Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dragons In The Deep

The Orphans of Yuang Shi Dong:
China Cave Reflects Spiritual, Scientific Worlds

By Christina Larson - Special to Circle of Blue

Zhou Mungqiu, who is 11 years old and whose name means “dream of spring,” pointed up to the top of Yuan Shi Dong, the “Fate Lion Cave,” where a fragile sliver of light descended from a small hole. Beside her, Shi Shanhong, whose name means kindness, also looked up and giggled.

While both girls are in the same fourth grade class, in other regards their lives are very different — save for the common bond of being playmates in a mysterious cave that resembles a lion at its mouth and where a Buddhist temple stands.

According to a legend, about 200 years ago Buddha appeared to four elders of a nearby village out for a stroll in the mountains. He told them he would take them to a place they had never been. “How is that possible,” one woman asked. “We have walked this hillside hundreds of times.” But Buddha led them to the cave (see more stunning pictures of karst caves in our slideshow), and the four entered for the first time, astonished. In the strange forms hanging from the ceiling, they believed they saw the shapes of many deities and animals in the rock.

One spring afternoon, two centuries later, the two little girls carried candles to light their way inside Yuan Shi Dong, casting flickering shadows down the long corridor. They scrambled quickly in the dim light; their lack of hesitation showed they’d been here many times before and knew the way.

Zhou Mengqiu lives in the village nearby. She comes from a family of farmers. When her mother comes to market to sell beef and potatoes, Mengqiu slips inside the cave temple to play.

Shi Shanhong, however, is embarrassed to talk about her family. It is only those people she trusts who know the truth. Shi is an orphan and lives in the Buddhist temple near Yuan Shi Dong’s entrance. The head nun found her at the temple doorstep when she was 7 weeks old. There was a dramatic red birthmark on her face. Each year the color fades more and more; now it is barely visible.

The two girls come here, as people have for hundreds of years, to tell stories about the caves and the creatures of the mountains and events that happened (or might have happened) long before they were born. Inside the cave, rocks are painted bright colors, lending the hideaway to games of the imagination.

Before scientists offered geologic explanations, people told stories about the origins of Yuan Shi Dong and other caves. Those stories — some of haunted caverns, some of poets’ getaways — are as different as the landscapes themselves. Even today, enduring legends illustrate how people’s lives, even the lives of little girls, are intertwined with geography.

There is an inscription on one wall leading into the Buddhist temple near Yuan Shi Dong, but even the head nun does not remember who placed the lettering there: “People travel thousands of miles, many die in other lands, but souls will return here.”

Chinese Paintings
Summary of Chinese Dynasties
5 Techniques of Shaolin Kung Fu

Sunday, July 25, 2010

If The Dam Breaks

Three Gorges Dam's floodgates open in Yichang, 
China's Hubei province, 20-7-2010
Three Gorges Dam

Severe flooding in China is putting pressure on the countries controversial Three Gorges Dam, built to hold back the flow of the Yangtze river. Heavy rains are continuing to fall, creating the worse flooding in a decade.

With floodwaters hovering at times, some 17 meters below the dam's maximum capacity, should human beings consider that maybe it is time to work with nature rather than try to overcome nature? If the amount of water behind the Three Gorges Dam exceeds the capacity of the floodgates, then someone has a problem downstream.

Dams are an environmental disaster. They put masses of water in places nature is not designed to hold masses of water. That alone changes the water/air evaporation rates, as well as changing the rate of seepage into the surrounding landscape and beyond.

Water is heavy and it has a large earth-seepage rate. When a dam is built and the water sits on land it was never meant to sit on, then the builders of the dams also change the way and the rate water is retained in and around the physical landscape. Water does not only evaporate, it sinks creating landslides and potentially causing earthquakes.

I could be wrong, but I think the reason for building the Three Gorges Dam was to decrease flooding .. but that assumes nature does not know what it is doing and human's do know better. It would never occur to the designers and financiers of Geo-Landscaping projects that the way a river is designed allows for environmental changes over tens of thousands of years.

A river like the Yangtze, for example, exists to deal with any variable of climatic change from drought to extreme water from the sky situations .. because that is what the Earth does. We humans may live for 70 to 90 years at one go, but the planet (nature) has ecological growth cycles of hundreds and then thousands of years.

Every now and then inhabitants of the planet will see extreme behavior of the weather, that is all part of a natural cycle. The climate is not always 'stable' down here .. it can be stable, but things can get pretty dramatic. On top of that, when human's dam the lifeblood of the planet? I am sure it can get even more colorful during times of extreme weather cycles.

