Monday, May 30, 2016

Body Inhabitants: The Masters Lend Us Their Power

Spirit is Inter-dimensional Time Traveller

I am so excited about this new drawing ..
The drawings may seem simple but it really is not easy to do !!

I am also enjoying this new level of information: Body inhabitants

Part of the reason is most of what I do in my posts is work. By this I mean other levels .. other dimensions .. this dimension .. co-ordinating dreams .. figuring it all out .. finding ways to communicate what I see. One also has learn levels of self-discipline.

Body Inhabitants: The Masters Lend Us Their Power
Sometimes when I walk I see visions or multi levels of timeless information. The key is: Incarnate Body Inhabitants have to have the skills and power to make sense of this.

I don't know how young I was ?? maybe four years old [I was pretty smart at four years old] .. when I complained to the Invisible Guides that I could not heal people AS USUAL +_+

You have to have a sense of humor on this Planet!

I had this awareness as a child that I had healed humans in an Atlantis type setting here on Earth [even as a child in that setting]. Where I could easily heal people in a nano-second. In this life I was complaining: Who took this ability away .. and why the restrictions ??

At the time I was shown a vision of close to the period of the end of Atlantis when we still had these abilities. The healing abilities were not miracles they were totally natural! I saw a compressed holographic experience [in less than a second] where we were physically healing humans over and over again. The humans could not remain healed ...

The Council of Elders of The Dimensions realized what was happening and they changed the healing role of those who have the power. The problem was that [at that time] we could easily and effortlessly heal the growing range of human disease and degeneration .. but we could not heal the psyche.

Nearing the end of Atlantis these beautiful humans that were created began to go into all kinds of strange and abnormal states of rapid degeneration. We would heal them and heal them with power of love and Universal Qi .. but shortly after this healing people would go back into their out-of-balance states.

I saw a lot more than I write .. and I said: Okay .. I Understand !!

I did not agree with this decision .. and I have to admit some part of me still does not agree with this decision. Because in yin / yang there is always alternative effect [like putting sentient beings into same pressure cooker]. Desperate selfish [fear] service-to-self people can become obsessed with living at any cost .. while gentle kind sensitive people can suffer through the imbalances. The old Atlantis healing model does not work either.

This was simply the introduction...

I want to talk about the drawing: The Masters Lend Us Their Power! This came to me just walking and listening to / looking at Nature. Because .. all the trees .. grass .. plants .. weeds .. rain .. clouds .. are the antenna of the higher worlds.

You are all searching for Star Gates ?? Look more closely at a blade of grass !!

I have drifted again #_+ ...

The Masters lend us their power! Planet Earth is a Dojo .. a place of learning. Some people call Earth a Prison Planet .. but this is only fractionally [partly] "true". Earth manifests [supports] multiple dimensions and timelines within one space [sphere].

Some parallel Earth dimensions are ugly .. some are advancing and some are dead.

This multi-dimensional Earth is really not a "Prison planet". Aspects of different timelines inhabiting core Earth may move in degenerated directions or advanced directions. This is similar to behavior of societies in different countries or continents.

The next level: The Masters lend us their power .. applies to Earth being a school.

The way it was shown to me is you have four year old mentality who have the potential to learn to mature. If you give a four year old POWER = what will they do with it? Already humans have no power and they spend more time destroying than creative building.

The Masters lend us their power to guide us and teach us [step by step].

I am sure you can imagine what happens when humans go into retrograde and misuse the power. That effect follows lifetime after lifetime. When people play games with you .. you do not have to do anything !! These people are a lot worse off that you.

They have to face themselves!

It is like you plug in your notebook .. and the computer uses the electricity! You plug in your mobile phone or tablet and these devices use the electricity. Then it is up to you how you use these devices. Are you still with me +_#

Do not get me wrong!

There are Masters for every level teaching / guiding .. sort of like a Sushi Chef or any level of human behavior and human existence [according to our own nature]. This is the most important of what I have to say. There are Masters at every level showing us the way and teaching us.

The Masters do not have high levels / low level .. they only have The Teachings.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Body Inhabitants: Meeting The Masters

Not far away .. but near!

