Friday, March 28, 2014

Left Hand Gravity Field

The Zen Masters were extreme energy misers...
They gave NOTHING away!
- Zen Su

I am still learning [teaching myself] about time distortion and gravity fields .. and I am learning through OBSERVATION. Which means I am observing myself. This is really quite exciting! Everyone thinks .. we all think .. that GRAVITY is outside of us and is exerting INFLUENCE on us. We all think that TIME only exists outside of us and exerts influence upon us [from outside].

Nothing could be further from the truth !!

Let's take something pretty obvious... Where do we age? We age from inside. Something people overlook is that a big part of aging is cellular dehydration .. and by that I don't mean water. Cellular dehydration is the loss of the foundation elements that holds water inside the cells *- )

I figure that out and I am not even a SCIENTIST!

Imagine there are scientists who work 24/24 to understand physical structure and maybe some of these scientists overwork and wear themselves out trying to develop new substances that will reverse degeneration within the human body and mind [the brain].

Well .. this takes us back to the Zen Masters who gave away NOTHING!

I don't work my brain to exhaustion .. I simply observe and there is never a day [even when I am sleeping] where I am not OBSERVING what is. That is the Art of Zen Mind. What does this have to do with .. Left Hand Gravity Field? It's all related!

A few days go by and I am not writing my Blog .. because first I am observing .. testing and finding things out. Then suddenly with no effort on my part apparently unrelated fields come together as one. For example .. the inner gravity field and time distortion are also related to cellular aging and cellular dehydration.

This is difficult to describe... Time is not some complex mysterious force. Time is movement. The Earth moves around the Sun .. the Sun moves around the center Galaxy .. the Galaxy and the Sun move through space. Humans live on the Earth in physical form and the cells within the human body are orbiting inside the human with the same resonance as movement of the Galaxy.

What I am trying to say is that time as movement is inside us .. and gravity density and variations in gravity density are inside us. It is the inner gravity that effects us .. not the outer gravity. The human body is its own world within a world .. just as the Sun is its own world within a Galaxy.

We humans have our own inner timing and it is the inner timing that effects us .. not the outer timing. For example .. human physical body does not live as long as the Sun. That is related to energy .. a totally other area of time as movement within gravity fields...

People think that lots of water = hydration and lack of water = dehydration. To some extent that is true. However .. we miss the most obvious facts in cellular cohesion. What holds the water within the cells? Probiotics!

Too complex for one post and so let's go back to the inner gravity field(s).

When I was editing my Subway Surfers video I noticed that I was mainly right-hand dominant .. where the left hand supports the actions of the right hand. To you this might be obvious .. but I am so focused on playing the game that I feel my left and right hands working together to achieve the best possible score.

But .. it is not the hands .. it is the BRAIN !!

When I am playing Subway Surfers I feel both hands are one. But .. once I become aware that my left hand brain is not as fast as the right hand outside of the left hand supporting right hand movements .. it was at this point the Invisible Masters tell me to: Go WORK ON the LEFT HAND!

I can tell you that really sucks when you achieve a high level of smoothness in action [even if the right hand is DOMINANT] .. but the Masters were right [haha] .. because of what I was about to find out in relation to time as movement within the brain / mind.

The MIND is beyond time .. but the BRAIN is subject to time.

Left Hand Gravity Field
It took four days .. maybe five .. to get the right hand to support the left hand. It is not the hands .. it's the brain !! I decided to play Subway Surfers creating left hand dominance and developing left hand skills and speed. What happened next is so funny!

We all THINK we are in charge of our brains! Right ??

Wrong! We are not in charge of our brain .. our brain is in charge of us.

To some extent I was able to begin left hand training! But a few strange things began to happen. I I was getting [became aware of] a split time and movement distortion / perception where using my left hand gave me two speeds of awareness [that initially caused lots of Surfer crashes].

I became aware that different parts of the brain perceive time in different ways !! Sounds esoteric .. but it is not .. this is a vital part of brain function. The brain appears to perceive space and time at the same level and the same speed .. where perception appears as a constant. In reality .. this is not the case.

