iNavigate Earth = We are all born from Spirit Dimensions ..
so we are all visitors to this Planet where MIND is COMPASS
We get born into physical duality on Earth .. and told that the moment we are born our spirit is automatically cut off from all the dimensions #_#
It is important to realize this is not possible as the spirit is woven into the eternal fabric of life. There has to be a connection or the physical body cannot exist.
So .. incarnate spirit navigates through life experiences using its connection to unseen spirit dimensions. We are not cut off .. it is exactly the opposite. Mechanical THOUGHT [knowledge system] is not connected to the dimensions. Incarnate spirit never loses that connection.
We are born into physical existence from the spirit dimensions and we return to the spirit dimensions when the physical journey ends. This does not mean that while we are on Earth we lost the CONNECTION !!
The fall of Atlantis was when the Earth was entering a declining cycle.
Over the last 2,000 to 3,000 years Earth humans began to form their primary experience on the Planet as a development of PERSONALITY. Now .. I saw this as a kid = I REALLY saw it .. and to be honest I thought I had made a big mistake coming down here.
A lot of spirit beings will not incarnate on Earth because they see it as a mad house .. that is not a joke. Inexperienced spirit incarnations can go mad down here and become something they do not want to be. That is those spirit beings who want to help people on Earth to move to a higher dimension!
When born on Earth during the descending period the primary energy of the mind [= your navigation system] was directed into development of personality [with all its consequences].
So .. what is the alternative ??
The alternative is racing towards you faster than the speed of light. You see .. although we inhabit physical dimension 3D duality: Birth/death .. light/dark .. fast/slow .. heat/cold .. the unseen dimensions still surround us and effect us.
Some call this supernatural .. others may call it paranormal .. but the unseen dimensions are beyond anything we can describe in terms of physical understanding of reality. We are currently inside an Inner Dimensions Shift from the descending current to the ascending current.
There are people on Planet Earth who have not formed a personality as their primary experience. I did not form a personality .. although you may think that this is not possible. Being entertaining or having a sense of humor is stronger and more powerful when one does not form A PERSONALITY.
Because .. you are putting yourself in a cage #_#
I knew what I was doing because I was born aware of past life experiences / development .. the problem is I use those words but it is not exactly PAST lives. It is a living fabric. It is the web of life where past and future do not exist. I was born aware of this force of which we are a part.
During the 2,000 to 3,000 descending cycle and influence of the lower dimensions it was trendy to form a personality and experience life through that development. The truth is BEHIND that personality image is YOU = the REAL you.
Let me try and show you this somehow! Whatever force created physical dimensions .. physical Universe .. all the Suns and Planets and physical life experience? The creation of physical dimensions is not such a big deal. The real difficult part is the creation of spirits inhabiting the spirit worlds and dimensions.
You might be amazed at the development of the light bulb? But .. I am amazed at what lights the light bulb. I hope that makes sense !! The light bulb is the easy part. What creates the energy that lights the light bulb ?? Energy is the difficult part #_#
Your development of a personality in the years after you are born is the light bulb.
The deeper real true you ?? Is the more advanced spirit [energy] being [force] ...
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