iNavigate [myself] = unique creation navigating across space time dimensions inspiring you to connect within .. #iZenTzu
— ZenTsu (@OneZenTsu) April 26, 2017
Cross Currents
It took me fifty years to figure this one out .. but you do not have to reinvent the light bulb. You see .. people are born into various cross currents of human consciousness they inherit at birth.
To avoid drowning in those cross currents the first thing the mind does is to form iPersonality .. ego-self .. a sense of inner connection through the skill of Mind Art. We draw and develop a sense of self and impose it on the background of cross currents.
Inventing The Light Bulb
The light bulb is interesting. That was the easy part .. to invent a vessel that could emanate light. A technical unit that could replace candle light and gas light. The difficult part was what Nikola Tesla was able to do. That is .. light up the light bulb.
But .. not only light up the light bulb! You can do that with a battery for one or two seconds. Tesla's skill was to design and build a system that could keep the light bulb lit up at will. Switch it on at any time .. and the light bulb switches on. The key being .. and STAYS lit.
Tesla created the system everyone uses today.
Tesla was actually working on his own to create a non central unit utilizing the electrical current of the Planet [free energy] to allow people to have access to energy without wires and without a power station. That project was called: The Wardenclyffe Tower.
Free Energy [iFree Energy]
Just there in the title alone you have the whole light bulb as it exists. The light bulb is simply a way to focus light and control emanations of light for use by man.
iCould as easily use the equation: iFree Light.
iFree Energy
I am also showing the relation of the Art Mind to understanding and inner awareness. I drew this quite some time ago and I did not really understand rationally.
iUnderstood non-rationally.
Sexual Qi = life force is the non-centralized free energy where linear thought [knowledge] and the creation of iEgo Self is the centralized contained energy.
As in the Daoist Traditions [they were much brighter than we are today] .. Sexual Qi is the life force at birth which energizes everything: The mind .. immune system .. ability to walk .. eat .. sleep .. meditate. It's the free energy.
It is very important to cultivate Sexual Qi discipline in the right way .. also because here is the MIRROR. There is very mysterious side where there is the unseen [undetected] energy in which we see ourselves.
Most important for now is: iPersonally do not exist!
This is a very subtle .. very powerful self-realization [if I can put it that way ??] .. which is to realize oneself. Anyone can switch on the light but not everyone can see. I go into this later as it is not as difficult as it may seem.
It is really not so difficult at all.
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