have a built in cellular transmitter / receiver [psychic] activated through electrical energy fields powered by my incarnate spirit interacting with the physical body. So .. physical nutrition [food] is only one part of a dynamic physical process. I have to keep my cells clean!

As the body ages the toxins build up ...

To make this clear about the necessity of clean purified cells .. imagine electrical circuit transmission lines that send electrical power to your homes where the lines become degraded. It's the same thing... You use electrical frequency in your homes to power lighting .. heating .. computers .. WIFI .. telephone .. communications and so on. Imagine the carrier lines became degraded.

Electrical field degeneration is known in the sound transmission field. Cables transferring sound frequencies can pick up electrical interference where the signal becomes distorted. It is the same for the cells in the physical body. Toxic cellular degeneration means a degeneration of the electrical capacity of the cells.

Humans eat and eat and eat throughout their lives. Our ancient ancestors probably took as much time to cleanse their biological system as they took to eat nutrients and nourish their system. Today that simple but powerful yin yang balance has been lost. We live our lives and rarely make an effort to clean the cells of the physical body!

Some ancient spiritual traditions saw deep physical cellular cleanse as being a necessary part of higher consciousness awareness levels [psyche / meditation]. There are reasons for this!

As with balance of yin yang duality forces that are one .. the cells of the body prosper in states of both nutrition and cleanse. For example .. cells cannot absorb nutrition when they are compromised by toxins. In the same way super clean cells cannot function without necessary nutrition. Both aspects are essential to life.

Physical body cells have to be both clean and energised with nutrition. When there is only cleanse cleanse cleanse .. there is no nutrition. When there is only eat eat eat there is no cleanse. When people have no food cells starve and when people have only food cells starve.

Antenna Cells
We inhabit 3D Third Dimension .. so inside the Third Dimension there is the foundation of duality and there is the higher 3rd principle. We have the triangle in which duality is incorporated. The unseen antenna cells are part of the third principle. This is the principle that unifies matter and spirit.

The whole physical-spiritual mix is in there inside every human being.

As a technician it is not my concern how people connect with this tri-dimensional phenomenon. I am concerned with the purity of cellular electrical fields and the efficiency of electrical currents [receivers and transmissions] .. which is basically about communication fields.

All cells in your body are communicating.

In inter-cellular terms: Toxic degeneration is NOISE. As cells degenerate the disruption of the cells can be described as noise or INTERFERENCE. Because cells have to be able to LISTEN in order to COMMUNICATE.

To activate the third principle: Antenna cells .. the ancient traditions would regularly detox the body to PURIFY the SIGNAL. Balanced nutrition is one part and detoxification is another part of the puzzle. The electrical signal [frequency] is another part of the puzzle.

Antenna cells require unified functions between spirit and matter = frequency.

In this respect balanced physical and cellular detoxification becomes incredibly important. The cells can only absorb nutrition when they are healthy. What defines health? What defines balance? In some respects: Electrical resonance. Transmission / receiving is related to noise / silence.

The cells have to be clean to transmit and receive information.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Connecting Across Space-Time

Why do I have so many skills ..
because I am connected to myself
across space-time and beyond.
I am a storyteller! I combine different awareness levels to create connector pathways. The work I do is to inspire you to inspire yourself. The connector pathways are the signatures behind my work and behind my storytelling.

You have to understand that when I tell a story that there is maybe 40+ years of hard work taking place inside myself that is supported by connections to many lifetimes [incarnations] into physical 3D realities [plural]. More difficult to connect are other experiences of 4th Dimension and higher layers of reality.

I am trying to draw a picture of you not being alone. A picture of you NEVER having been alone right from the very first spirit cell division of creating a unique coherent spirit being. Then at some point that coherent unique spirit being begins to incarnate into dimensions of physical reality.

In a way you inherit yourself lifetime after lifetime.

Maybe not all incarnate experiences were peace and love .. but this is how we learn. There may be quite a few bad experiences in there along the many pathways of your development. But .. what is the key to bringing together all these aspects as one singular force?

The KEY is LOVE .. you have to love yourself and bring all those aspects together. This was the original meaning of washing the self clean of all experiences. You see .. you cannot even hold onto the good experiences. What you inherit as a unique spirit is your total self beyond knowledge and memories.

The power that is you never changes from the first creation of your spirit.

The spirit power that is cleansed of the past [ego-self] is an energy being who is capable to enter any time-space and function as a whole. This spirit can adapt to any space-time experience in balance at higher states of awareness. That is the true meaning of POWER.

You are never alone unless you are divided inwardly from who you are across all spectrum(s). The self-pity experienced when feeling sorrow that we are isolated and alone [in life] is really ones own self-created isolation from oneself. Humans look outside not to feel lonely rather than look inside to understand ourselves.

Connecting Across Space-Time
Many coherent spirits specialise in various zones rather than enter time and space locations across the board. One of the reasons for this is that once the spirit has cultivated higher levels of coherent energy they are much more capable of entering unknown zones and functioning at higher states beyond experience.

Those who have exceptional adaptation abilities do not need to specialise.

It does not matter which path you take as the inner work is the same. The only difference is how each unique spirit teaches themselves [learns] to cultivate high levels of coherent energy. You follow your own path .. your own paths. The WAY [the path] is cultivated out of levels of coherent energy.

It is the Inner levels of coherent energy that create THE PATH.

You can test this out for yourself and try your own applied experiment [whose control level is awareness] .. you have to be aware and pay attention to test this out on yourself. You can be sad .. feel sorry for yourself .. experience deep sense of loneliness .. feel isolated .. who loves you ?? Right !!

Then be aware how this state of mind affects people around you.

You can try to apply deeper inner sense of your connected coherent self. You do not need to rely on other people for love and support .. but inside you there is a deep connection across time and space. You begin to feel the end of loneliness as you build this inner coherent energy.

As you begin to feel a deep sense of connection to your coherent self across space-time you no longer feel isolated or alone. You feel stronger and perhaps more compassionate. Coherent self is much more connected as there is no sense of being disconnected or isolated.

Then be aware how this state of mind affects people around you.

There is another reason to do this beyond searching for balance within 3D existence. If your spirit does not cultivate coherent spirit energy then there is no Inner Power of Spirit. You may affect others in beneficial ways .. but this is simply a side-effect of your own Path and your own Inner Journey.

The most precious thing you can do to honour life and respect the Planet(s) you live on is to do what you were born to do. That is to cultivate coherent spirit energy rather than lose energy to ego-self. You were not born to do this in the sense of individual physical incarnations. The birth was the creation of that original soul.

There are two major polarities of ego-self: One is attachment and greed for physical material wealth [including desires]. The other polarity of ego-self is denial [including suffering]. Attachment to physical worlds and denial of attachment are same ego-self.

When you are inwardly balanced you do not have to be greedy fired with desire .. and you do not have to deny attachment to physical reality. Both approaches take a lot of energy to live ones life as both are rooted in INNER CONFLICT. Where there is balance there is no conflict.

Something really beautiful takes place as you are doing the work inside.

Of course you are not only connected to the totality of yourself from that original creation of the soul [spirit] .. but you have connections to your friends across many lifetimes. That is a mystery I will not talk about. You only discover the truth when you do the work inside yourself.

You do not live your life to rely on the outer world first and be strong inwardly second. You do not uncover the mystery lifetime after lifetime unless you connect inwardly and cultivate energy coherence right inside the spirit [soul]. Then like good nutrition coherent spirit energy fills the mind and physical body.

The third level is that coherent energy radiates around the body from within. This is why they likened the soul to the activity of the Sun. Cultivation of coherent energy has no direction and no goal. It is what it is. Acts in mysterious ways. Directs its own Path in natural and organic ways.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Secrets of Elixir of Life!

The secrets of the Elixir of Life?
DISCLAIMER: It is not what you think ...
As I said I can time travel through the circle of life. Some people think that the past is behind us and the future is ahead of us. The truth is that all of life is one big circle and that whole circle affects us now.

If there was a Utopia thousands of years ago and we are heading into a future conflict? How can we imagine that things are progressing and advancing? Where would you rather go if you had a choice: Into nuclear war or into a society that is highly advanced and beyond conflict.

The first filter on your awareness after being born on Earth are the many layers of the past [memory] and the attached self-image ego that develops and lives inside all those personal and collective memories [past experiences]. If you live only within those limitations of self you become like a small fruiting body [mushroom] that grows from the collective mycelium pathways of human genetic base system.

I cannot eat mushrooms or fungi because they cause allergy reactions in my gut... There are different layers of conscious awareness other than base level. Just as in Nature there are common mushrooms and there are rare and powerful mushrooms. In the same way [throughout history] there has been common self awareness and a secret priest order who seek some form of higher enlightenment.

After the fall of Mu Lemuria and Atlantis the secret order of priests looked to more rare psychoactive fungi to allow them to attain higher levels of awareness and higher levels of consciousness .. where the base collective self were forbidden to search and achieve these rare states of mind.

