Friday, April 29, 2005

Guardians Of The Earth

My ancestors came from the Highlands of Scotland. Driven from the land they loved, these people either had to sail to America (and kill the Native Americans), or remain in lowland areas of Scotland. I was born in a coastal town on the West coast of Scotland with an ability to see the ancient world. The world I was born into never seemed real to me, more like a bad nightmare out of which I was waiting to waken up.

People once lived close to the land and close to the earth, and it was good for them because the land gave them power. All across the world a new force drove the native people from the land and into towns and cities. Disconnected from the land people began to lose sight of the value of life. Society now lives out its life through drug prescriptions, alcoholism and television (among other addictions).

Today the human being seems only to exist for "more" and "greater", all of it based on materialism and the desire to have as much as one can get in this life. Petrolium seems to have been a curse that has destroyed most of the planet within the last 100 years or less. People can travel further and easier, farm greater areas of land, fish larger areas of the ocean, fish greater amounts and faster ... Without petrolium this unrestrained growth could not have taken place.

Children have become a commodity. What are you going to have and how successful will it be? Genetically engineered geniuses are on their way, together with the genetically modified grains and seeds. It never seems to end!

Now the Albatrosses are dying out, and the fishing vessels are depleting the fish, dolphins and whales in the great oceans. Petrolium driven fishing tankers allow many more fish to be killed, destroying dolphins, whales, porpoises and birds along the way. This is no longer a way of life, it is an industry. People are no longer thankful, or stop to be grateful for what they have. People have no sense to thank the earth for any of the resources they receive. These riches are taken for granted and more is not enough.

Personally I am thankful to nature, even as this stinking death of petrolium fires the engines of our destruction. Humans take every resource and use it to fire their greed, their insensitivity, their dissatisfaction and their loneliness. Killing is a thoughless act and the more we kill the better. What is a 60 year old Albatross to the men pulling in the catch? What good will the money be when the food runs out?

I see this same insanity on the Internet. The worldwide web used to be a place for exploration and discussion, searching for answers and communicating something of value. In the beginning it was unsophisticated, plaster and paint, do it yourself and hope it works kind of experimentation. I could type a search into Google Search Engine and come up with a number of sites discussing anything from UFO's to Gardening.

Now the search engines are full of long strings of hooks, fishing for money. High powered firms float along, trailing their hooks behind them, looking to catch more Dollars, Euro's or Yen. You are bombarded with Ads, commercial sites, special offers, magnetic attractions and more. If I had money I would create a special "non commercial" Server, where people could surf and learn in Utopian seas with dolphins and whales untouched, and the Albatrosses flying without pain.

Around the world the Native People took what they needed, said thank you to the earth, and left the rest with a blessing. The hunters were not renound for the largest number of kills. The hunters learned to maintain a balance, and to honour their guardianship of the earth. The creatures who fed the communities were to be respected, as was the earth itself. The sun gives light and warmth, and the earth gives abundance of life.

I watch the same insanity driven by the ego and loss of soul spreading across the world wide web. Who has the most billion hits on their web pages? How do you optimise for more? Who is the biggest and the best, the richest? It is no different than the fishing practices killing the dolphins in pair trawling, or the mile long lines dragging the Albatross under to its death. It is the same mentality, the same disease, the same psyche.

We are a world community sitting around one fire. We share the same resources and we live one life. The quality of the light spreading from the fire is the psyche, the thoughts men have and how they act on those thoughts. It is a question of whether the collective mind of man is quiet, attentive and observing, learning ... or is the mind restless, divided, talking to itself and inwardly disturbed? If the mind is noisy it cannot learn. If the collective mind is constantly in pursuit of something it cannot respond to life in a balanced way.

I attended the Krishnamurti talks at Brockwood Park for many years until his death. Jiddu Krishnamurti was a charasmatic man. He could easily have attracted millions of people; but he did not want it. He insisted that the talks not be advertised. He was not a guru and he did not want followers. I watched how he moved between the worlds, and how he worked throughout his life from another level.

In all the noise and demands to get more, to be number one, to find as much as you can, as fast as you can ... something essential gets lost. One of my favorite websites: The Wingmakers, does not have this mega ranking ideology behind them. They don't want it either. As this obsession for more is mainly going in the wrong direction. We humans need quality and sharing. We need intimacy and friendship. Love and respect. We need to find a bond of basic human values and cherish that gift.

The Scottish word "tryst" meant: A meeting place. That is a place where people can allow themselves to come together without any sense of harm. Once you pass through that doorway there has to be something beyond trust. That something is love. Only when there is love will the tryst be honoured. If there is no love within the heart then all kinds of betrayal, conflict and petty division will surface. This is the state we live in today - wars without end.

We have forgotten to be grateful for the small things, and to know grace and humility for that which we receive in this earth journey. The human race does not need volume, it needs character, intelligent cooperation and deeper values. Small communities will be able to create this sense of oneness and cooperation, from which all mankind will benefit. We do not need larger institutions, we need smaller ones. We do not need central control, we need to be answerable ourselves, to be able to respond to problems and to create our own solutions.

If you catch one fish and that fish feeds you then what more do you need? If you have 10 visitors who share enlightenment ... and those ten each have ten to share ... and the numbers remain small but the effect is shared for the benefit of all mankind... What more do we need?

When we observe nature. Do millions of birds gather or flock in one area? Of course not! If they did they would starve as there is not enough food in a small space to feed them all. Do millions of fish gather in one small part of the sea? Why then do humans do it? The larger the number and the smaller the space, the less there is for you!