This information is a little more complex! As young as I remember I was aware of The Masters. These Masters take many forms but in essence they are all the same power or the same vibration awareness.

As powerful as they are The Masters were also very kind. They completely ignored all my early complaints when asking: WTF were you thinking to send me here ??? I gave The Masters a really bad time...

Body Inhabitants: Meeting The Masters
This drawing is the latest answer to work I have been doing. The problem is The Masters do not give a direct ANSWER.

Recently I travelled to them to complete some intensive training / guidance. This is related to past present and future now. Through the work we have done together in the past .. they work with me now.

The thing is The Masters never give an answer.

When I ask for Guidance .. this request is always met with intense silence. I was working to connect with incarnations where I was a Master of Acupuncture and related energy balance fields.

There was the usual silence .. but the answer comes from within. When you ask a question! The question makes you develop so that you have the abilities to understand or manifest the solution [answer] or insight [innovation].

When you work with The Masters really you work with yourself.

If you do not work with yourself .. then you do not work with The Masters. There are different ways to do this. You can physically go to sacred places associated with The Masters and their Guidance. You can meditate and ask so many questions [ask for Guidance].

Sometimes they will interact with you in various ways. But .. they will not just give you the answer. There is very simple reason why The Masters do not just give us the ANSWER .. because we are the answer. The same energy is inside us.

You can travel inside yourself to places that do not physically exist on Earth and you can do the same thing: Ask for answers / Guidance to find The Way or to follow The Way. We have been doing this for lifetimes when incarnate into physical 3D reality. Doing some kind of essential work [on ourselves].

Some time ago The Masters took me to a place that is real .. more real than physical 3D reality .. and all the beings represented in ancient Chinese / Japanese / Asian ART were there in reality. I don't do any funny stuff .. but these beings were real. I did not have any QUESTIONS .. I was speechless and I discovered the meaning of SILENCE!

Later out of yourself .. like a seed germinating .. there is inner realisation relating to The Path or the SOLUTION. It never comes to you the way you think it should or the way you think [PERIOD]. The answer is inside you [always]. It never fails to surprise me !!

The Sacrum and The Skull
Just as most people have no idea that the functions of the brain are directly related to the functions of the intestines! People have no idea that the kidney's and adrenal glands have a master influence on the heart and brain.

Even more remote than this is the connection between the sacrum and the skull .. as well as the relationship between the sacrum and the heart. Very few understand the intense relationship between the skeletal structure and the organs of the body. The relationship between the skeletal structure and the glands.

I am not talking about the nerves running from the spine.

Much of the communication process between Earth humans and The Masters is ART .. insight .. innovation .. realisation .. application into physical 3D reality. Maybe the problem we have is that THOUGHT [rational linear mind] does not understand this deeper communication.

There is no RATIONAL understanding for my drawing .. but I UNDERSTAND it +_#

When you are meeting The Masters you are meeting yourself! But .. what language do you use ?? There is no rational language to meet yourself. The Universe is not based on RATIONAL PRINCIPLES even though rational THOUGHT tries to explain Galaxies using restricted mathematical formulas.

If Galaxies used linear rational mathematical formula rotations .. we would all be dead !!

ART causes the mind to shift to other levels beyond thought. Because .. rational thought is the least capable tool within the brain in terms of understanding / insight / realisations / solutions. My linear rational mind does not like this drawing !!

You know what .. I really like this drawing !!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Body Inhabitants: Inner Power

Knowing others is intelligence,
knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength,
Mastering yourself is true power

- Lao-Tzu

Body Inhabitants: Inner Power
This drawing drew itself before I decided what it was showing in pictographic visual terms. The way my mind works is that I see a complete space-time vision of information and Guidance.

This is not linear space-time .. the vision is contained within a bubble. Still .. it applies to this reality.

In this drawing you can see seven principles of power.

At the same time all principles of power are one and the same force. Some power may seem to be expansive .. while some power may seem to be contained.

It is the same power with the same force.

As you see from the drawing power follows pathways. If you look deeper you may see power follows pathways to maintain cohesion. This applies to all forms of power including the Sun. When naked power is unrestricted [undisciplined] it has no form .. direction or purpose.