The elusive Amanita Muscaria [Magic Mushroom] cannot be seeded or grown productively in human created environments. This fungi is one example of a rare mycelium strata beyond base general levels of physical material self. The ancient priest class [after the fall of Atlantis] sought [struggled] to maintain some kind of higher level of awareness using the rare strata of conscious [psychoactive] mycelium network.

Amanita Muscaria refuses to grow anywhere other than where it chooses to grow!

One part of the secret of psychoactive mushrooms is that the compounds activate dormant connector neurons inside the brain. Higher consciousness activity within the mind is triggered by psychoactive chemicals within specific fungi .. but the experience of altered awareness are pathways already existing within the secret pathways of the body. As a result there can be distorted dis-harmonic experiences leading to power-up self [ego].

The gateway of Initiation leads always back to: The Self .. who you are .. why you are who you are .. how you live your life .. why you live the way you do [lifetime after lifetime]. In Ufology circles it is popular to talk about: The Breakaway Civilisation .. when in reality this is simply the breakaway SELF.

One example is that you cannot act against Nature. There are certain rules to the functioning and order of physical 3D existence including mind and psyche. Let us say small "elite" groups attempt to move to safe [alternative] worlds leaving behind Earth [Planets] destroyed by nuclear war .. right ??

Of course such groups cannot exist without the hidden layers of mycelium consciousness out of which they have grown. So .. what do you think they take with them? They take everything from the past [unresolved] as it is .. including the destruction of the Earth. What do you think haunts them in this "other world" hi-tech escape .. EXACTLY THAT.

The breakaway SELF is the fruiting body that depends on the entire existence of that total-consciousness mycelium network beyond space-time. There is no escape .. you just plant the network somewhere else. There is no escaping who you are and why you are who you are. There is no escaping ONESELF. It does not matter where you go .. the SELF goes with you in its ENTIRETY.

What I am trying to say is that psychoactive ENLIGHTENMENT is not guaranteed on spiritual levels in higher spiritual terms. As a result [historically] the world of mankind experienced good experiences and bad experiences according to the nature of individuals using these [psychoactive] plants to gain power or control over EVENTS .. or seeking control of THE FUTURE.

The mind .. the intentions .. the fears connected to desire for power .. the compassion or humility and the love all influence the experience of psychoactive presence once used within the original schools of Initiation [that was a long time ago]. They used these psychoactive fungi to weed out potential psychopaths who only have their own interests at stake. So .. the INITIATION was the weeding out process of undesirable forces.

Secrets of Elixir of Life!
Everyone is searching in the wrong places .. looking in the physical material world for answers only to be found inside. The journey is inside .. the path is inside .. the knowledge is inside .. the foundation is inside .. the solution is inside ONESELF.

No physical material 3D form is immortal or eternal.
The answer to this mystery is ONESELF.

For many tens of thousands of years we knew the answers to the Elixir of Life. It was not something that gave "the gods" eternal physical life. The Elixir gave the physical body youthful ability only until the eventual ending of the incarnation. Physical matter is designed to begin and end no matter what! Even if this is a time span of a thousand to three thousand years. There is entry and there is exit.

This is the cycle of physical existence. So .. get used to it !!

I was working with the future and they have direct connection with the past. In this sense the past and the future are the present NOW. When I returned I had the answer to this question of an ancient Elixir that was used by our ancestors to rejuvenate the cells of the physical body.

The so-called Elixir was [is] a deep cellular detox >_+
[You heard it here first !!! Okay !!! ]

I am not kidding around .. this is true! All paths of ancient rejuvenation rivers were said to meet at a place where the WATERS of LIFE could be found .. that rejuvenated the cells of the body [there were many locations] and this was one of the places where they produced [I am laughing] .. where they produced these LIVING WATERS !!!

Just like you go to an oil terminal to pick up oil today .. the people of the past and the future go to a location to pick up the WATERS of LIFE [being produced] at key locations. They are creating a very special way of cleaning impurities from the cells at all levels of the body.

You have cells in your body that current science does not know exists and if they knew they would not understand the capacity and nature of those cells #_# .. [It is true] .. and we currently cannot create this cell rejuvenation water [technique] .. but they could create it in the distant past and they can create it in the future.

So simple and so powerful ... DUH !!

The physical body cells will function more efficiently and will absorb nutrients more efficiently when they are REJUVENATED .. which means when the cells have been cleaned .. when the cells have been detoxified .. when all the contaminants have been removed. Then the cells are young again.

Like .. you cannot stuff high grade NUTRITION into old contaminated [toxic] cells .. right ?? Just stop and take some time to think about this. Think about feeding fresh clean drinking water into a toxic contaminated sewage sludge.

The secret of life is cellular DETOXIFICATION. Rejuvenation is its non-toxic state. Out of respect I would like to give thanks to my past and future incarnations in collaborating with this post !! Thank you so much...

Thursday, December 03, 2015

You Are: Past Present Future

I just returned from a long time-zone journey into the future .. where they understand that the past present and future are one. They teach me that the past and the future are NOW.

Then I get back here and the Masters are waiting for me. They know I love to Time Travel. Like that .. I do not want to call it an escape !! Which is essentially not applied Martial Arts.

When the Art of Time Travel is an ART you can usually turn it around so that it is not an escape .. unless you have ultra diligent Masters who know what you are doing #_# [that really pisses me off]. It is one of my specialities that I have ability to travel into the past or travel into the future.

When dealing with everyday normal human beings this ability is hidden [cloaked] and cannot be challenged because no one knows what you are doing. In general it is not a good idea to tell others what you are doing. But .. when dealing with The Masters ?? that it another story !!

On a human level my tricks are pretty cool .. but on a Masters level my tricks are really not cool .. and I have to learn how to apply higher dimensions geometry and balance. This is why I say to you that: You are past present and future NOW.

I admit I do have a tricky side to me! But at the same time that tricky side gives me a sense of humor and a sense of fun. Like that .. when you are learning you cannot take yourself too seriously. So .. I teach you about the relationship between human dimension and the Masters.

When we are smart we can get away with a LOT on the human dimension.

Even though we are smart we cannot get away with anything on the Masters dimensions... So .. the problems in the physical World are caused by being smart in 3D and being stupid within the spectrum. I will try to explain this in my past to future posts. I was writing Transition Zones posts in November [past] that I will talk about in the future!

I do have the ability to connect past present and future as one.

Of course .. the way we interact with past present future now [as one] is the key.

Let us say that past present future is a triangle [pyramid] .. but there is also trans-dimensional interrelated zones of The Masters that interact with our dimensions. Past present future is like a pyramid within a circle [orb] where the surrounding dimension is greater than the pyramid.

The Masters teach me the surrounding orb [circle] Planet is the NOW .. balance of yin yang. I am in the middle moving through the triangle of past present and future. I am taught by The Masters that past present and future connect only within the NOW.

Due to this I can teach you that NOW connects past present and future.

I have to admit that I love to transit past present and future = I am a Tech Geek. I love nothing more than crossing the dimensions and interfacing with other levels. This is a skill I have .. and was born with. At the same time I have to admit that this is not the highest skill.

In some ways my skill is useless at base levels.

In any given Incarnation I can effortlessly move around the dimensions and time zones without restrictions and I can understand them and what I am doing. This is similar to a computer programmer. I understand the background signatures of realities.

You can imagine my attitude when The Masters tell me off...

It is much more difficult to remain centered .. to remain balanced .. in the NOW. Understanding that the past present and future are NOW. This fact is not easy to understand .. but it is worth your effort and energy to understand lifetime after lifetime.

The various pyramids sit on the surface of the Earth.

The pyramids are past present and future where the Earth [sphere] is NOW.

The sphere [circle] is NOW which is the totality of past present future. So .. we have past present future within the NOW in its entirety beyond time and space .. beyond space and time. That [basically] is who we are. We are past present future NOW .. the pyramid withing the sphere. Without the NOW we do not exist!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Where Are We Going [Eng Sub] S03EP10 - Hunan China

I have been writing two posts in last two weeks .. and by accident I came across Chinese / English Dubbed: Dad, Where Are We Going! Old Town Learning Skills by Hunan TV. The question facing people on Earth is... Where Are WE Going? The progression of this video is a lot of fun. More than that there is a learning skill lesson here for those who take time to watch. If you are not speaking Chinese Mandarin .. you may have to stop the video from time to time to read / understand what the children are saying.

I think these have been a tough two weeks for all of us no matter where we are in the World. The Astrology for October / November 2015 has not been good. I have been working with the Invisible World Guidance and people .. to create balance and a few other things relating to the bigger picture facing Mankind now and in the future. Today watching this video made me laugh .. the illusion of stress was dissolved instantly. Maybe sometimes we all take ourselves too seriously ?? Peace !!

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Demons of Power: Their Karma

I came back from the future .. and thought (at first) that I was dreaming. This was all a bad dream .. happening in my mind while I sleep peacefully in the place I came from. I remember falling asleep .. way back. I knew not to use the historical research portal before going to bed. Now it's all around me and I cannot wake up where I'm supposed to be. That was how it seemed at the time. Observing the ancient Tibetan demons protecting power through their Karma. That was the key to understanding our historical research of Earth's past.