The next factor mixing into this was that my right hand began to play the game faster than the left hand [that I was training] .. and the right hand would just move on its own [really that was the brain]. For maybe four days I had to hold the right hand still and only use the left hand .. just to get the right hand to support the left hand when I began to play Subway Surfers again using both hands.

That worked! Not only did the left hand become much faster and the cognitive distortion [conflict] vanished .. but the brain [acting on its own] stopped taking over the game. Then I was able to better train the right and left hands to work together in balanced ways.

Now I understand why I loved Karate-Do as a kid .. which I taught myself. Because you train both sides of the body [brain] equally .. and not just train one side [the right side] and the left side trails behind in support!

No one understands this .. as we all assume that time as movement and gravity are experienced within the human body as a constant. Why I call this post: Left Hand Gravity Field .. is because there are variations in gravity field within the physical body that are also related to the mind and perception as movement.

The Zen Masters were aware that perception and movement are one.

We live in a society that trains only one side of the body. This can make us very efficient and very fast .. single minded and running out-of-control .. because we are out-of-balance. The physical brain is on auto-pilot and we accept this. The incarnate spirit has desires and the brain is programmed to meet those desires.

What I am trying to say is that when one side is dominant [the right hand] and the other side drags along supporting that .. we end up with gravity field variations within the human energy field.

Have you ever noticed with a cat? That the cat can hit equally fast with the right paw as it can with the left paw !! Well .. I discovered after two weeks left hand training that such a simple thing was having a powerful effect on my whole body. It was even effecting how I feel. So simple and yet so powerful.

It is my theory that humans think that inner gravity field and time as movement is a constant .. because we use only one side of the body brain. Because we perceive reality through only one dominant side .. we therefore miss all the other subtle changes that go unnoticed within the inner gravity field of the body.

Key fluctuations in perception are essential for survival.

Awareness of variations in the gravity field = to time as movement brings the mind onto higher levels. I don't know how else to explain this. When you work on both sides of the body and you train both sides with the same intensity .. the fields merge.

We humans are actually living out our lives as split fields.

Take ART .. in Tibetan paintings of Buddha EVERYTHING has to be exact and precise. Where the left and right side of Buddhas face have to be perfectly mirrored .. and when painting Mandalas revealing the mystery of balance in all things.

The Zen Masters never really tried to give anyone anything .. because they knew it can only come from within. One cannot give another human being balance .. but the human being can find balance within.

Then you have deeper concepts of: The Drunken Master .. to convey the upside down world of .. even when out of balance there is balance. Even when you are thrown your body still finds a way to maintain balance. There you have yin and yang .. the circle balance and form.

This is not just an intellectual concept! It is an actual real inner gravity. The inner gravity field shifts .. but it never loses its own sense of balance. Where each level has its own form and its own sense of balance.

For example .. when my left hand supports my right hand they find [create] balance on that level. When you apply the teachings of Left Hand Gravity Field .. everything in the body shifts into balance according to where we stand at any moment in space time. Or we can go into the center of gravity rather than orbit the center. I hope that makes sense !!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Variations In Space and Time

I will talk about this in a later post ...
But I have seen time speed up and I have seen time slow down.
I have also seen time frozen .. space and time frozen [stopped] and then started again without a glitch.

Space & Time are Not Constant
Continuing with secrets and the phenomenon of secret mysteries .. I want to take this to an interrelated level we humans call "time". In science the speed of light is constant and equally time [movement] is constant. Nothing could be further from the truth!

I will try to keep this in its simplest form *-)

Not only is the speed of light RELATIVE .. but also the speed of "time" is RELATIVE... By this I mean that time [movement] can speed up and time [movement] can slow down. The relativity is related to each living entity inhabiting space-time. That is YOU .. the entity who inhabits space-time.

When light speeds up and when light slows down we do not notice it! Why do we not notice it? Because our physical forms exist within a synchronised matrix. When light speeds up .. we speed up! When light slows down .. we slow down. Science has currently no way to measure this because our physical instruments of measurement are aligned to the state of relativity.