Body Inhabitants incarnate to fully develop within each lifetime. The journey is not physical .. the journey is that of Incarnate Spirit. Development is not physical .. development is of the Incarnate Spirit. This is the true meaning of power.

You could say: This is the true meaning of Inner Power.

In the world of Nature the small regulates the large .. and the small gives pathways for the large to exist. One form of the small are probiotics .. other forms are fungi / bacteria. Beneficial probiotics give the cells a certain electrical charge that we call "energy" or life.

Fungi and bacteria exist to unlock and break cohesive cellular patterns [physical matter] back down to its micro-molecular state. There is no food source on Earth that has not been consumed trillions of times before.

Fungi yeast and bacteria digest matter when signals show that the energy signature is in a state of decay. Chronic inflammation is part of the Cancer cell process where cells can mutate or tumors can grow. It is all the same POWER!

Fungi and bacteria can only unlock and take apart biological compatible cellular structures. How is it that all these different structures are compatible and can interact on the deeper levels? It is exactly the same power that holds your body together. It is the same reason why cells in the body can reduce inflammation, detox and regenerate.

The key organ controlling all these processes is the colon!

Toxic colon is Candida overgrowth .. maybe leaky gut ?? Toxic colon is impacted waste matter with fungi and bacteria overgrowth. This can include parasites and viruses. It is all there inside the gut only because it has something to feed off of. In Nature the parasites .. the bacteria .. fungi and mold are designed to feed off toxic waste!

The electrical frequency of this toxic waste digestion process is different to the electrical frequency of healthy living cells in your body. For example .. fungal overgrowth impacting the body will directly charge the energy of a lightning storm that the body cells are designed to have resistance to.

When I had toxic leaky gut [fungal yeast overgrowth affecting the cells in the body] I could feel the electrical charge run through my body before the lightning flash. This is because fungi comes alive in lightning storms .. and are designed to become highly charged during thunder storms.

As soon as I figured things out and began taking probiotics every day [I started with Threelac] .. all that cr#p ended! That is because beneficial probiotics digest and detoxify fungi yeast and bacteria while supporting healthy normal cell function. It is all the same power! It just takes different forms!

One cannot detox too fast or you end up with a healing crisis.

Toxic colon changes the energy pathways .. or interferes with the normal functioning of the electrical energy pathways. Toxins from the fungus / bacteria cause a direct chemical anxiety or stress that has nothing to do with psychological brain / mind. In fact these toxic chemicals interfere with the brain / mind communication pathways.

The brain / psyche can be functioning [calm meditation] while the body is experiencing toxic chemical stress and anxiety from the psycho-active molecular pathways coming from the fungal / bacterial overgrowth. I hope that makes sense!

The interesting thing about Valerian root is that it is not only anti-inflammatory but it includes sesquiterpenes compounds that are able to cross the blood brain barrier carrying oxygen with the ability to attack Cancer cells [a form of inflammation]. Also containing a key molecular component GABA [inhibitory neurotransmitter] which is know to regulate anxiety.

I am describing different molecules with different functions .. all the same power.

The way I have used Valerian in the past is to use it as a building support with space-time gaps for the body to regain its own normal functioning of inner chemical balance. If you tried to rely on it after four days the effect of Valerian on the body is greatly reduced. There must be a good reason for the way the body does this!

Space-time is an overlooked and essential part of the healing process!

We are so intellectual and rely [focus] on thought that as soon as there is neuro-chemical stress in the body itself [not in the mind] we are completely dense and think everything is inside the mind or the brain. When you switch to silent mind and listen .. this becomes clear. I am talking a physical neuro-chemical process inside the body structure.

A lot of stuff taking place like Post Traumatic Stress could possibly be similar to my own experiences when we lose essential gut probiotics and become toxic with cellular interference chemicals / toxins / fungus / bacteria...

To experience anxiety and stress direct from the body when you have a calm mind is the weirdest sh#t you can imagine +_# I mean .. I have never taken any kinds of medications or psychoactive substances .. but when that happens it is like a BAD TRIP. It is direct body psychoactive because fungus is that kind of toxin!