"Power is everywhere .. it is all around you." they said.

We were gathered in an oval flat dome of ambient light on the Astral planes. The walls of the circular dome were real structural walls created out of combining layers of light frequencies woven into a plasma like fabric. There were seven layers to the Astral planes and the domes could visit each layer.

Viewing areas similar to windows would appear on the walls of the domed shaped craft and those inside could observe the process of each Astral layer they were shown. Only the most advanced teachers could interact with the seven Astral layers. Everyone else could observe learn and understand.

So .. who were the teachers?

Then there were the physical Earth layers where spirit beings would reincarnate from the Astral Worlds to the physical material worlds. The physical Earth layers were multiple timelines similar to and reflecting [associated with] the seven Astral layers. What appeared to be physical time dimensions were [in reality] .. layers of consciousness.

One had to have a strong heart to accompany the Teachers of the Domes of Light into physical realms interactions. The heart is the key to consciousness .. awareness .. strength .. the way of balance. The power of balancing yin and yang .. the yielding and the penetrating force lies foremost in the heart.

We were taught: Pushing pushing pushing or yielding yielding yielding are without balance. Both the soft and hard power had to be in harmony like the heavens [Galaxy]. The Sun and Planets neither yield nor resist .. they do both. In this way the origins of power is never revealed nor obvious .. but it is both gentle and hard.

When the Masters of Reality saw that the nature of humans was to desire and be addicted to power .. they set the Demons of Karma into the stream of power to protect power and to protect the balance of power .. so that humans could not destroy the layers of reality that includes all creatures plants and trees.

The teachers were beyond compassion but they taught us compassion [Inner AIKIDO] to protect ourselves. Without discipline and containment all problems and emotions are in turmoil.

Demons of Power: Their Karma
Power is really everywhere at all levels somewhat like the air we breathe. The air we breathe has many layers and is part of many strata around Earth. All layers of the strata combine to make the air that we breathe. In reality we are all breathing the various powers of the strata in a form that does not overwhelm us and does not kill us.

If you travel to the highest strata of power you cannot breathe that air. All living creatures plants and trees share [breathe] the air that is created by The Alchemist: Planet Earth. In the same way power is everywhere and everyone on Earth interacts with power in some way.

Power at every level is dangerous and requires discipline and respect. All people high and low experience power struggles: Attachment .. I WANT .. sorrows .. fear .. anger .. desires .. seeking various kinds of security. It does not matter what level one interacts on the key is INNER DISCIPLINE.

Essentially all humans on Earth are directly interacting face to face with power mirrored back to them on all levels and it is the same power. People think they have a relationship with forces outside themselves when really they are having relationship with forces inside themselves.

Power interacts with us directly .. not indirectly.

Throughout history there are groups who attempt to use power [wield power] in various ways .. but do not seem to realise or understand the price they will pay. Playing with power gives them a high and they become addicted .. which is simply another form of attachment.

There comes a point where power becomes Karma.

The Demons of Karma are similar to building houses of the self and one day that house is gone .. it no longer exists .. the power is gone. You just stand there naked helpless and you are looking at a blank screen. This is why in ancient times the Sages cultivated discipline and respect.

The Sages were fortunate: They knew they were looking into the Mirror of Life.

The Masters knew they were looking at themselves and life was a mirror that interacts with us directly. The Masters said: Let us teach this to the rest of mankind as this is the most important and valuable thing we have found.

There is nothing on the physical material levels of Earth existence that is designed to deal with issues of power. The safety key is inherent within power itself = mystery of Karma. Certain forces may appear like Demons because that is how they are designed to be when dealing with various levels of existence.

True power protects itself by simply disappearing.

When a riverbed dries up there is no more water. When the air becomes too thin there is no more air to breathe. The same principles apply to power .. that is an interactive force designed to allow us to climb to highest levels. How do you climb to the highest levels? The power relationship is within.

It does not matter what you want in life the whole relationship is inside with yourself. Ancient Martial Arts knew this and that is why so many of the Masters became Monks .. that is obvious .. just follow The Path. It is easier to learn the physical Martial Arts than it is to learn the Inner Martial Arts and become a True Master. The same power that teaches the Masters is teaching us. Just think about that and become ENLIGHTENED.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Electrical Field Genetics: Passport To The Future

Human Genetic Resonance = Earth Geological Field Harmonics
First be aware officially extra-terrestrials do not exist and you are all apes who evolved and fell out of trees #_# .. officially UFOs and time travel do not exist and humans never come into contact with extra-terrestrials or other dimensions.

Extra-Terrestrial Genetic Resonance: Earth Geology
In the short term - 20 to 100 years occupation of non-compatible Earth frequencies implode and collapse. There is a high point [initial invasion] and there is a low point [degeneration and weakness] where the human DNA frequencies are unable to adapt to the surrounding magnetic Earth geofield for a variety of genetic frequency reasons.

I am talking pure essential electrical field resonance.

The first level of physical human existence is electrical field resonance. The Master of inhabiting genetic electrical fields is the Mother Planet. If an extra-terrestrial race on other Planets discover that their genetic DNA resonance does not activate in certain areas .. they will not inhabit those areas.

The fetus in the mothers womb relies on the mother to grow and develop and the fragile humans rely on the Earth to grow and develop. In this respect Earth is Master of human existence and growth.

1. Conflict is always INNER conflict. 2, INNER conflict is projected out into the World as external conflict. 3. Inner conflict drains incarnate LIFE ENERGY [distorts individual paths into the future] as well as draining [future] physical resources.

On Planet Earth every long term project to place human genetic [frequencies] into incompatible Earth geographic [frequency] areas has failed. This is high level non-physical resonance physics of the future that I call: Genetic Frequency Physics.

Human extra-terrestrial origins connection [relationship] is the key factor behind conflict on this Planet. To really get to the heart of this in an intelligent non-reactive way you have to understand that there is not "peace in heaven" harmony [Utopia] out there .. in the surrounding Galaxy.

Different extra-terrestrial races interact .. but there are so many vibrational levels .. too many to count. Some races hate each other. Hate is born from a power struggle .. when there is struggle for dominance. In the Dao [Tao] power struggle creates out of balance Chi and exhaustion.

All life forms engaged in long term power struggles drop lower and lower on the energy scale and in this lower energetic state they start to hate each other. Hate is a toxic byproduct of a struggle for power. Because no one can win such a struggle .. because both winner and loser are equally out of balance .. they feel hatred because there is no harmony.

They blame each other because there is no harmony.

All life forms inhabiting Planets are ruled by a superior force. That superior force is the Planet they inhabit. Each Planet is like the Operating system where the Software is woven from highly intelligent interactive electrical fields. Life forms appear like living Avatars born into the fields they inhabit where the genetics are designed to interact electrically [seamlessly] with those high powered fields.

Human Genetic Field Resonance
On Earth things are a bit different in that specific zones were created that energetically resonate with a variety of different other world frequencies. Earth was a big experiment corresponding to different genetic origins that is related to Earth in terms of not offering a stable environment.

The surface of the Earth was chosen because it is highly unstable and does not allow for long term growth in power or pose a danger to those doing the experiment. In terms of power struggles humans are like ants following each other around the rim of a glass until they drop off.

When you lift a fish out of the ocean .. the fish will begin to gasp and die. Even though dolphins come to the surface of the ocean to breathe air .. if you lift dolphins out of the ocean they will die. In similar ways human genetics swim within an ocean of Earth harmonic frequencies.

Across the entire surface of Planet Earth are Inter-planetary [extra-terrestrial] associated genetic harmonic frequencies. By this I mean that the harmonic [electrical frequency] of the genes correspond to geographical [geomantic] frequencies all over the surface of the Earth.

Earth electrical fields interact with various genetic signatures in various ways. There is a subtle energy that the ancients called Chi which no one can detect. The genes are not physical 3D material resource. What science detects is not even the tip of the iceberg in human genetics.

Genes are electrical frequency resonators that interface with local planetary fields. Interactions are strongly related to consciousness where the planetary field is always greater than the total mass of humans [stream of consciousness]. In periods of 20 to 100 years everything humans do wrong is dealt with.

You could say that power struggles correspond to ants following each other around the rim of a glass over varied periods of 20 to 100 years as they all fall off [exhausted]. Then they follow the next ant around the next glass .. and the next .. and the next. Someone watching the ants wonders: Are they ever going to figure any of this out?

Generations of hatred is only the fire burning that the local villagers run around trying to put out. Everyone focuses on the fires [hate] and no one sees the cause: What starts these fires and where is the source of the fuel that keeps them burning? Everyone focus on the fire and very few understand the cause. Always around the rim of the glass is power struggle.

Passport To The Future
Whatever the human genetic experiment on Earth is ?? the Planet was divided into different frequency zones to manage the potential issues long term without obvious interventions. The genetic frequencies all have one common signature that can be defined like a magnet. One side attracts .. the other side repels.

