Friday, December 18, 2009

Are Sunspots Disappearing?

Below is an article from 2008 predicting a decrease in solar activity, which if it continues would mean a cooling in the Earth's temperature. It would also means that the sun, increasing or decreasing in activity, effects the Earth's climate and all the other planets in the Solar system.

A linear fit to the changing magnetic field produces a slope of 77 Gauss per year, and intercepts the abscissa at 2015. If the present trend continues, this date is when sunspots will disappear from the solar surface. [Livingstone & Penn]

Let us all hope that they are wrong, for a solar epoch period like the Maunder Minimum inducing a Little Ice Age will be a worldwide catastrophe - Sunspots May Vanish by 2015

Sunspot cycle more dud than radiation flood
By Dan Sorenson - Arizona Daily Star | Published: 05.19.2008

The 11-year cycle of sunspot activity should have bottomed out last year, the end of Cycle 23 and the beginning of Cycle 24. That would have put the peak in new sunspot activity around 2012.

Two years ago, William Livingston and Matt Penn wrote a paper for the journal Science predicting that this could not only be a dud sunspot cycle, but the start of another extended down period in solar activity. It was based on their analysis of weakening sunspot intensity and said sunspots might vanish by 2015.

That last long-term down period, 1645-1715, coincided with the Little Ice Age, a period of bitter cold winters. The paper, rejected in peer review, was never published by Science. Livingston said he's OK with the rejection.

"I accept what the reviewers said," Livingston said. "'If you are going to make such statement, you had better have strong evidence.' " Livingston said their projections were based on observations of a trend in decreasingly powerful sunspots but reviewers felt it was merely a statistical argument. Watts Up With That?

Now we come to 2009 and the expected increase in the Sun's activity has not manifest, instead 2009 saw extreme low level of activity as Livingstone and Penn had suggested in their analysis from 2005 data. As reported in ClimateGate articles their research (counter to popular belief systems) was not published.

Sunspots Today: A Cheshire Cat
[Livingstone & Penn - 2009] The present condition of solar activity minimum has more spotless days than since the 1910s (2). The Cheshire Cat behavior is related to magnetic surface fields often appearing without accompanying dark spots.

Sunspots recently are behaving like a Cheshire Cat: the smile is there (magnetic fields) but the body is missing (no dark markings). We are unsure about past cycles but at present sunspots, with their usual umbrae and penumbrae, are failing to materialize. For hundreds of years the Sun has shown an approximately periodic 11-year alteration in its activity where the number of sunspots increases and then decreases. Sunspots are dark regions on the solar disk with magnetic field strengths greater than 1500-1800 Gauss. The last sunspot maximum occurred in 2001. Sunspots Today

NASA September 3, 2009: The sun is in the pits of the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century. Weeks and sometimes whole months go by without even a single tiny sunspot. The quiet has dragged out for more than two years, prompting some observers to wonder, are sunspots disappearing? Are Sunspots Disappearing

If the popular 'Co2' Global Warming is correct, then the Sun does not and cannot play a part in the Earth's climate and weather cycles. Well, that would be like saying when the Sun rises light does not reach the earth. Of course the Sun alters and effects the climate of the Earth, and our ancestors knew it...

KeyWords: Recent Solar Minimum PDF -*- The Solar System Regulates Earth's Climate -*- The Next Ice Age -*- It's All About The Sun