Spirit is Inter-dimensional Time Traveller
I am so excited about this new drawing ..
The drawings may seem simple but it really is not easy to do !!
I am also enjoying this new level of information: Body inhabitants
Part of the reason is most of what I do in my posts is work. By this I mean other levels .. other dimensions .. this dimension .. co-ordinating dreams .. figuring it all out .. finding ways to communicate what I see. One also has learn levels of self-discipline.
Sometimes when I walk I see visions or multi levels of timeless information. The key is: Incarnate Body Inhabitants have to have the skills and power to make sense of this.
I don't know how young I was ?? maybe four years old [I was pretty smart at four years old] .. when I complained to the Invisible Guides that I could not heal people AS USUAL +_+
You have to have a sense of humor on this Planet!
I had this awareness as a child that I had healed humans in an Atlantis type setting here on Earth [even as a child in that setting]. Where I could easily heal people in a nano-second. In this life I was complaining: Who took this ability away .. and why the restrictions ??
At the time I was shown a vision of close to the period of the end of Atlantis when we still had these abilities. The healing abilities were not miracles they were totally natural! I saw a compressed holographic experience [in less than a second] where we were physically healing humans over and over again. The humans could not remain healed ...
The Council of Elders of The Dimensions realized what was happening and they changed the healing role of those who have the power. The problem was that [at that time] we could easily and effortlessly heal the growing range of human disease and degeneration .. but we could not heal the psyche.
Nearing the end of Atlantis these beautiful humans that were created began to go into all kinds of strange and abnormal states of rapid degeneration. We would heal them and heal them with power of love and Universal Qi .. but shortly after this healing people would go back into their out-of-balance states.
I saw a lot more than I write .. and I said: Okay .. I Understand !!
I did not agree with this decision .. and I have to admit some part of me still does not agree with this decision. Because in yin / yang there is always alternative effect [like putting sentient beings into same pressure cooker]. Desperate selfish [fear] service-to-self people can become obsessed with living at any cost .. while gentle kind sensitive people can suffer through the imbalances. The old Atlantis healing model does not work either.
This was simply the introduction...
I want to talk about the drawing: The Masters Lend Us Their Power! This came to me just walking and listening to / looking at Nature. Because .. all the trees .. grass .. plants .. weeds .. rain .. clouds .. are the antenna of the higher worlds.
You are all searching for Star Gates ?? Look more closely at a blade of grass !!
I have drifted again #_+ ...
The Masters lend us their power! Planet Earth is a Dojo .. a place of learning. Some people call Earth a Prison Planet .. but this is only fractionally [partly] "true". Earth manifests [supports] multiple dimensions and timelines within one space [sphere].
Some parallel Earth dimensions are ugly .. some are advancing and some are dead.
This multi-dimensional Earth is really not a "Prison planet". Aspects of different timelines inhabiting core Earth may move in degenerated directions or advanced directions. This is similar to behavior of societies in different countries or continents.
The next level: The Masters lend us their power .. applies to Earth being a school.
The way it was shown to me is you have four year old mentality who have the potential to learn to mature. If you give a four year old POWER = what will they do with it? Already humans have no power and they spend more time destroying than creative building.
The Masters lend us their power to guide us and teach us [step by step].
I am sure you can imagine what happens when humans go into retrograde and misuse the power. That effect follows lifetime after lifetime. When people play games with you .. you do not have to do anything !! These people are a lot worse off that you.
They have to face themselves!
It is like you plug in your notebook .. and the computer uses the electricity! You plug in your mobile phone or tablet and these devices use the electricity. Then it is up to you how you use these devices. Are you still with me +_#
Do not get me wrong!
There are Masters for every level teaching / guiding .. sort of like a Sushi Chef or any level of human behavior and human existence [according to our own nature]. This is the most important of what I have to say. There are Masters at every level showing us the way and teaching us.
The Masters do not have high levels / low level .. they only have The Teachings.