When you try to force the two magnets together you get stronger force to repel.

When you smash the magnets all into little pieces and you try to mix all the pieces you get the mixed polarity happening inside the whole mess you created. Because the original power struggle began outside the Earth and was inherited .. it has its own power that can only be resolved inside consciousness at the source.

One original stream of thought was to create inner paths teaching incarnate humans to overcome the struggle for power. They recognised all petty desires and attachments as part of that power struggle. Other streams of consciousness set out to DIRECT the flow and make use of it while keeping people ignorant of its source.

Because genetics are paths of consciousness the Inner World group attempted to teach humans how to alter or direct the flow within. The Outer World group wanted to use the power struggle to their own advantage .. and the twist is that this attraction to play with "power" destroys itself.

Early Consciousness Awareness
As a really small child I was aware of the past recorded [inherited] in the genes. There are no words and no language .. it is all in there like emotions and sorrow .. suffering .. anger .. aggression and fear. This is a silent presence more powerful than words or intellect.

As each child grows .. the child [incarnate spirit] begins to make choices based on their own attraction to different emotions from their inherited data bank. As humans show attraction to different emotional paths the brain is designed to give us what we want. The brain is plastic = it alters its state according to programming. Humans become what THEY want [are attracted to].

Before he died Jiddu Krishnamurti in his Talks warned the scientists that the genes [genetic field] cannot be changed from OUTSIDE. This ideology that future advanced "super intelligent" humans can / will be created in what today is called: Designing your own future children's genetics #_# is a Disneyland fantasy with a tin can lands on the Moon production budget.

It's a GREAT way to generate cash [sales] ?? and sell you: "Genetic Dreams" ...

The early Celts all over Europe and all the way up to Scandinavia had a "black" sense of humour for a very good reason. You also have to ask the question: With so much suffering in the World why is the Buddha laughing? What are you going to do .. get angry? Start a revolution .. sink into the dark abyss of hate? Protect your inner self laughing at the absurdity!

Now and then I do start to get serious .. like I was as a child. The problem is this .. I was warned about this in my childhood by tall light beings who knew me better than I know myself. They did say to me: Don't go down that road... I had to discover inside myself how not to go down that road into the dark abyss.

I am sharing this with you [with a sense of humour] to show that it is possible to alter your genetic resonance interaction [frequencies] as nothing is fixed in space and time. The brain is always listening [as it is designed to do] and one of the keys to the mind is LAUGHTER. It has to be genuine .. this cannot be faked.

Rarely .. but sometimes I get pretty serious and I can feel the genetic response process kicking in: "She is going for it .. she is going for it !!" All the time the brain is listening. No matter what .. the whole time I observe myself. Then maybe one day passes .. maybe two days .. maybe a week of doubt. Then I laugh at myself and I laugh at the whole mass insanity of whatever it is that upsets me. My mind does not get caught in it and is cleansed of the contamination.

Certain [different] areas of the Earth are like the rim of a glass where the ants go around and around until they drop off or the glass energy shatters. The glass energy shattering is the electrical field resonance or changes in local electrical field resonance. That is how physical Earth Planet interactions are designed.

As a child I was warned by higher energy beings: Don't go down that road .. and I think probably all humans on Earth are taught or warned in childhood = receive the Earth Guidance .. and no one listens .. because of the incarnations attraction to power and all the other associated emotions attached to the abyss of power.

Let me try to simplify this >_< ..

Your brain is always listening to you no matter what. What happens when you become aware or observe your brain listening to you! One example is: As I type this on the computer I am aware of the process of my brain observing me. The brain functions as non-emotional impartial observation. There is no judgement or OPINION .. the brain [the mind] simply observes what is. Then I [incarnate spirit] become aware of this process.

When I get "serious" or upset I switch to observing myself impartially and at the same time I am observing the brain paying attention to or observing me [my reactions]. Then I follow the path within myself. I do not try to change anything .. I simply am aware of myself. Then I see the whole collective human psyche of fear and reactions that are part of our mundane daily life.

As soon as I see the reaction I immediately step back.

The brain silently observes the whole process. When you do not get caught in the whole confusion [get caught = attracted to] .. then something extraordinary takes place within the mind. You are no longer an ant walking around the rim of a glass that will eventually shatter into pieces.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Transition Zone Earth

No place on Earth was like any other place ...
Visiting Earth was to experience many transition zones on one Planet.

The drawings I post are my own unique art = awareness and understanding and expression. This is an older language [function of brain] necessary for different forms of travel.

Depending on whether it is astral travel .. time travel .. interplanetary or inter-dimensional travel each zone is protected.

Transition fields between zones apply higher pictographic communications [understanding levels]. No matter what the levels of technology you are not going to pass through major transition fields unless your mind [spirit] has the capacity to interact with that primal language.

Primal language is Natures language and it is how the Universe communicates with itself. Using words as language [as we do now] is a much lower more primitive tool of communication and understanding. When they say that there came a time when animals could not longer communicate with humans .. this was because humans were divided through words as the primary language.

When people say that humans lost their ability to communicate telepathically .. it is not as simple as that. Why is every modern culture restricting art and artists? That's easy: The WORD is god. Not the word is GOD .. but god is THE WORD. The whole World is enslaved to the WORD of god(s) .. or more simply put humans are enslaved to the WORD.

I can prove this to you. It is very simple and very easy to experience and understand. Get yourself a blank paper notebook or an A5 artists sketchbook. Just choose pens or pencils that you like and feel good with.

Each day draw anything: Lines from your minds #_#

You do not have to use a blank page each day to do this experiment. You can fill a page with whatever lines you draw before moving to the next page. At the end of the ArtBook you look back through all the pages of your work and you will see a language inside all those lines you drew.

You will also discover that without any effort or thought that you use your eyes differently than before the experiment. You will see things and understand things you never saw before. You will naturally and effortlessly begin to see life with new eyes and new mind. That is because you had the courage to begin to use a very special part of the mind [brain].

One thing that is fun is to take letters of words and draw the letters as art forms. When you draw letters as picture art or change their design or you make art out of words .. this changes the words relationship to the mind. Telepathic mind exists but humans rarely make use of this consciously as its functions are beyond the word.

As soon as you turn letters into art the meanings [the perception] changes. In this way you can create coded language .. but that is not what I am talking about. It is not that words / letters of the Latin script come from or evolved from pictograms .. but letters used today ARE pictures in the form of lines. Language became linear and highly mathematical according to rational thought .. as deeper meaning was lost.

Transition Zone Earth
Each geographical area on Earth has an Earth field vibration frequency. Those zones relate or connect to other dimensions and other inter-planetary zones in the Galaxy and beyond the Galaxy. The genetics [DNA] of humans were designed to match the different zones on Earth because modern humans did not originate on this Planet.

Various zones on the surface of the Earth correspond to points of origin in the Universe and/or correspond to inter-dimensional zones [levels]. There is a reason why certain ethnic groups invaded geographical areas over the last thousands of years and did not succeed.

Historically you see this phenomenon occurring in China .. Persia .. Russia .. Middle East .. Africa .. Asia .. India [to name but a few]. There is currently a GROSS misunderstanding as to who we are .. why we are .. where we are and why we are where we are. That was a lot of words >_+

I was born into Gaelic Celtic genetics mixed with early Picts. As a very small kid who could not read and write .. I was aware of past experiences of those genetics .. my incarnate spirit could read the genetic experience over time. I had to do some inner genetic conscious repair as there was hate in there .. and other stuff.

I was able to clear an inner path for myself [incarnate spirit] through the collective genetic past experiences .. and I was able to tap into the original pure Earth field generated consciousness connection. The genetics were designed to interact with Earth fields .. designed to interact with and UNDERSTAND the Earth Transit Zones.

Earth humans were designed to interact with the various Earth Transit Zones.

One could say the key connections relate to what Operating System you are using. There are various Genetic Operating Systems relating to different extra-terrestrial and inter-dimensional planetary relationships.

Travelling to different parts of the Planet is like physically travelling to totally different Worlds. This is the way Earth was designed for various reasons. Although each extra-terrestrial zone protect their ongoing experiment(s) in space-time consciousness .. they also protect themselves.

One would have to understand Doris Lessing: Shikasta.

Related to the genetic fingerprint designed to match different energetic zones there is electrical frequency. One example of electrical frequency variation(s) is common electrical current flow versus anti-gravity electrical current flow. Anti-gravity is wrong .. the technology is simply using a different electrical charge.

That is a whole other post ...

Before the fall of Mu Lemuria or Atlantis .. the extra-dimensional connection zones intended that the essentially and carefully designed genetics harmonized with their planetary transit zones. When genetic harmony is established you have PEACE .. right ?? This is not rocket science !

Earth humans were not supposed to run around all over the surface of the Earth killing each other .. where physical planetary dominance is the "to be reached goal." Can you understand: Finding peace in the zone .. or finding peace within the transit zone? Let's try: Finding peace within the GENETIC TRANSIT ZONE. That's where it gets technical.