Aging and Abandoned Dams

As the dams age, and it is not so easy to 'repair' an aging dam, then what alternatives are there to future generations other than to take the dam apart? Even better than that, abandoned dams are left to sit and rot without maintenance because upgrades to the dam are too costly. Rather than abandon them, dams would have to be decommissioned and the surrounding areas rehabilitated. So, what were the Chinese thinking of when they built the Three Gorges Dam?

Technical studies have found that the aging of dams accelerates after 50 years. It would seem that leaves the Yangtze problem for those in 2060, unless nature takes care of it before then.

Research Notes:
Are Large Dams Altering Extreme Weather patterns? #o#
Three Gorges Dam Safety Analysis #o#

Can Large Dams Change The Weather?

Dr. Faisal Hossain, Tennessee Technological University

Ben - Most of the water that we use comes from reservoirs. These artificial lakes are often created by damming a river. Once a large enough body of water has accumulated, you can tap it off, purify it and send it out to peoples’ homes; or you can release it back through turbines in the dam to generate hydroelectric power. Simple as this sounds though, there are environmental consequences, including an effect on the local weather. Dr Faisal Hossain is from Tennessee Technological University, and he joins us on the line now. Hello, Faisal.

Faisal - Hello, Ben. Good afternoon.

Ben - How many dams are there in the world? Do we actually know?

Faisal - Getting a precise number is tough but large dams, which are defined by the International Commission of Large Dams as more than 15 metres in height; they're probably about more than 100,000 of these around the world. And approximately, small and large, we might have about a million dams.

Ben - Right! A million dams sounds like an enormous amount. How long have they been around?

Faisal - Most of them were built in the early 19th century, all the way up to, I think right after the Second World War. Then in the ‘60s, I think the environmental issues of it caught up, and most of them were already built, so it stopped right on that time. So, the typical age is probably a few decades. Maybe two to three decades or more.

Ben - That seems fairly old for something that we rely on quite so much. Were they built to last?

Faisal - Well, dams are generally built to last. You could say, they should last almost forever if they're properly maintained and operated. You should be able to use the dam for what it was built for, for as long as you want. But there are issues with dams, like they get filled up with sedimentation and silt. Sometimes, dredging of the dam and all that gets a little hard and it makes more sense not to use the dam or to decommission or remove the dam from the river.

Ben - I’d imagine, removing a dam is quite an engineering task as well.

Faisal - Yes, it is. It’s still not a very well understood discipline. It’s just coming up because now, we have to worry about what we’re going to do with some of these dams that we built. We really didn’t think about what we were going to do when we built them, if they were not to last forever.

Ben - We can see fairly obviously that dams change the river flow in any particular river that they’re put into, but what influence do they have on the local weather?

Faisal - The first thing is, it’s a dam. It impounds the river and it creates an open body of water which is an artificial reservoir or a lake and that itself, being exposed to the sky and the sun, creates a huge source for moisture in the air. That as a quantity may not be much, but if you factor in the other applications for which a dam is being built in particular like say, irrigation; in which you're drawing the water from the dam, the reservoir, and then you're irrigating thousands and thousands of square miles or kilometres, you're actually adding a tremendous amount of water vapour to the air. Thereby, you can actually change a lot of the dynamics of how the rainfall used to form in the pre-dam era. You can drastically change it to have more rainfall and much heavier rainfall than normal.

Ben - So it’s not just the building of the dam itself, but it’s what you're then going to use the water for?

Faisal - Yes. If you just look into the dam itself, that won't be much. You have to look into the changes in the landscape and the land use that it triggers, and most dams do because a dam will typically make a region downstream safer from floods. So there’s more urbanisation which again has impact on the weather; then you can have more irrigation, or more recreational uses. So you do change the landscape in a fairly drastic way, systematically. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it happens on scales over a few decades, and that in turn will lead to some significant changes in the local climate, depending on what kind of climate zone it is in.

Ben - This all seems very logical - that when you bung up a load of water and spread it out around the land that you're going to end up with changes in the weather. But do we have any actual evidence that this is happening?