Inner power is a healthy colon!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Body Inhabitants: Courage = Innovation

Although I was fortunate [some years ago] that doctors could not diagnose any cause for the ongoing collapse of my metabolism .. affecting my heart. I had to figure things out for myself or I was pretty much toast! It takes a lot of courage.

For sure I could have died! Because I know I have incarnated many times into physical bodies on Earth .. I was not afraid. I used many natural methods to heal my body. I had to first balance the gut probiotics before the mind / meditation would work again.

Body Inhabitants: Courage = Innovation
This drawing was done to show you visually what I am talking about in words. You can hear all the words and not be inspired within yourself. Thought [the intellect] is often the worst enemy.

I was fortunate in that during my health downfall no one could diagnose why everything in my body was out of whack! Being who I am obviously I searched for an EVERYTHING solution!

I was fat and gaining weight and then I was thin to my bones. My heart was not behaving. I had bulging eyes. My gut was not behaving. My knees were swollen. I could hardly walk and Every joint in my body was stiff.

Some part of me found all this funny .. and so I remained in a positive mindset and with so many symptoms I knew I had nothing to lose. What was the root cause of so many symptoms in my body ?? The immune system appeared to be totally non-functioning on all levels.

What did I do? I observed myself day and night being aware of all mis-functions of the body.

At the time I thought the worst experiences were the rapid changes in heartbeat. I now know the worst experience was inside the colon. The colon was no longer detoxing and that meant any food I ate created all the symptoms my body had to balance out.

I was amazed to wake up each morning .. because my body was like a sack of bones.

In that time I became aware of the one true friend incarnate Body Inhabitants have in each lifetime: The Body! It is funny how humans talk about the loyalty of dogs .. and yet how many are aware of the much deeper loyalty of their own body!

The next level is being aware of the endless support that comes to us from the Invisible Worlds. It is not so much that we are here for A REASON .. but that we are the reason why we are here. I know! That is a lot of words ...

I feel we are here to fully develop in our lifetime.

At the time I got sick I had not fully developed. Something inside me that is beyond words / beyond intellect .. was guiding me not to give up. That something was communicating to me that I had not developed within my lifetime.

I imagine if death manifests in the pre development phase [within a lifetime] .. one has to come back and live [experience] the cycle again. Life in the physical realms is not just about protecting the physical incarnation. Life as Body Inhabitants has a much more serious path.

I say path .. because it is not a set goal and life purpose has nothing to do with ego. It is a path! But not in the set ways we imagine when we set out or follow paths in our lives. For example .. I got very sick and that was not imagined or desired in my life's path.

I thought I was healthy!

You see in my drawings that I have inner courage to draw something new .. in new ways and that this leads to innovation. There are so many innovations that can arise only from the fact that I draw the way I draw. I taught myself this inner art.

No one taught me this. I had to find it within.

For me .. that drawing is what it took to find the courage to find my own path. No one had the solution to my state of health and at the time I did not have the solution. I can add to this that finding the solution was part of my development in this lifetime.

Courage = Find your own path = Spiritual Innovation!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Body Inhabitants: Rising Energy Pathway

Long term health = short term remedies

It is my theory that from the prostate gland / ovaries to the pituitary gland in the brain is one organ with unified connective nodes [including the heart]. This is what I call the: Rising Energy Pathway.

Body Inhabitants: Rising Energy Pathway
This drawing was slightly more difficult because it is a diagram. I saw the drawing in my mind after waking up .. and I find those types of drawings to be challenging. Usually I draw and I do not think.

It is okay as a diagram.

The mistake we make today is that we have a tradition of breaking the physical body up into little bits and attempt to individually treat each little part.

I personally listen to my body [whose intelligence is superior to myself] .. right ?? The body keeps us alive without any central authority governing its ways.

The physical body is its own governing channel .. while interfacing directly with intelligent energy pathways [electrical current flows] North South East West polarity.

Beneficial electrical fields are related to natural bio-physical environment: High oxygen alkali PH achieved in co-ordination with beneficial gut probiotcs and other anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric [Cucurmin Bioperine] and for joints / connective tissue: New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Extract.

I have serious seafood allergies but I can take Green Lipped Mussel Extract [that is interesting]. This can be used for arthritis and osteoporosis .. joint injury and chronic inflammation of connective tissue.