Speed and velocity are all relative.

The same laws apply to time [movement]. When time speeds up and when time slows down .. we do not notice it because time is RELATIVE. In other words the physical human organism [light-matrix] is designed to speed up and slow down relative to variations in time.

I have experienced anomalies where time speeds up and where time slows down. I have also experienced phenomenon where time stops [is frozen] and then releases its timeless state [glitch] to appear to continue in its seamless form(s) .. plural. Why? Because time is relative!

If time is relative then no one is going to notice the changes in speed and internal velocity .. because the whole Universe experiences these shifts in the speed of light and in the speed [passage] of time [physical movement].

Everyone imagines that time is relative to YOU as an INDIVIDUAL ...

Well! No! The relativity of time applies to the whole Universe .. where the human being is an integral undivided part of the whole Universe. I am saying that when the speed of light shifts .. we shift. When the speed of time slows or speeds up .. we slow and speed up relative to the speed of time.

The reasons are OBVIOUS within the design! If the speed of light increases and we do not shift then chaos [confusion] is created within physical matter. If time speeds up or slows down and we do not shift .. the passage of physical time is then out-of-synch with our inner psyche .. perceptions and physical cognitive movements.

Variations In Space and Time
It is not that space and time do not vary .. but that our perceptions of space and time perfectly and seamlessly match the variation in the speed of light and the variations in space-time. You would be stupid to imagine that there are no variations in space and time.

Look at the oceans .. you have variable currents .. cross currents .. variations in gravity .. wave height .. variations in velocity .. temperatures .. there are so many variables. It is these fluctuating variables that sustain life.

What I am trying to say is that the so-called speed of light can speed up and light can slow down .. but we do not notice it because the Universe is constant. We all shift and change like the combined waves in the ocean and no one noticed these changes.

Humans cannot measure variation in time and space because all measurements are relative.

Relativity Theory has nothing to do with the way the Universe works .. it has to do with the fixed way humans measure movement and time relative to their subjective position within the natural flow of space and time. We are not measuring space and time .. we are measuring OUR POSITION!

Everything in science today is simply measuring its own center-point = its position.

Those same scientists claim that Time Travel cannot exist because the speed of light cannot speed up and the speed of light cannot slow down. Meaning that time [movement] cannot speed up and cannot slow down. The Galaxy .. the Sun .. the Planets orbiting the Sun do not speed up and do not slow down. There are no variations in their speeds and orbits.

That is like saying there are no variations in speed and velocity of ocean waves .. or there are no variations in speed and velocity of air currents. Going onto a higher level there are no variations in psyche .. psychic changes in velocity within the human mind.

Of course there are changes in velocity within the human psyche / mind...

The human mind can experience deep trance states .. slower peaceful states of mind .. faster than thought states of mind [action]. The human mind can experience increased anxiety. The human mind can experience beyond time insights that we call: Mysterious phenomenon.

Variations in space and time are normal. Our understanding of these variations are abnormal. Humans do not understand or even attempt to pay attention to variations in space and time = experience. Because the glitches are seamless we do not notice when changes in variation take place.

If you want to discover higher levels of awareness? You have to pay attention!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Secret Mysterious Path of Life

As a child a white horse followed me everywhere...
But only I could see him *-)

As a child people were always telling me it is bad to have "secrets". Parents and family .. then schools and society say .. "be honest" .. right? As if having ones own "secrets" is not being honest! Hahaha!

I had lots of secrets as a child [which means stuff I kept to myself] .. I told no one that I had a white horse and I could see this horse. Of course .. now I know this horse was a psychic spirit phenomenon. A presence that protected me throughout my childhood. I knew no one else could see the horse and so I kept this interaction to myself.

As a child this was my "secret" .. or you could say my secret life.

I had other secrets! I knew things about the past. I knew wisdom that I should not know. I had abilities that I should not have had [if I was an ordinary human]. From 14 years old I began to teach myself karate Do and invisible Masters would correct me and teach me. My body and my movements were expressions of inner knowing. I kept that a secret too.

