'Phantomwolken' - Bundeswehr gibt sich ahnungslos
“Phantom clouds” - German Military say they don't have a clue
I found this article at a German Weather website and have translated it as best I can using Google Translation Tools
This is interesting, because they caught the phantom clouds on radar registering as clouds (that from the ground were not there). People want to know what the military are spraying "up there" - but the military say they don't know. The article concludes that the military create more questions than they answer....
Google Translation: “Phantom clouds”
German Federal Armed Forces say they don't have a clue.
After an inquiry of the federal state government of Lower Saxony also the German Federal Armed Forces determined. But the statement that of military raises more questions, than it answers. In February Donnerwetter.de made the case „of the phantom cloud in such a way specified public “. In July 2005 the weather radar showed a 350 kilometers long cloud, which did not exist at all over Northern Germany. Meteoroligists of different organizations, among other things the German and the Netherlands weather service, could exclude natural causes. Only plausible explanation: The radar echo was produced by particles or substances, which were suspended in large quantity in the atmosphere - „chaff so mentioned “. At which purpose this happened, is the scientists until today unclearly. Donnerwetter.de refunded therefore charge because of the suspicion of illegal weather experiments and environmental pollution.
In March then several times further, puzzling structures dipped in the radar images over Germany up partly also over South Germany. Only after an inquiry of the Green delegate the German Federal Armed Forces determinations took up Ralf Briese to the federal state government of Lower Saxony. But these were also fast again terminated. The observed phenomena were noticeable to the Ministry of Defense according to own data themselves, measuring data of the first ‚radar cloud' in July 2005 the German Federal Armed Forces did not store. Also the Ministry of Defense nevertheless comes to the conclusion that „only the yield very specific chaff would come in substantial quantity “as a cause into question. And the German Federal Armed Forces confirm also that at the night of 22. on the 23. March 2006 about 1 hour before emerging the strange echoes on the radar a aerial engagement exercise over the Netherlands took place. Also chaff were suspended. These would have dissolved however after approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes „“. Besides the suspended quantity could have been sufficient not for radar echoes in the observed size, indicates the Ministry of Defense in its statement.
Who for the deceptions of the weather radar is responsible and for which purpose this happens - these questions are umschifft skillfully by the German Federal Armed Forces. To the question, whether it concerns military experiments, it answers the Ministry of Defense: „The German Federal Armed Forces do not accomplish experiments, which such a phenomenon could cause. “Also the question, whether it gives knowledge over „appropriate military attempts over Northern Germany with the goal of the terror defense or the weather influence “, is granted almost: „The German Federal Armed Forces do not accomplish military attempts with the goal of the terror defense or for weather influence. “ The German Federal Armed Forces separate thus according to own data as a causer. But the German Federal Armed Forces do not want to go to the cause of the strange radar phenomena in the German air space obviously also on the reason. And above all not the question about the causer...
“Phantom clouds” - German Military say they don't have a clue
I found this article at a German Weather website and have translated it as best I can using Google Translation Tools
This is interesting, because they caught the phantom clouds on radar registering as clouds (that from the ground were not there). People want to know what the military are spraying "up there" - but the military say they don't know. The article concludes that the military create more questions than they answer....
Nach einer Anfrage der Niedersächsischen Landesregierung hat auch die Bundeswehr ermittelt. Doch die Stellungnahme der Militärs wirft mehr Fragen auf, als sie beantwortet. Im Februar hat Donnerwetter.de den Fall der so genannten „Phantomwolke“ öffentlich gemacht. Im Juli 2005 zeigte das Wetterradar über Norddeutschland eine 350 Kilometer lange Wolke, die gar nicht existierte. Meteorologen verschiedener Organisationen, unter anderem des deutschen und des niederländischen Wetterdienstes, konnten natürliche Ursachen ausschließen. Einzige plausible Erklärung: Das Radarecho wurde durch Partikel oder Substanzen erzeugt, die in großer Menge in der Atmosphäre ausgesetzt wurden - so genannte „Düppel“. Zu welchem Zweck dies geschah, ist den Wissenschaftlern bis heute unklar. Donnerwetter.de erstattete deshalb Strafanzeige wegen des Verdachts illegaler Wetterexperimente und Umweltverschmutzung.
