Friday, January 28, 2011

Not Yellowstone! Anak Krakatau Explodes!

While the cerebral web indulges in media games of an imminent eruption of a super volcano at Yellowstone, Anak Krakatau in Indonesia erupts explosively sending impressive ash clouds high into the skies. While in Japan (not yellowstone) one of Mount Kirishima's many calderas erupted prompting 2 kilometer evacuations of the area around the volcano.

The explosive eruption of volcanic gas from Anak Krakatau (near Jakarta) were joined by explosions at Mount Bromo, Indonesia (South of Jakarta) - to be joined by powerful eruptions at Mount Kirishima, Japan.
[BigThink on the Yellowstone Travesty]

Inflations of the ground above the caldera at Yellowstone do not signal that a so-called "super eruption" is imminent, nor that an eruption at Yellowstone will destroy the United States. It is almost like these people have a 'death wish'.

In real time, on the other side of the world, three volcanoes are erupting along the Pacific Ring of Fire. A chorus of volcanic eruptions inside the Ring of Fire would be more dangerous than an eruption at Yellowstone.

In the last few days two serious volcanoes have exploded inside the Java Trench and one serious volcano has exploded on the Ryukyu Trench. These ongoing ash explosions together with other volcanic activity this year will effect the world's weather for years to come.

It may be that much needed rain will fall in areas that have been suffering from years of drought. It may be that too much rain will fall creating more devastating floods. These eruptions are not a short attention span event and lets get on with our lives. These eruptions are geo-landscaping the planet we live on.

I don't think any of this will be an overnight change. This volcanic geo-engineering is going to last the next 100 years as 'extinct' volcanoes come back to life... But that is what they are there for. Extinct volcanoes become active over life spans we cannot imagine. We are living on a planet that undergoes significant change over long era cycles.

The challenge to us humans is to become aware of those cycles and adapt. Over the next two hundred years humans are going to see incredible changes on this planet. Those coming changes are not 'bad', they simply are what they are - and we are going to have to change our lifestyles accordingly.

It is not usual for people today to see large increases in long term powerful volcanic eruptions. So, people are reacting to these changes with the mind of the past. The good thing is that serious study of 'Volcanology' will now increase exponentially as their skills will be called on as part of a larger cultural adaptation.

Be happy that Yellowstone has not erupted and hope it stays that way. Until now the stress factor is not on the Yellowstone Caldera; but is on the Pacific Ring of Fire. Do your own research and find out what is really happening to the planet you live on.

Mount Kirishima generally produces level 2 explosions [Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)], the last level 2 activity was February 13, 1959 with significant activity. However, in 1716 and again in 1717 the volcano produced Level 3 activity - and in 788 AD the volcano produced level 4 activity.

The most interesting challenge facing society now is the disruption to air traffic. Most headlines around level 1 or level 2 ash explosions are concerned with flight cancellations. In the 1950's there was not the high level of air traffic that we have today. Both Japan's Kirishima eruption and Indonesia's Bromo ash explosions have caused extensive flight disruption and flight cancellations, creating no-fly zones while shutting down airports.

Do you want to see what a level 8 Super Volcanic Explosivity Index looks like? It's called: Glencoe, Scotland .. hahahahaha .. I don't think we will be seeing one of those for a while!