I could see patterns forming in the future from actions we make today.

From an early age I could advise people on issues or entanglements in emotions [attachments] because I saw the energy and where it was going. I kept that a secret too! Even as a child I knew not to start explaining to people .. this energy is entangled in strange and complex ways associated with your past lives and things you are attached to .. hahaha .. just imagine the reactions [colourful].

The point I am trying to make is that mystery is not BAD and secrets are not BAD.

As long as we do not hurt someone or try to use power to our own advantage and cause disadvantage to others .. then mystery is pure and secrets are pure. In fact .. secrets are a deep and integral part of life. We humans will never come to the end of mystery and secrets. It is like a rainbow .. the moment you reach the end of the rainbow it disappears.

I have another mystery for you associated with rainbows. I was camping in the valley of Glencoe in Scotland and the rain had stopped for a moment. Two rainbows appeared over the whole giant range of mountains. Beautiful bright crystal clear vibrant rainbows.

I am walking down through the valley watching the double rainbow and suddenly [I am serious] the end of the rainbow literally appears right in front of me so close I can touch it. I suddenly stop in front of this strange phenomenon and the rainbow enters my heart and then disappears.

In this first part of the Post I have shown you the dynamics of mystery and secrets. Guess what? Secrets are healthy... In fact the mystery [energy foundations] of secrets is built into humans and into all living things. Including rocks .. crystals .. oceans .. mountains .. rivers .. plants and trees! Science will never uncover the mystery or the encoded secrets of life. All science can do is explain its own limited understanding back to itself.

You know why the things humans build work? They work because they work .. because life works .. and science is the added measurement to explain that this and that works. Science is not original .. it is only an explanation. We never uncover life's secrets .. we only receive the seeds [germination of ideas].

Secret Mysterious Path of Life
One of the things the mysterious masters teach me since I was a kid is: When you are doing something .. learning .. searching .. discovering .. understanding .. don't talk about it. Sometimes I would learn something for many years and I just learn and I don't say a word. Then later I understand and maybe I say something.

Whenever a mystery happens on Earth the humans inhabiting this Planet have a major psychological trauma. I am going to break it all down for you so that you can understand that mystery and secrets are natural function of the Universe. In fact .. this is life's way of challenging us and making us strong.

The whole human race is in self-denial. Maybe rational linear thought feels threatened by the appearance of mysteries and those right in front of you that you can touch secrets. I will talk about this in a later post .. but I have seen time speed up and I have seen time slow down. I have also seen time frozen .. space and time frozen [stopped] and then started again without a glitch.

Mystery gives us energy .. mystery keeps us alive .. mystery challenges us. Our lives are a mystery. The only issue we humans do not explore is the mystery of secrets. If you have a secret then you feel bad. I don't think that is the right attitude. If you have a secret then EXPLORE IT.

In geometrical form and in quantum space form most of what a human being is about is a BIG SECRET. We are so mysterious we cannot even figure ourselves out. That is the beauty of life. In fact .. the mystery and the elusive secrets keep life interesting and there is never a dull moment.

In today's world people also believe that "The Master" is the one who realises TRUTH. In reality the master is simply one [in harmony] with his or her path. The seeker .. the path and the journey become one. My whole life since I was a kid I wanted to understand the mystery of my ancestors who said: You find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Maybe the mystery is different for each person? At the end of the rainbow I found my heart.

The other aspect of mystery and secrets is that every human being must find the same answer to the same question. Now you all have to go out and find your heart at the end of a rainbow! Absolutely not! Mystery and secrets are like the Universe or deep space. Mystery allows each living form to discover its own unique relationship with life through the timeless reflection of the unknown.

I have met so many animals in my life who have found their own inner wisdom. I have met cats .. crows .. mice .. butterflies .. dogs .. fish .. birds .. dolphins. We look at each other and their wisdom meets my own wisdom. We do not have the same experience .. but we understand each other.

Masters are beings who perfect their own inner form.