Each specific Earth Transit Zone have "parents" and Masters.

Really we are talking about extra-terrestrial and /or inter-dimensional parents and Masters [teachers] in the truest form. To create inner and outer balance there has to be genetic hardware and genetic software to actively interact with the various planetary Transition Zones.

I write this to give you: Peace of Mind.

We humans are very small and very insignificant. Our genetic structure [a work of art] is designed to interact with the special planetary zones [in harmony]. Yes .. high level Lamas can interact with different zones .. but this ability is not normal nor easy to attain.

Anyone today can buy the Kung Fu [Shaolin] movies or DVD .. but how many can do the Kung Fu ?? You always have to have a sense of humor no matter what is happening in the World.

People have to understand: Genetics are not base-lead physical material .. but they are something VERY SPECIAL. Genetic structure and DNA are much closer to electrical current .. or various levels of electrical current(s).

When you try to cross two incompatible currents you can get massive explosions.

What I am trying to convey is these frequency genetics are designed for and rely on the varying Earth Transit Zones [for a reason]. On one level Earth humans are the Software connecting with [dependent on] and navigating the varying Operating Systems of Planet Earth.

Genetic frequency mind brain connections are so fragile and so refined. Then it goes to the levels of: Genetic mind / brain / Earth / Transit Zones connection [frequencies]. In this sense harmony [harmonics] and peace have a totally different meaning than is projected by base physical matter(ists).

Friday, October 16, 2015

Beyond Control - Inner Power

The mundane world may assume that "Being Aloof" is selfish
Understanding this is the muscle power of the mind and psyche
If we do not see "The Challenge" and remain aloof
we cannot build the Inner Power

We are programmed from childhood to inhabit an emotional arena within an inner pond of reactions and RE ACTIONs. Events good or bad drop mass [like pebbles] into this pond of the mind and the reactions disturb the surface mind like ripples in a pond. As long as nothing bad is happening we can paddle around being "happy" little ducks in the pond.

I have a little yellow plastic duck to send to my friends that I was given when doing a car wash! I chose the pirate duck. All the other plastic ducks were cute and friendly .. but the pirate duck has a sword he can use. This duck is symbolic of a happy little guy who has power and can take action.

Just a funny co-incidence in timing!

Like a little duck we paddle around in A small pool of consciousness where we think we have control of our emotions. Then a wave of life hits us [our mind] and the little duck gets tossed around into other emotions = inner reactions. It took the Guidance many years to teach me that empathy without internal reactions is more powerful way to meet challenges of life.

When the mass hits the surface of consciousness and we experience the ripples moving out from the center of mass [any event] .. there can be empathy without reactions. This empathy comes from a deeper pool of inner consciousness that is never disturbed by the surface ripple effect of mass.

When I say mass .. there is a bending effect in space-time where invisible and visible mass curve the surface of the field that holds together a Galaxy. Under the surface of that field is a deeper consciousness that is not effected and that silently holds together all that takes place on the surface.

In this respect the Universe can never end or be destroyed as science tries to imagine .. because the underlying force holding everything together is never touched by the movement and activities of mass: The bending of space-time.

Let's call this the: Pirate Duck Theory of Space-Time

When you apply AIKIDO to the mind .. the "sword" [underlying structure] are the bones [human skeletal structure]. The human is the form of the skeletal structure of bones and skull. The depth of field [support] is hidden in the bones. There you have a form of higher consciousness.

You cannot attach any personality [of self] to the skeletal structure. At the same time SELF cannot exist without the skeletal structure and skull. Although the opposite is true and the human skeleton is life = it is the foundation of life .. the non-incarnating religions made the human skeleton a symbol of fear [death].

Let me make something clear! Deep within the layers of galactic fields is a skeleton. Underlying the Galaxies is a deeper form or skeletal structure beyond our technological ability to detect. Rather than looking for some "god particle" they should be looking for the galactic skeleton(s).

The key is not to CONTROL the EMOTIONS .. but the key is to move beyond the emotions to another level. Because .. if you control the emotions you are still touching them to have to control them. Anything you seek to control means to touch and be part of whatever you seek control over.

Take a little Chinese cup filled with water and drop rice grains into the cup. You have to be looking at the right angle to see the surface tension ripple effect. This is actually a lot of fun... I think I created a new form of Zen Meditation ?? watching the effect quietens the mind.

Depending on how close you are to the water the effect changes .. but one thing does not change! The water always becomes calm... Inside the human mind is a deeper awareness that is not affected by mass hitting the surface layer and that deeper awareness always returns calm balance to the whole mind.

I have a sense of humor and I like to present ideas in new ways. In the middle of the humor are serious concepts of human awareness and human transformation. Within this area of study I do not divide the elite from the masses .. because .. the head of the horse and the body of the horse are the same PHENOMENON...

Beyond Control - Inner Power
I began writing this dialogue on October 11 .. but maybe I began writing this dialogue [as a time traveler] BEFORE I was born ?? You have to be able to know who you are as well as knowing your location = where you are. Beyond control [Inner Power] equals who you are divided by where you are [in time and space].

If you are serious student of Inner AIKIDO you want to know who you are within space time. What I mean to say is that soul-spirit time traveling through space time cannot simply know where they are in terms of social .. cultural and the ever changing political environment. The KEY is to know who you are and why ...

Beyond control: Space-time is both the inner and outer continuum.

INNER [space] navigates OUTER [space].

Inner space [intelligence] navigates the outer environment according to its own principles and inner levels of experience and incarnations. When you inwardly align your incarnate inner space to the outer shifting chaotic outer space all you get is a sharp bounce-back .. like an echo.

The problem of worlds and societies is that we use our inner radar in the wrong way. We [incarnate humans] are not born on Earth to adapt to the local currency = ways of behavior(s). We are born as Planet Consciousness within ourselves. We are connected to the consciousness of the Planet.

Control Is Fear
You cannot look outside and think what all the other people do in society .. Inner AIKIDO mind is about Inner Self Balance = AWARENESS. No one can just give you awareness .. not even your own spiritual guides and Masters. You have to be giving yourself GUIDANCE and SENSITIVITY and LOVE.

Desire to control is fear.

When planetary societies invest their entire energies into control [fear] they create a certain path that leads them to their own destruction. WHY ?? Because fear leads back in a circle to fear where the fear eats its own tail. You reap what you sow.

Inner Martial Arts Masters do not internally interact with society and the emotional political agendas. Your OPINION ?? is .. IRRELEVANT = total waste of energy. When you inwardly understand your own journey across space time what is an OPINION?

Maybe much more important than physical Martial Arts is Internal [silent] Inner Martial Arts. This is not only about one lifetime. The Martial Arts is not one lifetime. It is accumulation of ENERGY.

When you promote control and when you promote fear you restrict energy..

Inner power has nothing to do with outer power, Desire for outer control has no relation to inner power or inner discipline. As was taught to Earth humans according to the laws of Nature. No one CONTROLS the birds !! All the birds large and small do their own thing. But .. the birds do not offend anyone!

Incarnate time travelers apply this principle...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


In the last post I was talking about not wanting the responsibility of certain kind of mass psychic tsunami .. but I think responsibility is the wrong word. This drawing is more accurate presentation.

I dream of three tsunamis in my life: As a child I had dreams of tsunamis so big they covered mountains. A few years ago I had a dream that I was in an alternative Indonesia similar to this Timeline. That tsunami flooded into a narrow mountain inlet and everyone just swim in the water like dolphins.

Before the Blood Moon Eclipse I had a dream I was on a seashore where I saw the ocean suddenly leave [sucked out so fast] and people shouted run run .. and I ran [in the dream] .. just as suddenly the water came flooding back into the shore. It was so devastating .. then I woke up.

What do I mean to say about responsibility?

Responsibility is something different than corporations and banks and institutions who are bigger than their ability to balance and grow in natural ways. One personal example: When I interact with Invisible Worlds only a small number of beings teach me at one time even though those beings are very powerful. Much more powerful than humans.

In a way I am talking about a man-made tsunami of power .. where the power effect is more dangerous and destructive than the people who attempt to manage or control the power. When you have a seemingly powerful organisation .. you think that the individuals are in control or manage this excessive power.

They have no control.

When the overpowering wave hits back on excessive mass power no one understands the natural laws of balance and harmony. To understand those laws you would have to observe mountains or 2000 year old trees. To make this clear .. imagine what would happen if a tree grew so high and so gigantic that the tree ended up in space. It is not going to happen!

In my last post I said things the wrong way round. I am the way I am because I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for who I am. This means I wish to follow the natural laws of Nature and the laws of the Universe: Harmony and balance. One has to observe Nature to really understand what I am trying to convey.

Awareness Is Key To Harmony & Balance
The drawing I made shows in more depth beyond anything I can write in words. The drawing looks so simple .. but in reality the pictogram is VERY COMPLEX. Simply .. to develop this part of your brain all you have to do [is very simple] is to look at Nature in a relaxed way.

