Rickards: "Fiat Currency Wars can last a very long time!!"
The Kitco, Jim Rickards interview is a fantastic overview on International Currency Wars and the real value of International Trades... Into the future.
Jim Rickards says .. collectively Europe have 10,000 tons of gold...
Jim Rickards also says: The "winners" of currency devaluation are those countries who do not print and debase their currencies.
"The only people who win currency wars are the people who keep out of them."
"I would say Europe, led by Germany .. Singapore and Canada .. are the models of how to do it right! Don't try to cheapen your currency... Those keeping out of the currency wars are going to be the winners... " - Jim Rickards
I am going to give you 50 years teachings of "The Guidance" in one sentence...
"Do not look outside .. look within .. study and know yourself!"
In my life, I have climbed to the highest heights of consciousness .. and I have crawled on the lowest levels of an ant. I have seen things humans cannot see .. and I have face death at the lowest levels of human blindness.
All that this taught me: Trust yourself! Look within! Be aware!
In 2011 moving into 2012, there was a dramatic change in the way I saw the world and in the information coming into my mind. To humans, in today's world, this information would be "new" .. but to the ancient eastern world this information is very old .. existing before Earth was born. Earth humans are returning to their origins.
Not too many people are interested in the things I write .. however, I have experienced being at many of the "Krishnamurti Talks" [before he died] .. and the general interest in his Talks was minimal .. if you think of the millions and billions of people in this world caught in politics and popular religions.
I do not write the information I write to be "popular" or "interesting".
Small Is Beautiful = Look Within!!
Never be fooled by the large. Never be swayed by opinion. Do not look outside .. look inside. Do not be distracted by the outer movement. Always observe the inner movement.
Be aware of outer trends .. but know yourself. Observe the outer through the inner. The inner reflects the outer. The inner is superior to the outer. Even when the outer is harsh, the inner can be gentle. Even when a storm rages, the inner can know compassion.
In the next 100-200 years human beings will experience and know that they are the past, present and future as one. That is only the next 100/200 years .. like a pre-school kindergarten to-the-future. There will also be an extreme high level of awareness within key human societies and within specific human cultures. This heightened awareness from the East will be like high pressure spiritual awareness.
You can change the world...
Observing the Talks of Jiddu Krishnamurti, taught me that it does not matter if only one or two persons come to the Talks... It does not matter if one person reads what you write .. or if one friend listens to what you say .. or if one person grows the seed .. it does not matter...
All that matters is that one person can change the world.
There are days that you can have the highest most illuminating energy of enlightenment .. and there are other days that you can have the lowest, deepest, coldest, crawling feeling of an ant. All that matters is that you are yourself .. that you pay attention .. and that you are true to yourself no matter what. The highest and lowest levels of consciousness are a "TEST" of "INITIATION"...
Physical world is a spiritual experience.
Do Not Be Afraid! Be Brave!
Never be shy that a small number of people understand who you are or what you have to say. One aspect of fear is conformity .. where we humans conform to "perversion" out of fear!
Humans often conform to the opinions and outside influence of surrounding flux, ebbs and flows of mass mindset. Fear is a restriction! We inwardly conform to fear in order to align ourselves to the general mass-psychic flow of events.
It may take 500/1000 years! The human race will move beyond fear...
This space-time period is a perfect test for anyone who is open to Time Travel = The soul is s Time Traveller!
Across space / time .. a balanced soul-spirit experiences harmony & compassion. From which, the physical 3D body is a vessel or temple, into which eternal unseen spirit incarnates = gives life to physical matter. There is no life without spirit!
Do not think of the large .. think of the small!
Across your entire life there may be situations where something small totally changes your life... Situations you may or may not have been aware of [although it helps to be aware of them!!]. The transformation lasts forever. You are eternally transformed !!
When you observe outer events inwardly .. what does that mean?
The inner and the outer are one...
Over the last two thousand years .. humans have excessively focused on the outer experience. Human beings no longer understand that the outer experience is the inner experience! Our reaction is fear .. where we put the outer experience first .. and we fit the inner reaction (fear) to the outer experience.
Harmony of the human mind [consciousness] is most important! Then comes advanced technology!
Do not be afraid .. be brave! Look within! Know yourself! Stay calm! Be aware!
I am now forming my own theory as to how many universal .. but unidentified forms of hot and cool water creates movement and life. By life, I mean that vibration is sound and sounds are frequencies in each state of their signature vibration. In that way a rock or crystal is "life", as the structure is created from its own tonal signature and is constantly moving even though a rock appears to be still or dead.