Im März tauchten dann mehrmals weitere, rätselhafte Strukturen in den Radarbildern über Deutschland auf - teilweise auch über Süddeutschland. Erst nach einer Anfrage des Grünen-Abgeordneten Ralf Briese an die Niedersächsische Landesregierung nahm die Bundeswehr Ermittlungen auf. Doch diese waren auch schnell wieder beendet. Dem Verteidigungsministerium sind die beobachteten Phänomene nach eigenen Angaben selbst nicht aufgefallen, Messdaten von der ersten ‚Radarwolke’ im Juli 2005 hat die Bundeswehr nicht gespeichert. Immerhin kommt auch das Verteidigungsministerium zu dem Schluss, dass „nur das Ausbringen sehr spezifischer Düppel in erheblicher Menge“ als Ursache in Frage käme. Und die Bundeswehr bestätigt auch, dass in der Nacht vom 22. auf den 23. März 2006 etwa 1 Stunde vor dem Auftauchen der merkwürdigen Echos auf dem Radar eine Luftkampfübung über den Niederlanden stattfand. Dabei seien auch Düppel ausgesetzt worden. Diese hätten sich jedoch nach etwa 1 Stunde und 10 Minuten „aufgelöst“. Zudem hätte die ausgesetzte Menge nicht für Radarechos in der beobachteten Größe ausreichen können, gibt das Verteidigungsministerium in seiner Stellungnahme an.
Wer für die Täuschungen des Wetterradars verantwortlich ist und zu welchem Zweck dies geschieht - diese Fragen werden von der Bundeswehr geschickt umschifft. Auf die Frage, ob es sich um militärische Experimente handelt, antwortet das Verteidigungsministerium: „Die Bundeswehr führt keine Experimente durch, die ein solches Phänomen hervorrufen könnte.“ Auch die Frage, ob es Kenntnisse über „entsprechende militärische Versuche über Norddeutschland mit dem Ziel der Terrorabwehr oder der Wetterbeeinflussung“ gebe, wird nahezu wortgleich beschieden: „Die Bundeswehr führt keine militärischen Versuche mit dem Ziel der Terrorabwehr oder zur Wetterbeeinflussung durch.“Die Bundeswehr scheidet also nach eigenen Angaben als Verursacher aus. Doch der Ursache der seltsamen Radarphänomene im deutschen Luftraum will die Bundeswehr offenbar auch nicht auf den Grund gehen. Und vor allem nicht der Frage nach dem Verursacher... Donnerwetter - Wetter Nachrichten
Google Translation: “Phantom clouds”
German Federal Armed Forces say they don't have a clue.
After an inquiry of the federal state government of Lower Saxony also the German Federal Armed Forces determined. But the statement that of military raises more questions, than it answers. In February Donnerwetter.de made the case „of the phantom cloud in such a way specified public “. In July 2005 the weather radar showed a 350 kilometers long cloud, which did not exist at all over Northern Germany. Meteoroligists of different organizations, among other things the German and the Netherlands weather service, could exclude natural causes. Only plausible explanation: The radar echo was produced by particles or substances, which were suspended in large quantity in the atmosphere - „chaff so mentioned “. At which purpose this happened, is the scientists until today unclearly. Donnerwetter.de refunded therefore charge because of the suspicion of illegal weather experiments and environmental pollution.
In March then several times further, puzzling structures dipped in the radar images over Germany up partly also over South Germany. Only after an inquiry of the Green delegate the German Federal Armed Forces determinations took up Ralf Briese to the federal state government of Lower Saxony. But these were also fast again terminated. The observed phenomena were noticeable to the Ministry of Defense according to own data themselves, measuring data of the first ‚radar cloud' in July 2005 the German Federal Armed Forces did not store. Also the Ministry of Defense nevertheless comes to the conclusion that „only the yield very specific chaff would come in substantial quantity “as a cause into question. And the German Federal Armed Forces confirm also that at the night of 22. on the 23. March 2006 about 1 hour before emerging the strange echoes on the radar a aerial engagement exercise over the Netherlands took place. Also chaff were suspended. These would have dissolved however after approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes „“. Besides the suspended quantity could have been sufficient not for radar echoes in the observed size, indicates the Ministry of Defense in its statement.
Who for the deceptions of the weather radar is responsible and for which purpose this happens - these questions are umschifft skillfully by the German Federal Armed Forces. To the question, whether it concerns military experiments, it answers the Ministry of Defense: „The German Federal Armed Forces do not accomplish experiments, which such a phenomenon could cause. “Also the question, whether it gives knowledge over „appropriate military attempts over Northern Germany with the goal of the terror defense or the weather influence “, is granted almost: „The German Federal Armed Forces do not accomplish military attempts with the goal of the terror defense or for weather influence. “ The German Federal Armed Forces separate thus according to own data as a causer. But the German Federal Armed Forces do not want to go to the cause of the strange radar phenomena in the German air space obviously also on the reason. And above all not the question about the causer...