Observe the Nature around you without thought or reaction.

I give you an example .. when I go into town I pay attention to the trees and also to the tiny weeds growing micro between the cracks of concrete. I watch the pigeons and the small sparrows. No one looks at or pays attention to the little sparrows. If you pay attention you see amazing things. They eat tiny grass seeds.

There are so many variations for people to be aware in a silent non-rational way. Just silent mind. To be aware of and observe light and color .. texture [concrete / walls] .. the flow of people .. sound .. atmosphere .. air flows. I tried to show this in my drawing. The inner awareness within man.

Human mind is born into physical incarnation lifetime after lifetime. This means the incarnate ability to deal with "choice" .. or to understand that there is awareness beyond choice. People who cheat and lie think they have a choice = seeking personal advantage. Beyond choice is the power of AWARENESS.

The bigger you are the less you see in life ...

How can responsibility extend beyond the harmonic field? To understand this you have to consider how Nature works. What is the harmonic field of nutrients or bacteria? What is the harmonic field of a tree or a mountain. There is the harmonic field of the Earth. There is also the harmonic field of the Sun.

The harmonic field of the Sun nourishes all Solar System Planets.

Humans are not the Sun .. humans are smaller than trees! This means understanding the power and ability given to humans just like the nature of abilities given to plants and animals. Be aware that plants and animals nourish humans! How can you feel superior to any life source that you depend on to nourish you?

My Encounter With The Bird
I came out of my apartment into the hallway [I always use peripheral vision] .. and I saw a large energy field object from the corner of my eye. The energy field was magnified and moving some distance from me.

The tiny bird trapped inside the hallway was a tufted titmouse [I had to research that one]. The tiny bird immediately caught my field of vision like a magnified holographic computer screen [out of nowhere].

This bird was over in the corner of the hallway with its head tucked into the wing. When I tried to pick it up the bird was so fast it flew up to the window frame and held onto the frame. How did that bird so perfectly fly and in a nano-second hold onto the inner glass edge of the window?

I tried again and the tiny bird moved quickly out of my reach.

If I did not have INTELLIGENT CO-OPERATION at this point I could not have caught the bird to take it outside. I looked at the tiny bird and the tiny bird looked at me. I seriously needed the bird's co-operation. I talked to the bird but at the same time I was aware of a super beyond speed-of-light brain to brain communication.

This is what I mean: BEYOND CHOICE.

I became a passenger in my own mind and body. The bird allowed my hands to take it down from the frame and carry it downstairs and outside to the grass where I could let it fly away. I tried to show this deeper process in the drawing. I was observing a larger deeper process of which I was a small part of that process.

Earth humans are the tiny small bird in the hands of AWARENESS.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Protective Field: Inner Mind Harmony

The mind incarnates lifetime after lifetime ...

I drew this picture / pictograph many weeks ago .. but I did not know what words to write and in which way to write the words.

Using language can or must also be an art form .. not only a means of ego-self expression.

Ego self can use language to promote its own internal [self] agendas associated with its internal self-image. Why do we seek to influence other? This is the root nature of ego self To manipulate is a symptom of the insecure structure of self-image in its most primitive state.

How The Mind Incarnates
People say the spirit or soul reincarnates in physical material dimensions to learn [about itself] and intensify its own true nature. The people get drawn to identity of self-power .. which is itself a form of fear.

You have to look at this phenomenon like yin / yang where there is desire for power manifest in self that has a hidden element like a seed waiting to germinate. This is how the balance of events was designed.

Physical life in all its levels [where there is no high and low] is basically an INITIATION. Physical life is designed as SELF-INITIATION. Essentially one initiates oneself at all levels of self awareness throughout each journey of physical incarnation.

This is why I am happy for small number of people to be interested to read what I write on my Blogs .. because I do not really want the attention or the responsibility beyond genuine interest. If my friends get sick I feel the responsibility: What if I cannot help them?

Actually .. that feeling is essential to find the sensitivity to help people.

When I was experiencing problems with digestion and colon and leaky gut that no professional doctor was aware of or understood anything to do with the complex symptoms. All the specialist doctors KNEW the answers or non-answers to symptoms they essentially did not understand.

Those who KNOW .. they tell you to ACCEPT that you have symptoms you are NEVER going to cure because it is part of life and aging. Like blistering allergy reactions on the surface of the skin that allergy specialists describe as: You now have to learn to live with it #_#

THAT is an INSULT to my body and body intelligence !!

When you know all the set answers .. you actually know NOTHING! The point I am trying to get to is that it is the MIND that incarnates lifetime after lifetime. The mind inhabits the physical body .. and the journey begins from there.

The mind is also in itself a vehicle for some kind of spirit pilot.

So .. you have the physical body [the vehicle] .. you have the mind [hard drive / software] .. you could say the mind is the Operating System. Then you have the third factor: The pilot. Going back it is important to understand that the MIND is a key fundamental aspect of each incarnation.

In a way you could say that the level of internal Operating System [the mind] depends on ones level of INITIATION or AWARENESS. I have to write about this in more detail .. but the SPIRIT has to work with each level of Mind / Operating System that it is capable of using.

The key System Interface is AWARENESS.

Contained within the GRATITUDE drawing is the imbalance we have in the World on Earth today. On one level people who make decisions [are drawn to power] generally use the tactic of bullying and mobbing. This behavior is rooted in fear.

The small number of people who have the deepest [hidden] fear drive associated people into that same state through bullying [mind control] .. and they together direct this force at anyone who challenges them or threatens their power base [their inherent behavior patterns].

That is how they do business on all levels of society.

The essential problem is that the general base awareness in general create this ego-based fear-based shared state of mind = this is actually a DOOR of INITIATION to be passed through and to be overcome using the inner mind resources of AWARENESS.

The negative mind control pyramid [I did not draw it too well] actually rebounds the negativity in a triangular vortex back to the source of that mindset. When you are using that mindset .. you are not going to get anywhere. All you are going to get is the triple density [karmically] rebounding back.

How Gratitude Protects The Mind
I have been in situations of my life that have not been funny... Occasions where I had no money and no food. One was caused by illegal activity of banking institutions that I was lucky to survive. I was really pissed off and in a negative state of mind.

When the Guidance said to me: Be GRATEFUL #_+ I was totally stunned and could not believe what I was hearing! After having a five minute hissy fit .. I decided to try to BE GRATEFUL. I admit it was [at first] not easy to do. When you are in a crisis .. being grateful is not the FIRST thing that comes to mind!

This phenomenon is shown in the drawing .. gratitude / self-awareness .. and it works. This is where the incarnate mind [Operating System] comes into effect. You can get angry .. you can get sorrows or fear. You can also bring peace to the mind that is much more effective.

People who are selfish .. working for ego-self .. cannot bring this peace to the mind. This is what I mean by INITIATION. Gratitude demands a total change of the state of the incarnate mind and an upgrade of the inner Operating System.

I put off writing this post for a number of weeks .. as I was not sure how to share this with people. Two really strange things happened today [I have to film the Eclipse of the Moon later]. I had to save a tiny bird trapped in the hall .. that is a story all on its own .. and later someone stopped me thinking I was a famous personality [seriously].

These experiences were two opposites that led to me finally writing this post.

One the tiny bird level I had to situate my internal energy to convince the bird I was not a threat. That bird was so fast I could not catch it in my hands to take it outside to bird safety land. A few minutes later probably the same energy cause the human reaction of: ARE YOU SOMEBODY FAMOUS / KNOWN.

Do you understand the different reactions of the tiny bird and the human ??

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Our Intelligent Gut

I once had an experience of an extreme higher intelligence awareness deep within the gut [colon]. At the center of your gut you have the navel [where the child's umbilical cord was attached to the womb]. That is the point where the growing baby is attached to the placenta.

As the fetus grows it is the placenta that provides oxygen water and nutrients. The placenta also transfers fecal waste produced by the baby out into the mother's body to be safely excreted. Let's call that process: An Intelligent system.
First I have to say: I was [from childhood] lactose intolerant. I was forced to drink milk at home and at school .. as a result I had endless tonsillitis [throat infections] and that era of scientific experimentation removed my tonsils. Removing my tonsils [at an early age] did not stop the endless throat infections #_#

Once I reached an age where I had more control over what i ate and drank I [me on my own] resolved the throat infections by not drinking any milk .. eating no cheese and not using butter. I hated the taste of milk! Was that my body warning me of something real? Another taste I hated was all the sugary drinks. The surrounding school culture was drinking the coke I was not drinking.

The earliest age I remember going out into the garden talking to tall spirit beings [who looked like ancient Greek Masters clothed in long radiant robes of intelligent light] was the age of five. These beings would talk to me telepathically .. well not exactly. It is not really telepathy. It is something else of an advanced intelligence beyond time.

These beings did not want me drinking all the sugary drinks .. and they did not want me drinking milk. My family accepted me not drinking Da'Coke .. but they did not accept me not drinking Da'Milk .. but I knew I was drinking some dirty tasting sh#t [that is my own personal experience].

