Saturday, May 26, 2007

Google's Silent Running

ZDNet Gary Rodgers
Google isn’t shy about it’s stance on the environment — they have a huge array of solar panels that provide some energy at the Googleplex, a shuttle that transports employees to and from work, powered by biodiesel, and a public statement on

Climate Change: mitigate the effect of climate change on the poor by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy efficiency, and supporting clean energy sources.

While going through my daily list of domains today, I found that Google registered “” on Wednesday — could this be Google’s next step in their ambition to save the environment? This domain was registered through “Mark Monitor“, a brand management company. I can guarantee it belongs to, and was intentionally registered by Google.

As far as the importance of the domain, obviously a link between it and any upcoming announcements is complete speculation — nobody but Google themselves can know exactly what is happening behind those doors. But in a feeble attempt at guessing, perhaps Google is looking to form a partnership with a company such as Enano?

Silent - Green - Smart
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