Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Bacterial Mutation: Looking Through A Glass Darkly

Béchamp, Rife and Naessens Germ Theory
All microbes that permanently live in our organism go through the same stages of their development. According to Enderlein they are as follows: Colloid — microbe (primitive phrase), bacteria (middle phase), fungus (end phase).

Royal Rife could show that with increased toxicity the transformation goes into non-filterable forms, not visible with ordinary light microscopes (viruses). This also disproves Pasteur's infection theory as the "pathogenic bacteria" do not have to come from outside.

Those phases can be easily seen in living blood under the microscope, but only in "darkfield" as the small primitive forms are invisible in "brightfield."

Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems
Ultraviolet water disinfection systems: UV rays can penetrate the cell membrane of the microorganism and stop the reproduction capacity, leading to the destruction of the organism. UV radiation causes genetic damage to the genetic structure of bacteria. Therefore, Biogas from human waste uses Ultraviolet light in treatment and sterilisation.

Should E. coli bacteria mutate rather than being killed by UV treatment and antibiotic treatments then we humans are artificially altering these organisms. I imagine an advanced society would not 'kill' deadly bacteria; but they would cause them to transmute from their pathogenic forms into their benign forms. In other terms: reverse the mutations, transmute into balance. We are potentially creating dis-ease through disturbing the background ecology of the world we live in.

Royal R. Rife stated that there are only about ten different germs. All the various appearances that are classified in bacteriology are adaptations (pleomorphic changes) to the toxicity of the medium they live in. He describes the pleomorphic development of E. coli as follows:

E. coli
salmonella typhi
mycobacterium tuberculosum
yeast forms
BX (bacterium X)
BY (bacterium Y)
Rife could isolate BX from all cancerous tumors, the BY he found in sarcomas. The change from one form into another happens in about 36 hours. BX and BY pass readily through 000 ceramic filters and cannot be seen in an ordinary light microscope.

Antibiotics severely increase the toxicity of the host organism. The "disappearance" of a particular germ from the culture does not mean that the germ is dead; it only became invisible due to its transformation into an invisible form. That means that the host organism is now in a cancerous state.

The first and probably most disastrous error originates from Ferdinand Cohn, who in 1870 proclaimed that all microbes and bacteria have only one form (Monomorphism). This was also taught by Louis Pasteur. This teaching was opposed to the teaching of Antoine Béchamp who, roughly at the same time, could demonstrate that microbes can alter their form and appear as different germs (pleomorphism). Enderlein basically confirmed this and many other researchers after him.

Riddle of Pleomorphic Microorganisms by W. John Martin, M.D., Ph.D.
Pleomorphism refers to the belief that microorganisms can adopt multiple forms during a single growth cycle. It was originally proposed by a French Scientist and contemporary of Louis Pasteur named Antoine Bechamp. He observed tiny particles, which he called microzymas (small fermenters), that seemingly subsequently transformed into living bacteria.

The discovery that bacteria morphs out of a single background source, almost like fungi emerging from mycelium, makes a lot more sense than the assumption that bacteria just float around as single organisms. Using bright light we cannot see their common ground, because light renders their source world invisible to the eye. Therefore, they can only be detected looking through a glass darkly.