Faisal - Actually, we do because there were a lot of studies done by some of my colleagues that we’re trying to work with now. At the University of Colorado, Dr. Roger Pielke, who was an expert on climate, he and his colleagues have shown that actually, with irrigation and particularly if you have a very heterogeneous landscape, you can increase the thunderstorm activity. In other words, you can make the thunderstorms more frequent and you can make them much heavier. So there’s short bursts of cloud water pouring in. You can make them much more extreme. So those studies have been there, but the connection to the dam and the reservoir as a triggering mechanism has really been looked into from an engineering perspective.

Ben - And thinking of the engineering perspective, if building a dam does cause an increase in local rainfall, does this mean that actually, the dams themselves have been designed for less water flow than we now get?

Faisal - That is a possibility. Of course, the impact that a reservoir, with its land use change, creates is not uniform or consistent throughout the world. Usually, you might see most of the impact in arid and semi arid regions as we are seeing in our research. If they do change a lot of the rainfall patterns and you end up seeing more rainfall than the “normal” for which it was designed, yes. That, together with the compounding problem of increasing sedimentation or loss of storage can make the situation a little worse. In other words, you’ll have more water coming in from upstream, but then every year we’re losing a lot of storage in the dam. So it means you actually have them to keep the gates open more than what was designed for. So that is always a possibility.

Ben - Does that, in turn, mitigate some of the beneficial effects that you get such as reducing flood risks, if actually, you're keeping the gates open a large proportion of the time anyway? Do you still get the floods downstream that you would’ve got before the dam was built?

Faisal - I think it still does mitigate the big floods. I'm a civil engineer by training, and by the nature of my training, I am very much a pro-dam person. But as engineers, when we built the dams, we always treated all these design parameters for which we build the dam as static . As in, it’s going to be the same a hundred years down the road or 500 years down the road. We never considered that the very structure that we’re building and the applications that they're serving might itself compromise the design parameters. So, yes - it may not be as successful or as effective as it was before for flood control, but it will still have some value. I think the key thing is to understand for which regions and what type of dams and land use this will be an issue, and to modify our practice of operating the dams that’s much more climate friendly and much more sustainable in the 21st century.

Ben - With a better knowledge of the impact of building a dam, are we now in a position where we can predict a bit better what would happen if we were to build a dam or if we were to decommission one? What sort of predictions could we actually make?

Faisal - Actually, we are - independently, a study of the impact of human activities on the local weather has been going on since a few decades ago. So there’s a rich body of research that’s been done. People have looked into how urbanisation affects local weather, how irrigation does, how other types of land use change impacts weather - especially the rainfall. So I think we’re poised at a very interesting time where we can connect all this to the dam building practices, and we’ve got excellent computer models that can actually project either 50 or 100-year scenarios into the future of how the local weather might change. And I think this is what the civil engineering profession has to embrace - to be able to do a much better lifecycle analysis, throughout the entire lifespan, predict the major extreme conditions and kind of plan for it in the design itself.

Ben - Well I think that sounds like a very promising future for the future of dam design and dam building. That was Dr. Faisal Hossain. He’s a researcher at Tennessee Technological University, where he’s been looking at how dams alter the local weather. [#Source]

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rosetta Stone of Electro-Magnetism

With 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells in the Gulf of Mexico (I guess that is now 27,001 abandoned wells), it is time the human race seriously apply themselves to creating a 'future worth living', with 3,500 abandoned wells classed as 'temporary abandonments' = not so strict requirements on sealing those temporary wells, and no one ever checks if those wells are leaking.

There are approximately 4,000 active oil and gas platforms operating in the Gulf of Mexico casino. The way I see it when you have 27,000 abandoned oil wells for 4,000 operational wells, that sure sounds a lot like a casino operation where the edge of the table is the Northern Gulf and the players are oil companies, governments and investors .. with the onlookers (consumers) buying the issue tickets that come out of the game (petroleum products).

When the boys win they look like heroes .. and as is generally more common at casino tables .. when the boys lose the whole family gets destroyed. That family is the eco system, the birds, fish and animals on the shoreline as well as the human relatives all along the coast and probably more extended relatives living inland. 'Prospect', 'Play' and 'Chance of Success' are all Petroleum field evaluation terms.

Areas of the oil and gas casino table are portioned into 'fields' and 'blocks', where the chips moved around and placed on the squares in this gamble are the exploration and production rigs. Those chips create the 'wins' when the boys look good and more often they create the losses where the families suffer.

Electro-Magnetism's Rosetta Stone
It's the 'cell' otherwise known as 'containment' .. these terms are not used in current free energy, electro-magnetic energy terminology. The Rosetta Stone translating all the languages of energy, magnetism, electrical current and conduction is the 'cell'.