Let me take a few things that I do to maintain slightly alkali body PH. As chronic inflammation is the result of low oxygen high acid PH in the tissues of the body .. I use anti-inflammatory natural foods and spices.

The first thing I was shown through other dimension interactions and the Invisible Guides is to go naturally with the bodies own space time activity. For example .. when you detox super fast the result can be death. The organs of the body have to remove all that toxic waste.

Waste removal can include heavy metals .. toxins .. mold .. yeast .. parasites!

It can take 40+ years to get the body into a state of chronic inflammation and people are going to reverse that in 6-8 weeks ?? Give me a break #_+ The fact is I do not want to super-detox my body in 6-8 weeks. The ways the body works I do not think it is physically possible .. apart from the dangers to the vulnerable detox organs.

It has been known for hundreds if not thousands of years that Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory with many gut and health benefits. Today clinical studies has shown Cucurmin [from turmeric root] destroys Cancer cells. The key is: Not FAST but SLOW !!

Artemesia Annua [Chinese Wormwood] is a Traditional Chinese Medicine [TCM] known as Qing Hao - 青蒿 - Artemisia Annua known as the anti-maleria anti-cancer herb. Sweet Wormwood also shows anti-inflammatory properties! Valerian is used to treat anxiety .. balance [relax] the nerves .. is used for insomnia and is anti-inflammatory.

Long term health = short term remedies
When we take certain supplements the body [over time] reduces the effectiveness = reduces the absorption of certain elements. What this means is that Valerian extract after four days will not be absorbed as efficiently.

Powdered Valerian root and tincture drops quickly lose their potency [you do not know how old they are] .. and some specialists suggest that Valerian Extract is a better form. After four days the body reduces the absorption rate to the point that people would have to take increasing amounts to get the same benefits.

It is the same principle with Swedish Bitters .. American Ginseng .. possibly Chinese Wormwood. The more you take over longer periods the less effective it is. The same rule may apply for any medications ?? effectiveness decreases with time.

Some experts suggest taking 3 days on and maybe two days off with herbs and supplements that lose effectiveness within the body over longer time periods. Since I was a small child I cannot take any kind of medication including aspirin. I have severe allergy reactions to antibiotics and other medications.

My theory on the decreasing effectiveness of some natural supplements and possibly medications are this: It is possible the body creates and stores natural homeopathic micro-nutrients for future beneficial use from plant compounds such as Chinese Wormwood [Artemesia Annua] .. Valerian .. Ginseng ??

You have to be aware that the body does things slow and not super fast !!

This is probably why homeopathic micro-potencies are so effective in the body! Cellular nano-potency is required to make things work on the bio-active levels of blood and cell building blocks physical levels. The body has to use unknown alchemy to take substances and create these micro-elements.

Using intelligence obviously the body will reject artificial compounds when it detects potential dangers. The physical body exists with one purpose inherent in its manifestation: To PROTECT your life and to MAINTAIN your life. DUH !!

Physical body is your most loyal and loving true friend.

Physical body is designed to detect danger to life and negate those elements and compounds. The body has incredible capacity to block .. eliminate and reduce so-called "effectiveness" of different compounds for various reasons. One of those reasons can be a threat to the life-force functioning of the body.

I have been in that situation .. and I had to figure out a way through the various reactions. Toxins in the body can interfere with body inhabitant spirit/mind contact and techniques of mediation and staying calm. I was able to detox those elements slowly = 3 months / 6 months / 1 year .. over time.

Until I was able to detox the physical body slowly I was able to use a very high level of mind / psyche [meditation] that comes from the heart. To try and explain this ?? The body was working to maintain my life force and I was working to maintain the bodies life force!

The issue for people is what do you do when the body intelligence is altering effectiveness of compounds you think are helping to heal you ?? What do you do ?? I try to figure out the periods of effectiveness related to the additional colon / cellular detox of the body.

With natural substances like Valerian and Artemesinin [Wormwood] the period can be 3-4 days and in general a 2-3 day clear period where I take no herbs resets the bodies acceptance levels. In terms of natural substances I feel that the body stores these compounds at micro-homeopathic levels for longer term use.