This is why crystals or metals, and lesser known plant fibers can transmit electric and electro-magnetic energies and frequencies. Crystals and metals appear to be inert .. when they are, in fact, vibrating at frequencies more powerful than the human form. This is why crystals and metals are so important in any technological or high-tech society. We are not a high-tech society .. we are currently at the bottom of the scale. We use crystals and metals without understanding their true nature and capacity.
The Sun Sucks...
This is not a very scientific language: The Sun sucks in Solar Flares. One could say that a high coronal mass ejection implodes [rather than use the word sucks]; but add to this the magnetic reverse flow of a coronal mass ejection. As in .. flows .. like water!
If you watch the video carefully, you can see that the ring shaped prominence erupting from the Sun is less than the total force being sucked into the Sun. The most powerful water-like mass is imploding or being sucked back into the Sun. At the end of the sequence you can see the almost river-like / snake-like twisting spiraling torque.
NASA Aquarius Ocean Circluation Ocean Circulation displays a key role in distributing Solar energy and maintaining climate by moving heat from Earth's equator to the poles.
NASAexplorer Video
If you look at NASA visual video-graphic interpretation of the Earth's ocean currents .. it looks a lot like the activity on the surface of the Sun.
For thousands of years the metal / fire male has been into explosion, heat, explosive power, external power .. when the real power is implosion. I do not mean that in terms of the way we humans understand power. I do not mean destructive power .. but a gentle power .. more powerful than anything we know today. It is called love .. compassion .. it is called LIFE !!
Life Sucks
Everything we are taught today is wrong... We humans have totally the wrong principles when observing life, cosmos and our Planet. To use the word "observation" is also wrong. Science does not currently OBSERVE Nature .. science simply exploits and uses Nature [in unnatural ways]. I think it is called "perversion" !!
Life sucks! Salmon swimming up river do not push their way ahead .. but they are sucked upstream by forces we humans barely understand nor comprehend. The animal being born from the womb .. or the human child being born from the womb .. are sucked out .. when the birth is natural. It is all about magnetics and polar opposites working together as one. North, South, East and West suck .. it is a multi level four directions polarisation / magnetic phenomenon.
Winds Suck
We are taught to believe that Solar flares explode/eject and that the Earth's winds blow [push, compress, force, move forward, thrust]. Nothing could be farther from the truth... The Earth's winds and polar currents suck .. and that is what intercontinental flights use to go faster when the winds are "behind them". It is the same for sailing ships and yachts. The wind that fills the sails of a yacht appears to come from behind .. but the real energy is a vortex tunnel of imploding/sucking magnetic force.
Snow Sucks
I love Nature! I always observe Nature! Nature is my teacher... Tonight I went out to observe the falling snow, to test my theory through ground observation. Falling snow is the perfect observation platform to understand the nature of wind and polarity/magnetism. I watched the snow falling, being blown. Only, my observation was that the falling snow sucks.
It is the same phenomenon as the Sun, the same phenomenon as water, ocean currents, flowing rivers, atmospheric currents .. they all suck = implode. Where the implosion is magnetic .. requires water .. requires frequency, energy and movement that manifests in its dynamic and still states. Motion can be both dynamic and static [still / vibrating at one point of equilibrium].
Aikido Sucks!
If you carefully observe Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of AIKIDO .. he is using the same principle of the Sun, of water, of wind and fire... Aikido sucks !! It is not an aggressive, forceful attacking force. Morihei Ueshiba, teaches an implosive, sucking, gentle force in overcoming the push-direction of an attacker. Therefore, consider why it is that Morihei Ueshiba said that Aikido is "The Way of peace".
We humans breathe in - even as we breathe out... When you forcefully breathe out .. the next automatic breath is in .. the breath sucks !! Just like the wind !! However, when you breathe out you also breathe in. If you pay attention to this, as you pass a person on the road smoking a cigarette and you breathe out .. you can still smell the cigarette as you breathe out.
I never smoked in my entire life .. and when I pass a smoker on the street, I forcefully breathe out not to breathe in the smell of the cigarette as I pass bye. No matter how forcefully I breathe out .. I still smell the cigarette smoke while breathing out. That is the implosion effect. I breathe in as I breathe out. This is a very ancient pranic / yin yang / alchemical / universal magnetic force called Prana or Chi/Qi
Aikido Master, Morihei Ueshiba does not repel .. he attracts !! Utilizing the power of the Sun. Power is a gentle vortex.
If power was the way man currently thinks .. then life would not exist...