Life and death is a perfectly synchronized revolving door...
The time of the Mayan cycle has nothing to do with physical 'death' .. but is related to the long cycle of the soul. Physical form comes and goes like the spring blossoms on the branches of the trees.
Where does the sunlight come from that enriches the blossoms? The light comes from your soul. Your soul shines its light into all your incarnations across the illusions of space-time. Your physical incarnations are the 'cherry blossoms' on the branches of the tree of life.
INCARNATIONS .. plural .. all your spirit incarnations across the greater universe of space time are given life through the light (sunlight) that shines from your soul. The physical Suns come and go over trillions of years; but your soul is eternal.
Fear is an illusion...
Those who fall apart and crumble to a frozen state of fear in these times we now live in are losing their 'perspective' .. and that is an internal affair. But, those of you who can master fear and see the passageway(s) of Initiation beyond the fear... that creates 'strength' and the strength gets shared with the world around you.
The spirit world exists and our ancestors could see the world of spirit and they could communicate with that world. Very soon many more people on Earth will once more begin to see the 'world of spirit'. Well, there is not only one world of spirit - there are many worlds.
Just think of it as being similar to Michio Kaku's 'String Theory' .. [see Universe] .. where many worlds and dimensions vibrate at different frequencies...
But let's get back to 'death'. The new cycle we are entering will be Initiated by death... But what is death? It's the new cycle... You have to think big. You have to go beyond your limitations. Death and darkness? Perhaps death is life? Perhaps death is the wisdom and light of your soul? Therefore, fear is your own lack of understanding or connectedness.
A lot of people are going to die and less people will be born.
The reason for this is related to balance of the Earth and the Earth's energies. The planet allowed many years of population growth - right at the end of the cycle. So, if you can see the sunlight radiating down from your own soul the journey was worth it...
The spirit is always connected to the soul. The spirit cannot exist without the connection to the soul. The physical body cannot exist without the connection to spirit. People have to figure that out in these times. People have to figure it out for themselves.
People today fear death, because they cannot see the spirit world - the world of their ancestors. When you are born you come from the world of spirit into this physical world and when you die you leave this physical world to return to your origins. Is that so hard to understand?
If you wish to understand death watch the blossoms in the spring...
The time of the Mayan cycle has nothing to do with physical 'death' .. but is related to the long cycle of the soul. Physical form comes and goes like the spring blossoms on the branches of the trees.
Where does the sunlight come from that enriches the blossoms? The light comes from your soul. Your soul shines its light into all your incarnations across the illusions of space-time. Your physical incarnations are the 'cherry blossoms' on the branches of the tree of life.
INCARNATIONS .. plural .. all your spirit incarnations across the greater universe of space time are given life through the light (sunlight) that shines from your soul. The physical Suns come and go over trillions of years; but your soul is eternal.
Fear is an illusion...
Those who fall apart and crumble to a frozen state of fear in these times we now live in are losing their 'perspective' .. and that is an internal affair. But, those of you who can master fear and see the passageway(s) of Initiation beyond the fear... that creates 'strength' and the strength gets shared with the world around you.
The spirit world exists and our ancestors could see the world of spirit and they could communicate with that world. Very soon many more people on Earth will once more begin to see the 'world of spirit'. Well, there is not only one world of spirit - there are many worlds.
Just think of it as being similar to Michio Kaku's 'String Theory' .. [see Universe] .. where many worlds and dimensions vibrate at different frequencies...
But let's get back to 'death'. The new cycle we are entering will be Initiated by death... But what is death? It's the new cycle... You have to think big. You have to go beyond your limitations. Death and darkness? Perhaps death is life? Perhaps death is the wisdom and light of your soul? Therefore, fear is your own lack of understanding or connectedness.
A lot of people are going to die and less people will be born.
The reason for this is related to balance of the Earth and the Earth's energies. The planet allowed many years of population growth - right at the end of the cycle. So, if you can see the sunlight radiating down from your own soul the journey was worth it...
The spirit is always connected to the soul. The spirit cannot exist without the connection to the soul. The physical body cannot exist without the connection to spirit. People have to figure that out in these times. People have to figure it out for themselves.
People today fear death, because they cannot see the spirit world - the world of their ancestors. When you are born you come from the world of spirit into this physical world and when you die you leave this physical world to return to your origins. Is that so hard to understand?
If you wish to understand death watch the blossoms in the spring...