Thursday, July 23, 2009

Solar Eclipse Frequency-Oscillation Anomalies

I had noticed in 1999 how the August 11 Total Solar Eclipse triggered heavy dark dense rain cloud formations, powerful thunder storms and torrential downpours. These Solar powered swirling watery effects continue around the globe for months, if not years. I imagine that Lunar and Solar Eclipses electrically seed weather patterns, rainfall patterns, flooding, and probably effects lava flow within the earth's crust, as well as earthquakes due to the push and pull of water. I do not see the effects as destructive, but regenerative. If we don't have rain we don't have water - very important to life on earth.

It is the same with the July 22, 2009 Total Solar Eclipse. Dark heavy clouds, sudden downpours, while the moon and the sun continue to exert pull on the earth for many weeks as the orbits

Floods in Mongolia, the worst in decades, 22 July 2009. A serious mudslide in Japan after extreme torrential downpour, 23 July 2009. Landslide creates lake in south-west China's Sichuan province, 23 July 2009. This is the same area in south-west China that experienced the devastating May 12, 2008 earthquake.

*Update 24 July, 2009: Heavy rains continue in Japan, with flash floods and landslides. In Europe heavy storms and torrential rain cause flooding chaos. Powerful storms cross Poland, Czech Republic and Southern Germany, with areas experiencing 100 km an hour winds - sweeping roofs from houses and uprooting trees. Across Spain and France, giant waves and winds up to 150 kmph batter the Atlantic coast, uprooting trees and collapsing walls. Northern Spain recorded 20 meter high waves.

It occurred to me that Solar and Lunar Eclipses form magnetic vortices and standing wave turbulence, which can lead to changes in frequency oscillations in matter. No, I am not a physicist, I simply have a good imagination...

A seiche (pronounced /ˈseɪʃ/ "saysh") is a standing wave in an enclosed or partially enclosed body of water. Seiches and seiche-related phenomena have been observed on lakes, reservoirs, swimming pools, bays and seas. The key requirement for formation of a seiche is that the body of water be at least partially bounded, allowing the formation of the standing wave. The term was promoted by the Swiss hydrologist François-Alphonse Forel in 1890, who was the first to make scientific observations of the effect in Lake Geneva, Switzerland. The word originates in a Swiss French dialect word that means "to sway back and forth", which had apparently long been used in the region to describe oscillations in alpine lakes.

If the turbulence and change of frequency in magnetic field oscillations would effect the weather, increasing heavy downpours in certain areas - it is not the flooding alone that causes dramatic landscape changes. Unseen and unrecorded standing wave oscillations in parts of the earth's magnetic field would also lead to the sudden collapse of matter. These are maybe stress points. The effect would converge on that point, taking the stress in the variation of frequency oscillations resulting in a landslide, or dramatic changes in landscape.

I am sure that steady wave oscillations are behind the apparently fixed physical structures on the surface of the planet. Including ourselves, and that we all depend on a certain frequency spectrum to exist and function. Lunar and Solar Eclipses shake all that up, activating powerful magnetic and electrical field shifts.

This is an early account of an Island disappearing after the appearance of A large river tsunami or seiche produced upriver in the New Madrid bend area, in an historical account of the New Madrid Earthquake of 1811/1812: "The island had disappeared; and it was the disintegrated fragments sweeping down the river, that had struck the vessel from time to time and caused the noises that Mrs. Roosevelt had been disturbed by."