The secret mysterious path of life guides us .. interacts with us .. teaches us .. challenges us .. tests us .. and supports us. But guess what? The secrets and the mystery are also inside us. We are secretive and we are mysterious. Take cats as an example... Cats are highly manipulative = they have their secrets. Cats know how to manipulate humans .. but they don't signal to us how they do it.

In general we humans talk about "privacy" .. we all have a right to privacy. In reality we are talking about secrets. Things that are personal to ourselves that is no one's business. Governments and institutions have their secrets .. but in return they want to see into the secret lives of all humans living on this Earth.

The reason for Governments to look into the lives of people living on this Planet is: You might be doing something wrong or planning a bad action. Well .. that is not a "secret" that is criminal activity. People have to understand that one's own private [secret] life is ONE THING not to be associated with criminal activity.

If people want to do harm .. that is not a secret .. that is criminal intent or criminal activity. We have to draw a line between mystery of life .. living our lives .. the right to have "secrets" that have nothing to do with anyone else and that has NOTHING to do with intention to do harm.

The Planet we live on is very mysterious. The Earth has her secrets.

The next issue I want to tackle is: Having secrets is unhealthy. How about the opposite view that having secrets is extremely healthy. I have perfected my own art of drawing over my entire life and I do not explain to anyone how I do it or where it comes from. The art speaks for itself .. but the internal process is my "secret".

Perhaps it is extremely healthy and self-empowering for humans to have their own inner lives as long as they do no harm to others and do not intrude on the sovereignty of others. When the relationship is the inner relationship with oneself then you would never harm another human being.

The moment disturbance is projected outward then it is visible and easily detected.

Mystery and secrets are never visible and easily detected. They exist as internal energy or internal Qi force that guides and forms the life path of an incarnate being. In fact .. they create internal harmony and strength / power. The moment you release that power it is no longer hidden. It changes form and becomes visible and depleted as it moves out into the world.

Mystery has power when it cannot be solved.

Have any of you noticed when an answer can be found we move onto the next mystery? The human being seems wired to pursue and explore mystery. The human being also seems to be wired to the mystery of secrets. We pursue mysteries like a puzzle. Not necessarily to fit the puzzle pieces together.

The moment you solve the puzzle .. you go look for another puzzle to solve.

Life seems to be curious about life. Animals .. insects .. birds .. fish .. are all curious about life and curious about their surroundings. This curiosity appears to be related to inner navigation through the outer physical world. In reality we all navigate into and through ourselves.

Perhaps it is time that we are honest with ourselves and also that we respect others as we follow our own internal secret path through life. Humans are highly secretive animals like cats. So .. why not live and let live?

It is hypocracy for you to have your secrets and deny others their secrets *-)

By secrets I do not mean anything bad or mean or evil. I am talking about a fundamental energy [energy flow] encoded into life. Planets have their secrets .. Suns have their secrets .. Galaxies have their secrets .. the Universe has its secrets. As above so below! Humans are designed on these same principles.

We are all living secret lives pretending not to live secret lives ...

The moment you merge with your inner mysterious vision then the greater outer mysteries are not a threat to you. The greater mystery becomes part of you and you respect that. Not only do we humans respect each other .. but we learn to respect the greater mystery [and its secrets] of which we are a part.

The fact is .. we humans seek to understand the unknown and in that respect are almost magnetically drawn to the unknown .. where each of us interacts with a mysterious force that we call "life". Understanding is not without respect. The mystery or the unknown does not offload all its force onto us when we encounter its presence through realisations. We have to respect that...

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Zen Qi: Eye-Brain Form - Faster Than Thought

"Even the most powerful human being has a limited sphere of strength. Draw him outside of that sphere and into your own, and his strength will dissipate."
Morihei Ueshiba - The Art of Peace

I am so excited about this post .. that I was not going to make because I thought people are not going to understand this! Sometimes my ideas are so "way out there" that it is difficult to bring them together in a way that makes sense to the linear cognitive mind. Then a series of related incidents took place that helped me to frame this in a cohesive way.