Thousands of years ago the most ancient civilizations encoded the energy Rosetta key into stone structures in the form of pictograms and later Hieroglyphics. The problem people have today is the inability to understand and apply 'unique meaning'. The mind of mankind has been contaminated with 'collective meaning' where an exact linear definition of the word is 'the LAW'. Unique meaning is where the pictogram speaks to each individual on the level they can understand and develop.

Unique meaning does not imply a hierarchy or areas of superiority or inferior capacity - it simply applies the same interactive rules of nature common to all life. Sunlight and darkness do not have the same across the board effect on everyone. Each persons experience of sunlight and darkness (shared frequencies) is unique'.

I was watching the Steorn Orbo 'Proving Overunity' live experiment demonstration video on their website. Basically, this is the process of getting back more energy than is input into the system. The question is, why do live demonstrations of magnetic pulse motors often fail to produce the effects achieved in the research labs? Many years ago I read an account of a researcher who successfully built a functioning orgone motor that refused to work in the presence of observes who were extremely critical of the technology.

In my mind the problem is 'containment'. Production and transmission of energy in the world today uses 'push' to spark and drive, then sustain power transmission. All energy is produced through pressure (heat) as it expands it produces spills, leaks and energy loss.

Embedded in nature is a tiny Rosetta Stone capable of translating the many languages of interaction between energy and matter. I see cells as the inbuilt 'translators' and understanding how they do it will allow mankind to utilize magnetic energy from the earth at a local level with no energy loss. This is a move from production to transformation.

Electro-magnetic energy operates on the same frequencies of the human mind. Well, not only the human mind, because birds use it to fly and fish use it to swim (see Viktor Schauberger on Trout and Salmon), trees and plants use it, water is it and air is it. So, when man creates energy consuming technology the problem is we are extending into a 'shared environment'. Add to that the invisible background field flux and you will understand why certain effects will cancel out an experiment in natural electro-magnetic induction.

My understanding is that human energy production currently pushes so much electrical current into the system that the force of the supply overcomes the vulnerability of electrical current sensitivity to surrounding fields. By sensitivity I mean events where other magnetic fields interfere with or alter the projected electrical charge. This definition includes states of mind and unseen interference, as I consider paranormal and poltergeist phenomenon to be base electrical (energy) charged events.

If innovator B wants to create an energy containment unit as sensitive and efficient as the leaf of a plant, then the unit would have to similarly be shielded from the surrounding flux of other magnetic fields (including the human mind). That is where the cell comes in.

So, let's say all physical, material-mechanical phenomenon exists in an unseen sea of primal energy where the single cell is the transfer interface [transducer] between energy and matter. The way I see it is a living cell = containment where a constant magnetic spin (vortex spiral) maintains the health of the cell.

Each living cell is a power unit that together maintain complete bodies of physical matter and generate movement (direction). In this sense magnetic positioning defines navigation from sub-atomic particles to planetary and universal. The cells in all living things are navigation devices continually listening to the 'four directions' - North, South, East and West.

If innovator B builds an open system which takes the Earth's magnetism and turns it into power, that system will be subjected to a wide variety of natural interference from surrounding fields (including the human mind/human energy field). I assume living cells are 'shielded', otherwise how can they maintain form and individuality of the material entity. Surely a crystal is a crystal because it maintains individual shielding as it grows from the primal energy of all that is!

If I could shield the outer layer of this crystal ball with the frequency (vibration) of a living cell, I am sure it would act as a transmitter receiver and then I would innovate technology to work on a very fine vibration so that no great amount of energy is required to run the unit. Computers and cars would contain their own electromagnetic power units. How do I know this is possible? Because nature does it.

The forceful way man currently produces and transmits energy probably creates its own primitive shielding by the fact that it is a driving force set at such high energy output that it repels background magnetic fields, and this is why electrical current will repel you if you come in contact with it. The moment innovator B refines the magnetic-energy containment device (that would also transmit wireless energy), there is a problem. If you don't find a way to shield the energy unit then it will openly come into contact with and be influenced by natural (unseen) background magnetic energy fluctuations (including states of mind).

If you stop to think about what a living cell is, then it becomes apparent that the energy success of the cells that power the movement of humans, birds, animals, insects and fish are so highly efficient because of 'containment' and not levels of production of energy. A single cell is a 'womb' of living energy that combines with other cells to create physical matter. Using this template individual energy containment cells can be used to power future technology.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Mud Volcanoes & Petroleum

THE sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might;
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright--
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night.