Medications are more difficult. I cannot test this theory because I have allergy reactions to synthetic medications [#_#] .. I test natural substances to evaluate their effects. With medications ?? I don't know... I personally would find a true healing master who could advise me on intermediate alternatives to alleviate the bodies rejection patterns.

As Jiddu Krishnamurti said: Once you create SPACE you can find a solution.

I would gently and slowly detox using natural methods: clean ozonated water .. beneficial gut probiotics .. natural anti-inflammatory plant compounds. I would not do fasting as the body needs essential nutrients. I get those nutrients from fresh juices .. wheatgrass / barleygrass / spirulina powders.

The key communication between spirit inhabitant and physical body is LOVE. There has to be love .. compassion .. higher mind connection with the body. I know you are taught to "love" the outer world .. but that is incorrect programming. The love begins [ends] within you. The inner love affects the outer world.

Micro-foods nutrition / elements I consider to be long term beneficial and not be affected by reduced absorption over time are: Essential gut probiotics including live Kefir .. green micro-nutrient powders such a Wheatgrass. Ozonated water .. fresh juices .. possibly turmeric.

Intake of Ginseng may have a reduced effects when taken every day over long periods of time. I would break up the intake of Red Korean Ginseng .. Siberian Ginseng .. American Ginseng root / extract.

The NZ Green Lipped Mussel Extract tends to be effective over time = it is a micro-nutrient anti-inflammatory food source. It helps to be aware which substances the body will absorb long term and which substances the body will block or reduce effectiveness when taken daily over longer periods.

It is possible the intake of beneficial herbs and supplements depends on levels of detoxification of the bodies organs and colon? I do not know .. this is just a thought as to why the physical body would slow down absorption of beneficial elements.

Ultimately we have to understand and respect the physical bodies own internal processes .. and my theory is to cleanse / detox / rebuild / regenerate slowly. I could be wrong but I do not think the body is going to do stuff super fast. I would suggest we also try to understand the electrical current dynamics of the single organ rising energy pathway!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Body Inhabitants: Green Colon

How we see the World we live on and how we see ourselves
.. affects how we experience life as a whole.

Body Inhabitants: Green Colon
This is an adaptation of my first drawing to include a pictograph representation of the green colon principle. I use this principle to explain how I see inside the body through psychic phenomenon.

In the drawing you see the visual language that says so much more than words. The beauty of drawings is that they are open to individual interpretation. Through ART people can have their own insights and their own imaginations better than using words.

Words are like signs on a road or path showing you what lies in which directions. We have to walk away from the word [sign] in silence to understand the path for ourselves. But .. with drawings the open field is there and silence is contained within the drawings [pictographs].

To explain this more clearly .. inhabiting the physical body on Earth is like staying in a house or visiting a new location. Clean air .. water and food are essential to a healthy environment as you live or travel around the Planet.

People who travel cannot grow / blend or juice wheatgrass. While travelling it is difficult to make fresh juices every day. I found a solution .. because I was shown by Invisible Worlds it is important to have a green colon !!

As you see in my drawing .. green colon is essential to having a green brain +_#

Friends whose home was destroyed in the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake were without food as they survived this devastating event. Obviously the key issue following this disaster is no available food and no one can cook. People lose everything in such an event.

What I am about to say can also help people in such emergency situations to have micro-bio nutrition until there is a situation where they can obtain food. Until there is a situation where they can cook for themselves .. micro-nutrients are sustainable foods. This is so simple and so powerful!

What is a green colon ?? How can you achieve this while travelling ??

Over the last few weeks I have been testing organic wheatgrass power .. barleygrass powder and a good source of spirulina powder. You also have to be careful to find the best [non-contaminated] source = not the cheapest you can buy.

In an emergency it may not matter as food is food!

Within a range of 10 days wheatgrass powder turns the gut & colon green...

I eat three teaspoons of grass powder a day. I like the taste of the powder and so I just put it in my mouth and mix with a sip of water. Later I drink down a good amount of fresh ozonated water. That is how I turn my gut green.

The beauty of grass powder is you can travel with them and benefit from the gentle detox effect as well as high nutrition [this is a living food] .. but the most amazing effect is how green powders alter the inner climate of the colon [over time].