Apart from that I am on a "secret mission" to understand something that is both mysterious and yet is connected to physical life in ways that we humans totally miss as we live our out-of-balance lives. I found modern forms of this mystery that my own body interprets in its ancient form .. sound confused?

The Zen Qi Eye-Brain Form is a first step to understanding this mystery. I hope you are still with me !! For those of you who do not like or understand these App Games played on Tablets .. like Subway Surfer .. and why we humans are drawn to these games .. it is very simple! These games are one way for humans to understand themselves.

If you are not a Tech*Geek ... then don't watch the video *- )

I made the Subway Surfers video using my Panasonic HC-V500 because I wanted to show [as an artist] .. not only how the human physically and mentally interacts with the machine [technology] .. but also how 2014 era human technology is inferior to the physical human form and the human psyche. If you switch down the audio on the video then you see more details faster without distractions.

Faster Than Thought
The reason I decided to do this post is because of a small orange cat!
I tried to show in the Subway Surfer video a physical perspective of the human eye-brain being faster than thought. By that I mean .. the total human co-ordination has to be faster than thought to successfully play the game.

Physical science measures neurons .. nerve pathways .. electrical pathways .. brain reaction .. stimulus. And there are scientific paradigm theories as to how it all works .. and the THEORIES are simply subjective explanations designed to form scientific consensus.

If you watch the video you can see a number of interesting interrelated phenomenon. For example .. the capacity of the video camera [human created technology] is limited in its scope to keep up with the action on screen. Often the visuals are moving so fast that the camera has difficulty focusing.

Human eye-brain / body reflexes have no problem keeping up with the fast pace of changing colours .. movement and actions of the game !! In fact .. I watch myself playing the game and my responses are both complex and enlightening.

The physical sciences measure human responses in time = it takes xx seconds for an impulse to reach the brain and elicit a response. Like that you get an impulse to the brain and you assess that impulse .. you assess the response and your brain sends a signal of that response.

Just as the scientific community do not like to consider faster than the speed of light .. they also do not like to consider faster than the speed of thought! Which brings me to the orange cat *-) who ran in front of my car...

The last two days I thought .. I cannot explain these videos .. no one is going to understand. At the same time I had in my mind a unified concept of what I had observed. Today I experienced the same phenomenon when the orange cat suddenly ran out in front of my car as I was returning home. I observed my brain reacting in the same way I do when playing Subway Surfers game.

The small narrow side-road was 30 limit and I was doing 20 .. but to a cat a car driving at 20 is just as heavy and just as deadly as it is at 30 .. but my reaction [instant perception] is the key principle that I want to convey in this post.

The cat came from nowhere .. as cats often do .. and ahead of me is brilliant sunlight with the Sun blinding me directly ahead = an orange cat masked by brilliant sunlight. Most amazing of all is that my eye-brain [faster than thought] instantly send a multi-layered image of a cat out of all the light / colour variables and movement plus speed .. including nano-second surprise.

Space and time seemed to stop in that moment and faster than thought .. beyond thought .. I slammed on the brakes in an emergency stop *-) [no-one was behind me] .. but best of all was the little orange cat. He did not look right or left nor react in any way. The cat did not react. He just kept moving according to his instinct. Most amazing of all is that I SAW all of this.

What I am trying to say is: We humans are a spiritual technology .. we are spirit incarnate in physical form .. navigating physical material existence using the psyche to move / navigate through time and space. Internally our inner journey is like the cat! We don't look right nor left .. we move .. beyond thought .. faster than thought = instinct.

In the Subway Surfer video I try to show that the entire human body moves as ONE. The first thing is to suspend thought with totally relaxed mind and psyche. Then the eyes use what I call middle-distance seeing. The brain also has to use middle-distance seeing. Well! Guess what? The hands .. bones .. nerves .. arms .. muscles .. tendons .. have to use middle-distance seeing.

Zen Qi: Eye-Brain Form
I am trying to share with you that the skin "sees" .. touch "sees" .. sensation "sees" .. the feeling in the bones "sees" .. that is part of my secret mission that I don't tell you about. Because I know it but I do not totally understand it!

