Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring Solstice Super Moon Eclipse 2015

I can safely say the 2015 March Equinox Solar Eclipse is the most amazing experience of my life. I am still whacked out by the electro-radionic effects of the energy waves .. but I am functioning. I slept so peacefully without dreams .. and yet I can feel the electro-cellular effects on the nervous system and body. We were not directly in the shadow!

I have experienced a Total Eclipse of the Sun .. but this one was much more powerful! This was a Super Moon Eclipse of the Sun on the Celtic Spring Equinox. An Eclipse on the Spring Solstice! Over the Celtic heartlands of Europe. Right at the mid-point it got REALLY COLD.

Without a good telescope or suitable camera you would not have known a total Eclipse of the Sun was taking place in the 80% shadow locations. I was 13 hours on the go first filming simultaneously with two video cameras and then converting uploading and editing files until I fell asleep.

Even now I can hardly believe what I experienced. Of course .. I was focusing on documenting the event using two video cameras. I added an ND 1000x filter to the DVC30 Pro with a Polaroid 3.5 Super Telephoto lens I went out into Nature in the middle of a grassy field. Usually when people see a woman using big professional video cameras they stop to talk >_<

I was just praying .. please don't let anyone walk over and start talking .. because I needed the spatial silence and the natural sounds of the birds. The birds sing to the Sun and the Moon crossing. Everywhere all you get is a beautiful echoing sound harmony of Nature!

I set the larger Panasonic Pro AG DVC30 to film on the tripod and simultaneously I was filming holding the Panasonic HC-W858 camcorder. The w858 is good because it allows you to add an extra lens or filter. To film in direct sunlight I used a 49mm ND 1000x lens filter in Normal Mode with 50x izoom.

Deep into the Eclipse it got REAL COLD.

Even though I was wearing a weather change suitable woven fabric hiking jacket and hiking trousers .. I still felt the sudden cold deep in my bones .. as though the cold reached right into the bone marrow. I started to shiver and lose internal body heat. I now understand that whatever took place was stronger than 'heat' or 'cold'.

Spring Equinox 2015 - Eclipse Gets Really Cold

The strange nervous system neurological part of this experience is that I can now edit the videos [visual] with ease and yet I am finding it very difficult to write the experience in words. Before the 2015 March 20 Spring Solstice Eclipse it was the other way round. I was finding editing videos difficult and I was writing with super fast dynamic cognitive ease.

I think I am on a new adventure!