Not far away .. but near!
This information is a little more complex! As young as I remember I was aware of The Masters. These Masters take many forms but in essence they are all the same power or the same vibration awareness.
As powerful as they are The Masters were also very kind. They completely ignored all my early complaints when asking: WTF were you thinking to send me here ??? I gave The Masters a really bad time...
This drawing is the latest answer to work I have been doing. The problem is The Masters do not give a direct ANSWER.
Recently I travelled to them to complete some intensive training / guidance. This is related to past present and future now. Through the work we have done together in the past .. they work with me now.
The thing is The Masters never give an answer.
When I ask for Guidance .. this request is always met with intense silence. I was working to connect with incarnations where I was a Master of Acupuncture and related energy balance fields.
There was the usual silence .. but the answer comes from within. When you ask a question! The question makes you develop so that you have the abilities to understand or manifest the solution [answer] or insight [innovation].
When you work with The Masters really you work with yourself.
If you do not work with yourself .. then you do not work with The Masters. There are different ways to do this. You can physically go to sacred places associated with The Masters and their Guidance. You can meditate and ask so many questions [ask for Guidance].
Sometimes they will interact with you in various ways. But .. they will not just give you the answer. There is very simple reason why The Masters do not just give us the ANSWER .. because we are the answer. The same energy is inside us.
You can travel inside yourself to places that do not physically exist on Earth and you can do the same thing: Ask for answers / Guidance to find The Way or to follow The Way. We have been doing this for lifetimes when incarnate into physical 3D reality. Doing some kind of essential work [on ourselves].
Some time ago The Masters took me to a place that is real .. more real than physical 3D reality .. and all the beings represented in ancient Chinese / Japanese / Asian ART were there in reality. I don't do any funny stuff .. but these beings were real. I did not have any QUESTIONS .. I was speechless and I discovered the meaning of SILENCE!
Later out of yourself .. like a seed germinating .. there is inner realisation relating to The Path or the SOLUTION. It never comes to you the way you think it should or the way you think [PERIOD]. The answer is inside you [always]. It never fails to surprise me !!
The Sacrum and The Skull
Just as most people have no idea that the functions of the brain are directly related to the functions of the intestines! People have no idea that the kidney's and adrenal glands have a master influence on the heart and brain.
Even more remote than this is the connection between the sacrum and the skull .. as well as the relationship between the sacrum and the heart. Very few understand the intense relationship between the skeletal structure and the organs of the body. The relationship between the skeletal structure and the glands.
I am not talking about the nerves running from the spine.
Much of the communication process between Earth humans and The Masters is ART .. insight .. innovation .. realisation .. application into physical 3D reality. Maybe the problem we have is that THOUGHT [rational linear mind] does not understand this deeper communication.
There is no RATIONAL understanding for my drawing .. but I UNDERSTAND it +_#
When you are meeting The Masters you are meeting yourself! But .. what language do you use ?? There is no rational language to meet yourself. The Universe is not based on RATIONAL PRINCIPLES even though rational THOUGHT tries to explain Galaxies using restricted mathematical formulas.
If Galaxies used linear rational mathematical formula rotations .. we would all be dead !!
ART causes the mind to shift to other levels beyond thought. Because .. rational thought is the least capable tool within the brain in terms of understanding / insight / realisations / solutions. My linear rational mind does not like this drawing !!
You know what .. I really like this drawing !!