Having regained my health by balancing Candida in my gut [using probiotics] .. I began to make my own Kefir using milk Kefir grains. The grains digest the lactose while producing a fermented live probiotic drink. This is why lactose intolerant people can drink Kefir. Kefir speaks the probiotic language in the gut.

Our Intelligent Gut System
At seven weeks after conception the human embryo shows clear signs of the growing intestinal tract and at eight weeks peristalsis begins in the embryo's large intestine [continuing throughout life].

Peristalsis is a smooth pattern of contractions [waves] that move food through the intestines. Gut peristaltic waves begin in the esophagus and travel the whole length of the gut [through the large intestine] pushing matter into the rectum and out of the body.
The Mother's body is feeding the fetus digested food [through the placenta barrier] .. and yet the developing gut of the child growing in the womb is passing waste out into the Mother's body to be excreted again by the Mother. The Mother's body has already digested the food into a form that helps the fetus grow inside the womb.

The fetus is producing and excreting waste.

My theory of: The Intelligent Gut System is that the body is not producing and excreting "waste". This is a revolutionary concept of the gut [intelligence]. You could call it: Intelligent waste. The body [Nature] is creating a highly versatile bio-product in harmony with the organic material principles of the Planet.

The intelligent gut process begins with the fetus and this intelligent gut process continues until death [of the physical organism]. It is important to understand that the gut - through the process of digestion - creates a complex bio-substance [science calls WASTE] designed to continue the life process in the soil and water.

The Future Is My Teacher
I can tell you what they do in the future. The future do Alchemy and not science. They create products [bio-degradable] based on the chemistry of the gut / colon. First they studied the chemistry [biology] of the gut and how it processes matter. That is a really complex process we do not understand today.

People in the future replicate that gut intelligence process to build materials that later break down or that can be broken down in Nature. The key point I want to make about the gut intelligence is how science today claims to produce BIO-DEGRADABLE plastic. It is a total joke...

You see .. your own intelligent gut puts enzymes and other compounds into the fecal matter passed by the colon. Which means the fecal matter only breaks down in Nature because of the Intelligent Alchemical Compounds added by your intelligent colon !!

Today's science tell you that the colon digests food and creates waste .. and later Nature breaks down that waste into biological parts. I am saying .. why is the whole gut so large? Why does the digestion process take such a long journey? The answer is .. because the gut is designed to perform and create Alchemical changes on digested matter along the way TO MAKE IT USEFUL.

You really are PART OF NATURE !!

Your gut is really a highly advanced .. highly intelligent .. super designed Alchemical [biological] unit working in the same way as the rich soil of the Planet. It is the exact same process .. it is just happening inside your gut. The gut is so highly advanced it can even analyse and add complex compounds to highly processed industry food to make it planetary bio-digestible.

Your brain is connected to your gut >_+

We have scientifically passed through a time where the elite of the elite in medicine are BRAIN SURGEONS. In the not too distant future the elite of a new alchemy of understanding and practice are: Colon / gut doctors. In the future they are not called doctors.
Word origin: doctor c.1300, "Church father," from O.Fr. doctour, from M.L. doctor "religious teacher, adviser, scholar," from L. doctor "teacher," from doct- stem of docere "to show, teach,"
This is difficult to translate .. in their future world they are: Harmonizers .. who fine-tune the intelligent Alchemical process that defines the building and re-transformation of matter.

They help people organize optimum healthy gut / colon balance.

What can I do today to help organize my own healthy gut balance? Well .. I have always been alone and on my own with that question [outside of the researchers and innovators who were also on their own. That's cool .. it is better than being part of the de-harmonized food herd.

What did I do to start working with my own colon? I started realizing the intelligence is in the colon and the love is in the colon. Basically .. because .. when I got sick my gut / colon did everything to keep some level of harmony within the body. I owe it to my gut that I am alive today.

The teacher is within us.

I got carried away .. the most important thing I wanted to write about is the Peristaltic Wave [probably as important as your heartbeat]. Basically .. no peristaltic wave no life! The peristaltic wave travels the length of the gut from the tongue .. through the stomach and intestines to the rectum. That's the basis of your digestive system.

Why would a fetus have a peristaltic wave process?

I did not say what I wanted to say when I began this post .. and so I am going to have to come back to this again in later posts. All I can say is: TAKE CARE OF YOUR GUT. From my own personal perspective the gut is as important as my heartbeat [to my health]. When my gut got really sick with Candida overgrowth and leaky gut .. my heartbeat was dynamically irregular and dynamically scary. I also go into that later. For me personally the two are connected...

Monday, August 24, 2015

Candida Overgrowth Chronic Tissue Inflammation

I am not an expert on anything [other than my own health] !!

The Art of Colon Health
I wanted to add this drawing that I made because .. if I had not reversed Candida Albicans overgrowth and leaky gut I would not be [today] producing my art = how I express my creative side.

I was going to call this post: From Candida Albicans to Skinny Jeans .. sense of humor.

I don't want to attract thousands of hits because of the word "skinny jeans". I am wearing the skinny jeans right now [I will explain that later] .. but this is my gut health and not about losing weight.

Diets? I have never done a diet in my life! Weight lifting? I don't like to lift weights! Weight loss training? I never did that either. My personal gut health was not focused on losing weight.

In June 2007 I was writing about my allergies and Candida research. In this post I am sharing eight years personal experience. I am not giving any kind of health advice. I am documenting my own personal experience with chronic gut inflammation and Candida yeast overgrowth.

At first I thought I was suddenly gaining weight and getting fat .. and as I did my own research I began to realise the so-called weight gain was chronic tissue inflammation. My stomach thighs hips and upper arms were bloated. Even worse than that was the growing connective tissue joint pain especially hips & knees.

My hips and joints became stiff [tendons] and at the worst stage I was walking slow and restricted like an 80 year old. This effect happened suddenly as if out of the blue. My body just swelled up and I was fat.

Earlier when the unusual symptoms were beginning I went to doctors .. specialists [allergies] and I was told by these professionals: You have food allergy reactions and there is nothing you can do other than learn to live with it.

The specialists gave me tiny anti-allergy reaction tablets [I broke in half .. and they were really tiny] .. because I never took medications in my entire life #_#

I was also told by the specialists and doctors that it is NORMAL to have aches and pains in the joints and for the joints to be stiff: AT MY AGE .. and I should learn to live with it .. DUH ?? They termed 45 to 50 as the degeneration phase where life goes backwards [hahaha].

What am I trying to share with you from my own personal experiences?

I can put it all in plain simple visual language that for me is related to my gut / colon health and is nothing to do with how my body looks .. but has everything to do with how my body FEELS .. because I live in here inside my body !!

Dynamics of A Healthy Gut
I personally healed my gut with Threelac [that is my own personal experience] gradually repopulating the gut with beneficial probiotic bacteria. Later I made my own fresh Kefir using Kefir grains. I am lactose intolerant but once the Kefir grains transform the milk I can drink the fermented Kefir or add it to smoothies.

Much more than the food I eat .. I want to be able to digest the food.

I went from wearing 38 size jeans to wearing 40 size jeans and after 40 I should have moved to 42 size or more .. but I just wore my 40 size that I could not close nor barely zip up. My thighs were exploding exponentially and my stomach even more. The point I am trying to make is that with Candida yeast overgrowth the so-called fat is actually: Chronic [tissue] inflammation.

In my opinion [having experienced it] this is a lot worse than simply putting on weight and getting fat. I was suffering... The change in body chemistry was affecting my moods. My heart was acting kind of weird all on its own. I would waken up in the early hours of the morning with irregular heartbeats.

I see young women in their early to mid twenties with bloated fat thighs and bloated gut trying to fit into smaller size jeans [just like wot I did #_+] .. and on one occasion in a local store I heard some girls say: I wish I could have a body like that AT HER AGE. I am a very shy person .. like I try to be invisible in public areas .. I do not like people to compare themselves to me.

Worst of all is that modern day humans are programmed to deteriorate and accept physical deterioration = this is normal at YOUR AGE .. learn to accept it and learn to live with it! Apparently you are all pre-programmed to rapidly deteriorate around 45 to 50 years old. It is all downhill from there!

Or is it all downhill ?? Are we really programmed to deteriorate physically ??

Well !! What does your GUT say ??

At this point in time I have been personally working on my gut for the last 8 years. No diets .. no exercise .. no programs .. no medications .. only me and my gut. That is all I have in this life: MY OWN BODY. Reading this you may think: EIGHT YEARS ??? Well .. actually .. no not eight years! But a lifetime of dedication to health. My own health.

Aging & Deterioration
As I repopulated my gut with beneficial probiotic bacteria [that is my own personal experience in this life] .. I began to move from size 40 jeans to size 38 jeans. That was the side effect of my personal work on my gut health.

I was not using beneficial probiotics to lose weight. The primary reason was to repair my irregular and erratic or rapid heartbeat and stop the sudden irrational mood swings. Add to the list my joint tissue inflammation and dehydrated tendons.