When you put a teaspoon of wheatgrass powder in your mouth you notice it forms a slightly jelly like consistency before you start to drink more water. THAT is exactly what happens inside the intestines as you continue to consume green powders every day. This living nutrition adds a jelly like hydration to the functions of the gut / colon.

This is exactly what you want to be taking place inside the colon...

No matter what you eat in terms of normal everyday living .. health begins or ends in the intestines. Most people today suffer from dehydrated sticky moldy toxic impacted colon.

More food comes into the intestines each day and enters into that impacted sticky dehydrated moldy blocked-with-??? tube of slow moving waste. So .. I tested this out on myself to see what effects a green colon would have on my Planet Earth experience.

It is not such a bad experience #_#

I later realised people can use probiotics and green powders as food in emergency situations. I use Threelac probiotics .. my friends prefer Fivelac and we all use daily lots of wheatgrass powder .. barleygrass powder and spirulina powder in our diet.

What effect does this have...
We feel less hungry and have more energy.

I consider probiotics to be a food [not a supplement] .. as well as green powders being a living micro-nutrient rich food. We eat normal every-day food as a supplement to our probiotics & green powders. Additionally the GREEN powders create a probiotic beneficial climate within the gut / digestion / intestinal tract.

Maybe I should have called this post: Green Your Colon !!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Body Inhabitants: Colon Gut Health

I woke up this morning with: Body Inhabitants [in my mind]
Spirit inhabits the body .. the body inhabits Earth [triangle = 3]
The way I was taught over the last [lots of] years is that gut [colon] health is the key essential for the health of the whole body. When I say the whole body I mean: Blood .. brain .. glands .. connective tissues .. heart .. all major organs .. bones! In that time I have done a lot of colon cleanse programs [tested them out].

Body Inhabitants: Colon Gut Health
The way this was shown to me in my dreams is key to understanding the whole balance of energy and health from the colon to the brain!

It is important to understand that you [spirit] inhabits physical 3D body on Earth. It is not that the spirit inhabits Earth. The key is that the spirit inhabits the body inhabiting the Planet [Earth].

The physical body on Planet Earth is like a biosphere or bio-interface spaceship allowing spirit to visit and experience life on a Plant [like Earth].

The biospheric unit = physical 3D body .. is like a car / vehicle / interplanetary craft [it gets old / it wears out].

It was shown to me when you [spirit] inhabit physical 3D bodies .. you have to know or learn how to maintain them! If you do not maintain your car it breaks down. If you do not maintain the airplane it breaks down. It is same principles for your body.

The difference is that the biological body is designed to protect itself .. to regenerate itself and to detox itself. The body is designed to throw out waste and regenerate on all physical levels. The key process of detoxification being the gut / colon [intestines].

I am saying everything in the physical body on Earth depends on detoxification process taking place in the colon. Organs and glands dump their waste into the colon! The brain dumps its waste into the colon! The tissues and blood dump their waste into the colon!

The colon is the central organ that has to detox all waste of the body!

The key point I am trying to convey is that we [incarnate spirits] inhabit the BODY and not the EARTH. Spirit inhabits 3D physical material body and the body inhabits the Earth. Essentially the physical body has to detox elements similar to a space suit protection.

The spirit being inhabitant has to act in ways to sustain inner biological resonance of the biospheric body they inhabit and use to move around and experience Earth experience. That essential maintenance key is the colon!

It's like if you travel to a location on Earth and stay in a hotel [biosphere] environment .. and the place you stay is dirty / contaminated with bad water .. you may get sick. It is a similar process for a spirit being entering Earth environment using 3D body as visiting environment.

You stay 1-2 weeks in a hotel ?? and you stay so many years in a body visiting Earth... Sounds strange but it is similar principle of physical matter = you want clean water and removal of waste [toxic waste].

Even if you reject my principles of spirit inhabiting matter to experience Earth .. you cannot reject the fundamental principle of the laws of hygiene and physical cleanliness = clean water / clean food and the removal of waste.

All of which are essential to the conditions of life on any Planet!

