Sunday, May 22, 2011


Grimsvötn, situated in central Iceland at the Vatnajokull ice cap, is one of Iceland's most active volcanoes. I think we seriously do not understand eruptive cycles - but one day we will! These eruptive cycles have patterns. Long count patterns in which the volcanic activity is ongoing.

It is stupid to think that the explosive eruption (the release of magma, ash and plumes of steam) are single events. The activity is part of an ongoing cycle we do not see most of the time as it happens deep under the earth's crust. The visible eruptions are the above-the-surface phase of deep patterns of volcanic activity.

The danger with Grimsvötn is that one pattern of activity shows as an extended eruption of magma and ash over longer periods before the volcanic activity subsides back below the crust.

November 4/5, 1684 - January 1685: Subgalacial eruption, explosive eruption, fatalities, damage to land/property.
May (?) 1783 - May 26 1783: Regional fissure eruption, Sub-glacial eruption, explosive eruption, lava flows, fatalities, damage to land/property, evacuations.

Historically, eruptions from Grimsvötn can be of longer duration and they can be a lot stronger and much more devastating than observed in our current time. We are sitting here in ignorance and we do not really know the long cycle. However, what we do know is that this eruption is more powerful and is sending out very thick ash clouds, causing havoc in Iceland.

When Eyjafjallajökull erupted in April 2010 the ash clouds were carried away from Iceland because of the wind directions at the time. In May, 2011 the ash is being blown over the Island rather than out to sea. Grimsvötn volcano is close to the center of Iceland while Eyjafjallajökull lies with Katla on the South coast.

In the 1600s eruptions from Grimsvötn were extremely destructive and are known to have continued over months. This is a very dangerous volcano, due to its central inland location and its size. It seems to vent off for short periods over hundreds of years and yet within those cycles the volcano does produce dangerous eruptions.

I could be wrong? But I wonder if the extreme eruption cycles correspond to the weather or climate cycles? In other words, the Earth's temperatures rise and fall over thousands of years. We humans are vaguely aware of the shorter hundred year(s) temperature curve change. Scientists can see geologically that the Earth's temperature varies over hundreds and over tens of thousands of years.

I imagine the Earth weather is steered by magnetic and electromagnetic fields; but so are the volcanoes and perhaps also the Ocean temperatures. It would make sense to have the whole natural system on one circuit. That would probably tie in with the Sun. Taking this further the whole system ties in to the center of the Galaxy and so 'electromagnetic fields' is a primitive understanding of this vast system.

If I am correct, then this is coming from the center of the Galaxy, it affects the Suns and transfers through to the Planets throughout the whole Galaxy. Changes in (ion) frequency do not only trigger Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; but these invisible rays (or fields) change the particle composition of the magma in ways we cannot yet detect.

The ash clouds are dispersed carrying the new field into the atmosphere in the form of aerosols and atomic particles. Our system is not a static set foundation with set codes that cannot be changed. Our system is open and set for change, with the command control coming from the center of the Galaxy.

The base 3D structure is open for change.

Unseen and undetected particles so fine we do not know they exist spew out of Grimsvötn and cover a much wider field than the more dense ash clouds and spreading fine particle volcanic dust. I will only know when I see changes in the sky if they travel so fast that they travel days ahead of the ash cloud.

If this Planetary upgrade is as big as I think it is then formerly extinct volcanoes will become active. Extinct volcanoes are a key element that the Earth does not need too often; but I am sure there are civilizations in the past who experienced what we are experiencing now, when suddenly a volcano comes to life.

I think those are exceptional times; but also that we are living in exceptional times. If that happens those volcanoes will be command control of an exceptional change and transformation on the Earth. The next hundred years will see very interesting times...