The moon was shining sulkily,
Because she thought the sun
Had got no business to be there
After the day was done--
"It's very rude of him," she said,
"To come and spoil the fun!"

The sea was wet as wet could be,
The sands were dry as dry.
You could not see a cloud, because
No cloud was in the sky;
No birds were flying overhead--
There were no birds to fly.

The Walrus and the Carpenter
Were walking close at hand;
They wept like anything to see
Such quantities of sand--
"If this were only cleared away,"
They said, "it would be grand!"

"If seven maids with seven mops
Swept it for half a year,
Do you suppose," the Walrus said,
"That they could get it clear?"
"I doubt it," said the Carpenter,
And shed a bitter tear.

[From: The Walrus & The Carpenter - by: Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)]

In my drawing I attempted to put into pictograph form my own understanding of what humans (corporations) are doing when they drill into the Earth's strata for oil and gas. From my research, it is clear that the drilling companies are messing around with the very substances the Earth uses to balance and maintain our physical 3D world.

If you take only the oceans as an example, the whole body and weight of the water, its movement and substantial power has to be balanced with the Earth's underground suspension system .. magma, oil, clay and gas .. acting as a cushion to vertical and horizontal movement of the continents and underwater landmass.

The way I see it, the layers of strata containing oil, mud, magma and gas allow vertical and horizontal movement therefore reducing the potential of abrasive grinding - friction - reducing the potential for earthquakes. In my opinion, release of methane gas potentially crashes strata of the earth together, perhaps for reasons we do not yet understand.

All fluids and gases have their own magnetic fields, they are conductors of electric and magnetic energies and it is those electric and magnetic forces that determine how the fluids and gases behave. The deeper the artery the more powerful the primordial force therein.

"With energy companies seeking to mine the methane hydrate deposits, another more immediate side effect can occur which is Tsunami’s. Human history has recorded such an event 7,000 years ago off the coast of Norway which sent a towering tsunami wave crashing into Scotland." #~#

The Role of Mud Volcanoes In Petroleum Systems (PDF) .. Mud volcanoes tend to be associated with petroleum deposits .. Internal forces below the earth's surface which cause mud volcanoes are believed to include the compression of clays and differences in density and thickness of sediments causing movement. #~#

A Petroleum Gas Volcano
The first evidence of the disturbance which resulted in the formation of the new island, which, by the way, has been christened "Mud Volcano Island," was the bubbling of water over Despatch Reef noted by fishermen on Tuesday, October 31st, 1911. On Friday evening of the same week (November 3rd) a decided agitation of the water was noticed in the same locality; and by Saturday morning, November 4th, the island had made its appearance. As described by Sergeant Wilkey, of the Colonial police, who visited it on Friday afternoon, the island covered about an acre in extent with a well-defined cone or crater, 20 to 50 feet high, developed near the middle. Gas with a decided sulphur odour was bubbling from the ocean bottom on the flanks of the new shore.

Shortly after Wilkey's return to shore the escaping gas caught probably through the medium of sparks generated by the striking together of stones ejected in the course of the eruption, which had now become violent. The flame from the burning gas rose to heights variously estimated at from 500 to 1,000 feet but soon died down.

Investigator Warned MMS in 2009 About Deepwater Gas Blowouts in Gulf of Mexico: "The primary cause of blowouts, spills and uncontrolled releases of gases from offshore operations is drilling into methane hydrates, or through them into free gas trapped below," the report warned the MMS. #~#

The Real World of Oil Spills Unfortunately there are places in the world where oil spills are common place and sometimes intentional they are either hidden behind politics or just ignored because the public have grown accustomed to them. With the greed of a few this will probably continue until there is no more oil to exploit. Maybe if more people in the world know more about this sort of thing then it can change for the better. #~#

Crude Confessions: Massive Saudi Spill in 1993?
The suck-and-salvage technique was developed in desperation across the Arabian Gulf following a spill of mammoth proportions — 700 million gallons — that has until now gone unreported, as Saudi Arabia is a closed society, and its oil company, Saudi Aramco, remains owned by the House of Saud. But in 1993 and into '94, with four leaking tankers and two gushing wells, the royal family had an environmental disaster nearly sixty-five times the size of Exxon Valdez on its hands, and it desperately needed a solution. #~#