Everything in the physical body relies on colon detox. If the colon does not remove toxins from the body you can forget healthy body .. healthy glands .. healthy blood .. healthy organs .. healthy brain .. healthy life!

In many ways the colon is more important than the brain!

If the colon does not detox the body the brain cannot function! The glands cannot function! Connective tissues become inflamed! Major organs [including the heart] become compromised! The physical body fills up with toxic fluids! The toxins affect the mind / psyche / emotions!

If you want a bad Earth experience ?? Do not detox the colon !!

When you are an Interplanetary traveler using a bio-suit to visit different Planets .. what is your priority ?? Do you try to influence the Planet you are visiting #_# .. or do you work to influence the optimum protection of the suit [protection] you are wearing !!

How can I influence planetary environment ??

Yin*Yang philosophy would teach me or tell me that it is better to work to protect and enhance the inner environment at all levels: Biological .. electrical .. energy .. psychic .. elemental .. physical cohesion .. mental *_*

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Pathways In Space: Energy Creates Mass

I just got back from a Conference in the future where the Central Zone invites [brings] entities [humans] together from various dimensions and alternate time lines .. and explain to us the dynamics of the Universe in relationship to ourselves.
The first part of this discussion is that life exists for a reason .. but not for the reasons we imagine now [in this world currently]. Humans are caught in the trap that life exists for humans. It would be simpler to say that humans exists for life. Even that is a complex subject that I will not go into in this post.

1. Humans are made from Planets.
2. Humans are essentially tiny Planet "molecules".
3. This process described above in 1 & 2 has a reason.

Pathways In Space: Energy Creates Mass
Not only is this Earth in this dimension in this timeline expanding .. but all Earths in all dimensions in all timelines are expanding. The reason for this general rule of compatibility is energy. Energy holds everything material together and some may say that energy creates mass .. in reality mass is energy.

When I returned to this time-space I was doing some research to find out if there is any evidence that Earth is expanding. To make this short there is evidence that giants and dinosaurs existed when the Earth's gravity was less strong because the Planet was smaller.

As Earth expanded the Earth's gravity increased making it impossible for dinosaurs and giants to exist. That rule applies to giant trees and giant ferns .. as well as giant sea monsters.

It is my theory that an expanding Earth would create deformations in the expanding mass under the Pacific Ocean and under the Atlantic Ocean. This process is happening more intensive under the Oceans because water is an essential part of energy creating mass.

Some may argue there is no water in deep space! So .. pathways across space [including mass] cannot exist. Universe is filled with water .. in forms we do not currently recognise!

How is it possible that neutrinos coming into the Earth can create matter [mass]? The physical mass of expanding Earth would have to come from somewhere! Right! It is the same principle of creating life of humans only on a bigger scale.

The male [yang] sperm delivers a complex energy package to the female [yin] egg of which the tiny genes / DNA is ?? not even 10 percent. It is the male / female ENERGY [yin / yang] that forms the material beings [from light = energy]. This is how mass is created on Earth over time from the Sun.

This is why the Sun is the father and the Earth is the mother.

The life process comes through the Sun .. and is not exactly created from the Sun. In a way you could say the Sun is an energy absorbing focal point. The Sun takes Universe energy and transforms this energy into mass [physical matter]. Just as sperm delivers mass in energy form .. so the Sun delivers mass in energy form.

The delivery process is going straight into Earth's Oceans.
There are also pathways in space that connect everything in the Galaxy.

In the same way you can follow ocean currents or atmospheric currents on Earth .. in space you can follow space currents between the Planets that are like strings. Those pathways are just as real as roadways connecting towns and cities.

On higher energy levels the pathways are like birth canals through which complex life forms can migrate to other Planets. Sometimes to other dimensions. I am not sure if these pathways are formed from Dark Matter ??

Physical matter is the most dense form of life and deep space pathways are a more refined form of mass. It is like the difference between the human skeleton physical body structure and the veins carrying the blood throughout the body.

Physical body veins are similar to deep space pathways.

There has to be a structure through which these deep space pathways connect. In the human the structure is the physical body. In the Universe ?? it has to be water. A primordial form of water out of which physical water and gas on Earth and in the Sun are created.

The pathways connect the Universe like a Cosmic Brain or Universal Mind!