The entire human body communicates with itself in less than a nano-second. Probably faster than the speed of light! I am saying that we [our consciousness] is way AHEAD of our "external" communications... By the time THOUGHT says: What the f#ck??? The inner moment is faster than the speed-of-thought.

Let's say that human sciences are based on the speed of thought *-)

I am trying to convey the impossible question .. that science based on the speed-of-thought will not be able to detect or understand anything outside the speed-of-thought. That means not only faster than the speed of thought but also slower than the speed of thought.

You may say: SLOWER than the SPEED-of-THOUGHT ?? Duh ?? !!

Let's return to the orange cat blinded out by the Sun...

The beyond nano-instant impression of the cat running in front of the car took two forms. One form was speed as the cat came out of nowhere [as cats like to do] and the overlay on that ultra speed impression was a slower [beyond time] impression of nano seconds much faster than thought .. all laid on on top of the other freezing time and slower.

Some people would call this paranormal...

This is very difficult to convey in words! I saw an overlay of physical .. visual .. mental .. psychic and elemental events [through the cat] that was beyond physical time. Maybe it was beyond the physical MEASUREMENT of time. Something inside me .. almost paranormal .. effected space-time.

We humans today living on Planet Earth are making the greatest mistake to imagine that anything that takes place is "normal" or "rational". We are also delusional to imagine that we can MEASURE events in terms of time [rational thought] and time-periods of space = movement.

But .. I am going now in a different direction! People may not like to hear this ?? But we humans inhabit paranormal space and the MATRIX = the ILLUSION is that we inhabit PHYSICAL SPACE. If the cat dies and we say the cat no longer exists .. this is total nonsense! The cat exists .. because we are spirit inhabiting physical reality. Spirit is the NAVIGATOR.

My secret mission to understand Zen Qi forms is as ancient as the beginning of mankind and beyond. The mistake we make is to not draw the Qi Forces into our space from the past and the future.

Perhaps the most important clue Jiddu Krishnamurti shared with the world is: Past present and future are ONE. The only way I can explain this is .. when you draw a simple drawing the first line (form) and the last line are one.

Draw a circle .. draw a square or a triangle .. the first line and the last are one.

If you pay attention to your body .. to your eye-brain / mind co-ordination and the movement of the body-mind. When you listen and observe .. then you are no different than the orange cat. You do not look left or right .. you move [effortlessly] thought space-time in a paranormal way.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

AIKIDO: The Loving Protection of All Things

I was walking into town today .. March 1st .. and this is a very small town with low buildings and visible skies .. and I look up because I can see a large raptor flying way high up. These large birds rarely circle the town .. they like Nature and fields and space and lots of green. This bird was playing and diving and just effortlessly swimming in a sea of air above the town.

I see this bird and it touches my heart... I cannot take my eyes off this bird circling overhead .. but at the same time I am aware of all the people around me and no-one is looking up. So .. I am watching the bird and I am watching the humans and I am watching myself watching the bird and the humans. I see myself between these two worlds: Nature and mankind [who appear to be largely unaware of Nature].

Duh!! I mean .. how can you miss NATURE .. it is all around you *-)

Some of you may like the AIKIDO video(s) below by Corky Quakenbush .. who developed his own understanding of AIKIDO - which is in the same spirit as the founder of AIKIDO: Morihei Ueshiba. You don't hit someone .. you don't THROW THEM .. you don't defeat them .. you just "give them what they want".

Just like the large bird playfully circling in the skies above .. that most humans do not see .. are not even aware of .. the bird could just as well be a UFO !! So it is with this video = a state of being that very few people on this Planet currently understand.

I have been watching these videos for a long time .. and to understand what he is teaching you have to go back and watch earlier videos. YouTube have AGAIN changed the video navigation system. Go to the upper left drop down menu: All Videos .. Uploads .. Liked Videos etc .. and I set the above link to "Uploads". NAVIGATION is EVERYTHING .. Ha! Hahaha!

You do not have to know AIKIDO to apply these principles of inner balance.