If I had Facebook I would be photographing my jeans and posting it on social networks >_+ .. but I do not have Facebook .. Twitter or any other social media accounts .. and I do not want to go down that road. I tell you why !!

The visual is good in some respects! Like .. I can share with you drawings I make or visual art that for me is there to inspire. There is a line where you are your own person. You are your own individual. You have to find your own way .. your own path. As an artist you do not compare yourself with anyone else.

As a student .. 22 to 24 years old I always wore size 38 jeans .. but not skinny jeans. My body fat filled the size 38 jeans. Not anymore! I was wearing 38 size jeans from the last couple of years and they were getting baggier and baggier. Today I decided to look for new pairs of jeans. I was totally amazed.

This is not the six week mantra or the eight week mantra: Lose weight.

This has nothing to do with losing weight and has EVERYTHING to do with GUT HEALTH. You see .. Health Lies In The COLON. So .. what I am sharing with you is primary gut colon health and anything else is a side effect of a healthy gut colon. As a result of eight years hard work my size 38 skinny jeans are not even tight .. but my student size 38 jeans were tight.

Do not get me wrong .. I am not SKINNY and I do not have abnormal weight loss. I have not lost my skins fatty tissue. I eat well and I do not look out for carbs and all that stuff !! The issue I am describing of my own personal experience is this: My fatty tissue is HEALTHY and I do not have chronic inflammation as in the past...

I will probably write about this in more detail in a later post.

My key point is this: I have experienced chronic fatty tissue inflammation as a direct result of Candida overgrowth and leaky gut. I have also experienced healthy fatty tissue as a result of replacing toxic acidic yeast colonizing my gut / colon by adding beneficial probiotic bacteria to my diet.

At the same time I am careful of the foods I eat. Like that I eat zero processed foods. I do not eat meat. I lightly steam vegetables. I supplement my diet with smoothies and blended cold soups. My focus is on colon cleanse and not on my diet. After 6 months I no longer had chronic inflammation of the connective tissues. All food allergy reactions disappeared.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Human Gut's Adaptive Program

The human gut is a multi-program living technology.

Adaptive Human Colon
I chose this image of my indoor peppers and ginger plants because I did something unusual .. and it worked!

I planted container ginger sprouts in soil and added some pepper seeds from my own indoor 2014 peppers. I watch the plants adapt. I have 4 fully grown green peppers with smaller peppers still forming and in the soil I have large ginger corms.

As you can see from the image they are all pretty tightly packed in terms of planting density and the plants also support each other .. as the ginger stems tend to fall over but here the stronger pepper stalks help to support the ginger.

In exactly the same way the human gut [colon] is highly adaptive. Humans see themselves as above Nature or separate .. humans are something different. However .. everything inside the human adapts in the same way plants and animals adapt. In the same way Nature adapts.

The least understood organ in the body is the intestine. For obvious reasons science has - until now - considered the intestine to be a waste disposal unit not much different to the pipes in your house carrying away waste water.

The waste pipes in your home are not self-healing .. self-cleansing .. self-repairing or self-regenerating. The human gut is self-cleansing. The human gut repairs and regenerates itself. Even more important the human gut is highly adaptive. Let's call it Adaptive Intelligence.

I came to this more detailed realisation with my new fruit-veges smoothie diet. When we eat only cooked food the feces is light to dark brown. With 80% to 100% fresh green smoothies the feces is dark green. You might say: Big deal! I am going to explain it.

It takes 10-14 days for the colon to adjust its internal climate from steamed cooked veges to drinking four half-liter or 1 pint smoothies each day. The intestine is the Master Alchemist in the body. The whole gut track adapts to the food we eat in terms of micro-flora and other more complex chemistry.

The intestines are like a subterranean garden perhaps with similar bio-spheres to soil chemistry. The gut can take whatever food you eat [when it has a majority of beneficial probiotics] and it analyses the food and creates chemically an interactive symbiosis between the walls of the colon and the digested food.

Hundreds of years of science telling people the intestines are organic waste pipes is wrong. The intestines are designed to interact with food in highly complex ways and nothing about the process is focused on WASTE. Even feces is an intelligent product. That is what Nature is all about!

Colon Hardware and Adaptive Software
One day in the future people who understand computers and computer programming will adapt their understanding to the human body. Like a Notebook or Tablet there is the hardware and the software. The physical 3D colon is the hardware .. while the microbes and nano-particles .. cells .. bacteria .. yeast and beneficial probiotics are the software.

Both the intestinal hardware and software need an electrical charge to function and communicate [interact] .. and this electrical charge also comes from the food we eat. Even though living bodies have their own electrical fields .. the electric charge from food is an essential and key factor in the function of the intestine.

We say big and small intestines .. but really it is ONE intestine !!

The human brain is made up of multiple units inside the skull .. but the fact is .. it is ONE brain. In a strange way the gut is like the brain. All your [gut] feelings and emotions spread out from that central area. The Buddhists knew this on the most practical levels [not esoteric] .. that this area of the body holds a key [subterranean] intelligence energy or force.

You cannot have intelligent adaptation without programming. Restrictions also have to apply. The adaptations have to seamlessly interact with the environment. There has to be adaptive communications between different forms of matter. In this case the forms of matter are the inner intestine walls and the food we eat.

Variations in adaptations are infinite within the restrictions [DNA codes] of each World or each Dimension. We [hybrid] humans are changing with the environment as the environment also adapts to us. This process is an ongoing dialogue. It is also a coded dialogue .. because all forms of matter have to understand each other when they interact.

This process goes across lifetimes. Many years ago I was drinking Pu-ehr tea .. but I could only get loose leaves and not the cakes. So .. I stopped drinking it because it meant nothing to me. Then I was able to get the fermented Pu-ehr pressed cakes and something strange happened.

I watched so many videos in various languages how to brew fermented Pu-erh tea .. there are many ways and methods from around the world how to brew the tea. You waken up the tea in Yixing clay teapot and then you make the tea. It is okay .. but something in me was not happy with that.

I began waking up the tea at night before I slept leaving the hot leaves [no water] overnight. In the morning I would brew the tea as usual and drink it until the leaves are used up. If I do not use this method I am not satisfied when I drink the tea. Then some strange experience came to me like Remote Viewing myself.

The ancient Tea Horse road linked Tibet with Sichuan and Yunnan .. this trade route is more than 1,000 years. It would take a year to bring the tea across from Sichuan to Tibet and from Yunnan to Tibet. I woke up from an experience of an ancient trader on the tea route bringing pressed Pu-erh cakes to Tibet.

The trader on the route was awake before sunrise .. and this might sound strange .. but to get the most out of the tea before moving on the trail he heated the tea at night before he slept. In the morning he could quickly get the most out of the leaves before travelling [they did not have much time to hang around].

Another more important thing takes place. Once the fermented Pu-erh is heated and the water is poured out .. the leaves continue to ferment. This is why I do not use boiling water on the tea leaves. In this way the traders could also benefit from the enzymes of fermentation process that was good for the gut.

I do not start the tea process in the morning because Pu-erh is an activator and some older cakes can cause a 'buzz' and even rapid heartbeat .. especially raw non-fermented Pu-erh cakes. If I drink the tea at night I am not going to get a good night sleep. This is gut Alchemy.

How does this relate to Colon Hardware and Adaptive Software?

It is similar to how you use a computer. Each person uses or interacts with their Smartphone .. Tablet or Notebooks in completely different ways. The hardware is the same. The software is the same. What is not the same is how each human interacts with the hardware and software programs. Add to this .. some people are programmers and can consciously change [re-write] programs.

The colon is also designed to interact with the incarnating life form [life force].

We actually form an interactive relationship with the intestinal hardware / software according to our nature. In a way the modern food culture is replacing those natural lines of interaction. I am sure you are going to laugh at what I write next .. but it is true!

I have never been inspired eating a processed pizza or eating any kind of processed food. As a kid I did not like eating meat .. chicken or fish. This did not come from thousands of years ancestral DNA programming .. because my ancestors were meat eating .. fish and clam mussel eating experience. I loved vegetarian Asian food and Indian food.

The fact is eating vegetables and not liking seafood or meat was a feeling inside my gut .. and no one in my entire extended family was vegetarian. They were all big meat eaters! From my experience I can say that my gut adapted to the experiences from my spirit [incarnating life force].

Is it possible to adapt the gut / colon through moments of enlightenment? Those moments where you suddenly realise you can do things differently? There was one food I loved to eat as a kid even though I refused meat seafood and chicken. That was blood sausage and kidneys. I would eat the blood sausage and pick out the kidneys from the stew. I would leave the meat.

I made a decision [completely on my own] not to eat blood sausage and not to eat kidney. I did not think it was wrong to eat these foods .. I simply decided not to eat them. I made those decisions around 7 to 8 years old. This is why I say our relationship with the gut intelligence is interactive. The intestines adapt to the incarnating spirit as well as to the local environment.